I ate your brother

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

I let the body in my arms drop smirking at the harsh thud, "what have you done?!" I give my shoulders a lazy shrug as I observe the boys father who was staring at me in shock and disgust, "well I mean I thought that it was pretty obvious but I've murdered your son." I explain in a patronising tone, "you're a monster." Licking the blood off of my lips I grin savouring the sweet sweet taste, "you know it." I wink watching the rage take over the mans face, "I mean if it makes you feel any better your son was delicious, honestly he was sweet... like honey." I don't think it makes him feel any better, "you are going to pay for this..." He trails off realising he didn't know my name, "Violet. Violet Salvatore."

"Well you Violet are going to pay for what you have done." I can't help but snort, this man was as intimidating as a bunny, you know speaking of bunnies my brother Stefan liked to eat them. I wondered if he was munching on one at this very moment.

"What are you gonna kill me? Hate to break it to you Josh but you're not very scary." I tell him, "death is too good for you." He hisses, I groan and roll my eyes already bored of this, "alright well it was lovely to meet you, thanks for the snack but I best be going, you know I'm a busy girl, lots to do." I shrug turning around, suddenly I'm rooted in my place, "god damn it, you're a witch." I mutter annoyed, ugh witches were the worst, you should never get on a witches bad side, they were very dramatic when they retaliated and an overall pain in the ass.

When Joshua returns he's holding a golden circular contraption, it was quite pretty. "What's that?" I ask as he smirks, "an ascendant, I'm going to use it to put you somewhere, a place where monsters belong." I roll my eyes, "alright I asked what it was, I wasn't expecting a whole essay in response." He scowls at me before dumping a small vial of blood over the ascendant, "I'll be back Joshua Parker and I'll be out for blood, your blood." I threaten as he begins to mutter a spell over and over, "I wouldn't count on it." He hums, "I would, although I don't expect you to taste nearly as good as Jake or Jamie or whatever over there." I smile amused as he gets rilled up. He begins to chant faster and I fall to the ground and whimper as an unbearable pain begins to spread throughout my body.

I open my eyes as the pain ceases to see that I'm in the same spot except I'm alone, there was no sign of Joshua or even his dead son. I stand and brush the dirt from my clothes, my eyebrows raise as I notice a house, that hadn't been there before. "Hello? Joshua?" I call out making my way into the house, I notice the blood splattered all over the walls, what had happened here? The house was empty, there was no one here, it's like everyone had just vanished on the spot. I inspected the house a bit more wanting to find out about Joshua so that I could find some weaknesses, I didn't find much the old man was boring, all I literally could find were tons of pictures of his a million kids, the man sure did get busy.

I noticed a picture of one of the two sets of twins, it was the older pair, the boy was cute like really cute I'd admit that. I bet he tasted nice, I noticed that the cute boys always did.

I check the area and that was also empty not a single person in sight, that stupid witch must've banished me somewhere without people, I roll my eyes as I hijack a motorcycle, I was going to desiccate without blood, so I better get looking for the hospitals.

After a few weeks I give up, desiccating myself would be better than this stupid empty hell. I carve myself a steak, and then lay in the middle of the road admiring the stars as they twinkled in the night sky, with a sigh, "goodbye hell." I lift the steak and then plunge it into my chest a pained groan escaping me as my body goes limp.

My eyes fly open squinting into the bright sky which was burning my eyes, I pull the steak from my chest and toss it to the side, what the hell? I should be dead. Why wasn't I dead? "Yeah you can't die here." I shoot up from where I was laying to lock eyes with a pair of intense blue. "What?" He shrugs sending me a smirk, "you can not die here, I mean I thought it was pretty self explanatory but-" I roll my eyes, "shut up." It was Joshua's son, the cute twin. "You're Joshua's son."  The boys eyes narrow at me as I mention his father, "yeah how do you know him?" I smirk, "he sent me here...because I ate your brother." I wink watching the boys eyebrows raise, "huh, well welcome to the 1994 prison world, I'm Kai, and this place was created for me." He winks, "you're not mad that I killed your brother?" I ask a bit confused, I knew that I would've been beyond pissed if someone had killed Stefan or Damon.

"Nah, I killed the other four of my siblings, that's what landed me here." He shrugs making me nod, ok so I was imprisoned with a mentally unstable guy that's cool.

"If you're a witch why haven't you left?" I ask the boy curious, "I can't leave I need a special kind of witch, a Bennett witch." He tells me and I shrug, "Never heard of them and I am a vampire so no magic from me." He sighs, "also I don't actually have any magic of my own." He says, "that sucks but I don't really care."

"Anyways you see I'm really thirsty, fresh blood always tastes nicer than the bagged stuff and the last proper meal that I had was your brother, and whilst he was de-li-cious you're much cuter and will probably taste even nicer so do you mind?" He blinks at me for second before shrugging, "sure why not, can't die here anyways." I wink at him, "exactly."

I dig into his neck, grinning at his hiss of pain, and I was right he tasted amazing, so much better than his brother, his blood was so sweet and warm it was like a metallic hot chocolate and I felt like I may have never stopped drinking.

Eventually I did pull away, I had to remember control, I couldn't let myself give into the hunger, not matter how much I wanted to. I look at the pale boy and sigh, "here sit down." I instruct pulling him down onto the sidewalk, "drink this." I bite into my arm and then put it into his mouth, he grimaces and then wipes his mouth with his sleeve. "Thanks for that, you were exquisite." I tell him as I help him back up, he smirks at me, "you're welcome." I notice the blood left on his neck, "oh wait a second you have a little-" I then lean forward and lick the blood from his neck, "yum."

Hey guys I hope you like the new story, I wasn't even gonna post it yet but then I thought in honour of May 10th why not?

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