Hello Brother

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"Kai you're so irritating, why do we have to go to mystic falls?" I ask looking over at my friend? I don't know, I guess we were friends we have spent the last ten years with each other. "Because like I told you, I sense that there's someone there." I huff and lean back in my seat, "who would it even be?" He shrugs turning his attention back to the road, "how am I supposed to know but what if it's a Bennett witch?" He asks making me shrug, "I doubt that it'd be a Bennett witch."

"I don't want to go." I moan making Kai roll his eyes, "why are you so annoying?" He groans making me turn to him incredulously, "I'm annoying? Have you met yourself?" He smirks, "I have actually I'm a rather, handsome and charming guy." I scoff, "more like a narcissist prick." He turns to me, "violet don't be so rude." Because his attention was on me he swerved, "keep your eyes on the road idiot." I yell, reaching over to steady the wheel, "but there's no one else on the roads." He says, "and yet you still can't drive."


We ended up getting into a minor argument and Kai decided to desiccate me, "wake up sleepy head." He grins finally giving me blood after four months as I glare at him, "why the hell did it take you four months to wake me?" I ask finishing the blood bag that he gave me in seconds, "I was doing some recon." He shrugs, "recon? We're not in a spy movie dumbass." He rolls his eyes at me, "give me your arm." I instruct holding my hand out to him. "Why?" I huff and take his arm forcefully, "I'm still hungry."

"Ok so who's here with us?" I ask after my appetite was curbed, "it's a Bennett witch." My eyes widen, "no way, if you're messing with me Kai I swear to god-" he chuckles, "relax, Vi I'm being serious, her name is Bonnie Bennett and she's with her friend Damon, the only problem is she doesn't have her magic." He tells me making me deflate a bit, "but I have a plan for that." He assures me. "Come on." He urges, "Where are we going?" I ask as I fall in step with him, "to the supermarket."

Kai had a plan to get this so called Bennett witch's magic back, so first we'd set the merry go round off and then I would stand behind a truck before zooming off making our duo argue, which they loved to do apparently, therefore separating them. Kai would deal with Damon whereas I would distract Bonnie for a short while before she busts in to save the day.

The plan was going according to plan, Bonnie and her friend began arguing before Kai and I even did anything, then just like Kai predicted Bonnie stormed off and Damon went back inside. As soon as Bonnie walks past the car I was sat on she stops for a second and then turns to face me. I continue to sip from my juice box giving her a wave.

"Who are you?" She asks, I hop down off of the car, "I think the real question is who are you?" I ask watching the emotions flicker across her face, "I'm Bonnie." I nod, "and why are you here Bonnie?" She gives me a long and hard look, "why are you?" She asks crossing her arms, "mm I asked you first." She gives me a slight glare, "I'm not telling you anything, I don't even know your name." I smile at her courage, "hi there, Violet Salvatore at your service." Something flashes in her eyes, "Salvatore? As is Stefan and Damon Salvatore?" My heart skips a beat as I hear my brothers names. "You know my brothers?" I ask her forgetting about everything for a second.

"Brothers?" Suddenly it clicks, Kai said Bonnie was here with her friend Damon, he was talking about my brother and that little rat didn't tell me, "Damon's here with you isn't he?" I ask her and she nods looking confused, "we need to get inside now." I tell her knowing how wrong everything could go with both of the psychopaths who were inside alone.

Also I wanted to scare her a bit, Kai did say we needed her to be stressed in order for her magic to return. She looks at the not a hundred percent genuine fear on my face and begins to worry herself. "What? Why?" I shake my head really selling the scared act, Damon was a vampire so Kai couldn't do much damage and if Damon did end up killing Kai then he'd come back later so there wasn't much to actually fear.

She nods and we run in to find Kai, holding an umbrella stand above my brother, well it turns out I overestimated Damon's strength, he was getting his ass handed to him, "Kai!" I call out pretending to be afraid, he looks up at me and smirks, "stay away from him." Bonnie glares, "The useless one is here. Thank God. I've watched you try to do magic for months now. What are you gonna do, fail at me? It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed for you." I hold in my laughter as Bonnie looks at Damon who looks back at her, not noticing me yet. She then looks a candle on a side shelf and it lights up. Damon is relieved while Bonnie is happily surprised. "Uh -oh."

"Run." Bonnie instructs Damon who superspeeds out of there, "Phesmatos Incendia." My eyebrows raise as fire lights up in front of Kai. I was impressed for a girl who couldn't do magic, she sure was doing a good job. "Ok. Ok. Ok." Kai says trying to calm everything down, "Giving up so soon? I'm embarrassed for you." Bonnie smirks making me snort. Damon then knocks Kai out from behind, "Sorry I called you the most annoying person in the world. I hadn't met him yet." Bonnie smiles and I let out a fake cough. "Well as touching as that was, I'm guessing we don't want to be stood around here all day?" I ask finally catching my older brothers attention, his eyes widen comically as they land on me, "Violet?" I smirk, "hello brother."

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