"Well we have bad history."- I sighed questioning myself why did I decide to open up to this guy who I barely knew. But I had to let it all out.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about it but if you need a pair of good listening ears I happen to have the best."-he gave me a warm smile to make me feel better.

"Thank you I appreciate it. I haven't had anyone to talk to about this kind of stuff."-tears were now forming and I did my best to contain them, I didn't want to look weak.

"Don't you have friends, family?"- he seemed confused.

"All the friends I had were his friends too so when we broke up nobody talked to me anymore even tho it was his fault. As for my parents I was hoping I could ask you to call them just to not let them worry. I figured you have my phone and the idiot wouldn't agree on giving it to me.

"Yeah sure you can call them now, say you're on vocation or something or Seraphis won't be happy if you reveal any other information."

I rolled my eyes at his name and reached my hand to take Tarik's phone. I dialed the number hoping they would pick it up fast.

"Amber where are you, we are so worried you haven't called in two days." - the voice practically made my ears go deaf.

"Hey Marisa, I'm fine nothing to worry about."- I laughed to make it more believable but deep down I was shattered.

"Who's number is this?"

"Emm, it's a friend's of mine." - I said in a low voice.

"Friend?" - I couldn't tell if she was happy or confused.

"Marisa, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but after the break up with Liam I decided I needed a holiday. I hope you're not mad."

"Oh honey not at all, you deserve it but just please call us whenever you can, you know we panic sometimes." - her voice warmed my heart and I knew I missed her so much.

"Let me talk to her."-I heard my dad's voice from across the phone.

"Amber dad wants to talk to you."

"Sure give him the phone."
"Hi Daniel."

"You made your mother have a heart attack."- he joked because he was always the type to joke and make everyone laugh.

"Hahaha she sounded fine tho."- I tried to laugh so they wouldn't suspect anything.

"Who's your friend, I heard you told your mom you're with a friend. Is it a new boyfriend?"

"No,no,"- I basically screamed,- he is a college friend."

"Oh, I see. Well enjoy your holiday honey and be safe."

"Thank you, I will call you soon."- I lied because either I wouldn't have a chance of calling them again or I'd soon be dead. At least I talked to them one last time.
"I love you byeee." - I made sure of saying that, just in case.

"We love you too bye sweetheart."- they sweetly said and I ended the call.

"Thank you Tarik this meant so much to me."- I gave Tarik his phone trying to thank him enough because of his sweet gesture.

"Don't mention it, but do you mind me asking why you call your parents by their names?" - I knew he'd ask me, it was very obvious and everyone has asked me before.

"They're not my biological parents."

"Oh I'm sorry."- he had a sad look on his face and I knew he really meant it.

"It's fine, I love them, they're good people I just can't bring myself to call them mom and dad and I know it hurts them but I just can't."

"I'm sure they understand.What happened to your parents? I'm sorry if I'm being nosy."

"Not at all, I should talk to someone and since you're my only option we can talk about whatever you want."

"Ouch that hurt."- he laughed to put an end on the depressed mood spreading all over us.

"Well you are,- I laughed back ,- I can't talk to that idiot and it's not like there is anyone else here."

"I'm joking."- he smiled and I noticed that this moment was the first one for me to get a better look at him. He was really handsome and the kind heart he had was a plus.

"Maybe all the Gods were this hot."- I though bitting my lip at the image of Seraphis.
"What the fuck?"- my mind screamed at me making me jump. "What the fuck was that thought about that psycho?"
"Don't you ever do that."- my mind continued to judge me.

"But he is so sexy, strong and hot and gorgeous and those lips, not to mention the tattoes on his abs and chest and muscled arms and the image of him in boxers..."-my subconscious was literally trying to make me kill myself for thinking positive things about him and picking a fight with my logical mind.

"He tried to murder me and still wants too, he's keeping me hostage for fuck's sake he doesn't deserve any compliments."- I talked back to my subconscious to side and agree with my mind and to distract myself from those illegal thoughts I turned to talk back to Tarik hoping he didn't notice my black out.

"They died in a car accident."- I said tears finding their way back to my eyes fighting to get out of there like they were trapped. Thinking about them always had this kind of effect on me. I'd always cry. And since that asshole mentioned my dad earlier and caused this situation I might as well let it all out now.

"I'm sorry Amber, I hope they are in a good place."

"They are,they were the best, they didn't do anything to anyone and everybody loved them."- I was now crying hysterically and I felt Tarik arms wrapping around me and I hugged him back forcefully. I needed this.

"I was supposed to die to, it should have been me who died not them."- I continued and the tears were washing Tarik's shirt.

"No don't say that, don't blame it on yourself"- he tried to comfort me and I noticed his voice had a hint of pain and sincerity inside.

"But I should have,- I moved my head and arms to face him,- I was in the car too, but I, I didn't die, they did."

He tried to wipe the tears from my face but even a paper towel couldn't do that, my face was practically sinking in my tears.

"You were needed here on earth that's why you didn't die"- he gave me a smile that melted my heart.

"But why were they taken away from me, why?"  - I just continued crying ignoring the puffy eyes I was gonna have later.

"That's just how the world works pretty. Know that they always watch you so don't be sad.They would't want you to be."

"But how can I not be sad? My parents died, my ex ruined my life and now Seraphis is continuing my ex's job. Why didn't God take me too, to see me suffer to make my life miserable?"- my tears had stopped now leaving their place to frustration.

Tarik didn't say anything, what could he possibly have said? Instead he hugged me again and so did I this time more tightly.

"Khmm."- a voice made us turn our heads to the door.

"Am I interrupting something?"- Seraphis was now standing in front of us and I could tell he wasn't pleased by what he saw. I didn't know if it was my mind playing silly and tricky games or was the idiot really jealous?

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