Evie, (Girls):
🎶(One kiss, one kiss)🎶
🎶It all comes down to this🎶
🎶(One kiss, one kiss)🎶
🎶(One kiss, one kiss)🎶
🎶This moment could be it🎶
🎶I, I, I wanna know🎶
🎶So here I go (go)🎶

Evie, (Girls):
🎶Keep it cool, keep it calm🎶
🎶Think he's loved me all along🎶
🎶But maybe I got it wrong🎶
🎶So I don't know (hey)🎶
🎶He's so good, got my back🎶
🎶But maybe I'm just too bad🎶
🎶Could we be a perfect match?🎶
🎶Now, I don't know🎶
🎶Does he love me? Or does he love me not?🎶
🎶Do I love him? And is it strong enough?🎶


🎶(One kiss, one kiss)🎶
🎶It all comes down to this🎶
🎶(One kiss, one kiss)🎶
🎶(One kiss, one kiss)🎶
🎶This moment could be it🎶
🎶I, I, I wanna know🎶
🎶So here I go (go)🎶
🎶Yeah, here I go🎶

🎶I feel my heartbeat beating saying, "It's gonna work"🎶
🎶But if I'm dream-dream-dreaming, this is gonna hurt🎶
🎶Either I will or I won't🎶
🎶What if I do and he don't?🎶
🎶Is he my Romeo?🎶
🎶Oh, there's only one, one way to really know🎶
🎶Hey, one kiss, one kiss🎶
🎶It all comes down to this (one kiss)🎶
🎶One kiss, one kiss (one kiss)🎶
🎶One kiss, one kiss🎶
🎶This moment could be it🎶
🎶I, I, I wanna know (I wanna know)🎶
🎶So here I go (go)🎶
🎶Here I go🎶
🎶Here I go (here I go, here I go)🎶
🎶Here I go

I looked down at Haden's sleeping figure before pressing my lips to his gently. I pulled away before opening my eyes. But Haden's didn't. I looked away feeling my heart hit my stomach. A gasp came from behind and I spun around to see Haden Jolt upright with wide eyes. His hair went up in flames as he looked around. "How am I here?" He asked. I smiled at him. "I broke the spell." I answered. "How?" He asked swinging his feet off the table as he hung his head. "True love's kiss." I breathed as I sat beside down him. His head snapped up and looked at me. I smiled at him and he returned it before leaning closer. He brought his hand up to my neck before pressing his lips against mine for about 8 seconds before pulling away to breathe. "Damn." He breathed out opening his eyes. "Was it bad?" I asked. "Is the Fairy Godmother evil?" He asked. I shook my head with a smile. "Then no." He added with a wide smile before a plank of wood slammed into a window followed by another plank and dozens more. "We're trapped!" Celia yelled out. We ran out the room and met up with the others. "Is everyone okay? What's going on?" I asked. "You've caused my friends pain and fear. We've had enough, now disappear!" Mal shouted with green eyes. "You guys, I'm sorry. My spells aren't working." Mal announced. Uma held up her magic necklace. "Mal." She said grabbing her hand and reciting the spell but didn't work. "Audrey's magic is too powerful to break." Uma breathed leaning on her knees. "Haden! You're a God! Surely you have enough power to break us out." I asked. "I don't know, Eve. Audrey's sleep spell dampened my powers a bit. I'm not at 100% anymore." Haden said. "But I'll try." He said as he walked to the door and pressed his hands to the door. His hair swirled around as his hands glowed a cerulean blue. He pushed on the door and screamed through gritted teeth. I pulled Uma and Mal back as Uma pulled Celia back. The door glowed the same as his energy before it fired back at him and sent him flying head over heels over the table into the wall. He crashed to the floor with a groan. "Ow." He strained getting to his feet. "Γιος μιας σκύλας!" He cursed in Greek. "I can't do it." He panted shaking his head. "My powers were drained. It's like Audrey was using me as a power battery and recharging herself." Haden said between breaths. "The ember." Uma said pulling it out. "What?" Haden asked. "Hades' ember. Here." Uma said giving it to him. As soon as the ember made contact with Haden, his eyes glowed bright neon blue and his hair flared. "Uh...we might wanna back up." I warned. Haden got to his feet before walking to the door and pressing his palm to the door. "Άνοιξε!" He shouted. The doors flew open and a blast of air entered the building. Haden let go of the ember before collapsing to a knee out of breath. I ran to him and helped him to his feet. "Damn. Why didn't we find him first? He can save Auradon with a snap of his fingers." Uma stated. Haden picked up the ember and gave it to Mal. "I think you should hold onto that. We wouldn't want me to overload on Hades' power." Haden said. "No we wouldn't." I said as he rested his head on my shoulder with a sigh. "Oh. My. Gosh. You guys are SO cute!" Celia squealed with a wide smile. Haden couldn't help but laugh into my shoulder.

Prince of the UnderworldWhere stories live. Discover now