Chapter 25

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Sunlight streamed through the half-closed curtains of their bedroom, landing across tangled limbs. Cheryl's morning alarm went off, loudly blasting from somewhere in the room. The redhead rubbed her eyes and got up to turn off her alarm. She shivered when her feet hit the cold hardwood floor and the cold air from the room left goosebumps on her bare arms and legs. Cheryl scurried over to the dresser where her phone was charging and shut off the alarm finally.

"Get back under these covers, baby," Toni said, her voice muffled by the pillow her head was rested on. "It's freezing in this bed without your warm body in it with me." Toni added with a slight pout.

"TT, as much as I want to stay here with you, I have to get ready for school," Cheryl explained to her girlfriend as she wrapped a sheet around her body and started to get up, but Toni grabbed her hand to stop her.

"It's Saturday, Cher." Toni chuckled. "Now come back to bed with me."

"Oh, I must have forgotten to shut off me alarm last night," Cheryl mumbled to herself, laying back down and pulling the sheets back over herself. The redhead snuggled closer to her girlfriend and wrapped her arm around her waist, resting her head where Toni's neck meets her shoulder.

"Good morning," Cheryl whispered into Toni's ear.

"Morning, baby," Toni replied, kissing Cheryl's forehead and wrapping her arm around her shoulders.

They laid like that in a comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the silence in the quiet room. And Toni and Cheryl always made sure to enjoy every minute of it as much as possible. Cheryl began to trace the loin tattoo on Toni's left upper arm, it was a habit she fell into whenever they were cuddling.

"You know, sometimes I only think you're dating me for my ink, Cher" Toni chuckled looking down at her girlfriend.

"Of course I'm not," Cheryl laughed. "How many do you have again?"

"Three," Toni replied. "Are you going to make me do the thing again, where you go through all of my tattoos and have me explain what each one means?"

"I wasn't going to, but now that you mention it, I might as well," Cheryl said, smiling from ear to ear. Toni sighed, which made Cheryl giggle. This is something Cheryl and Toni do whenever Cheryl feels slightly overwhelmed. Like this Toni can get Cheryl's mind away from all the bad thoughts she might have. And even though Toni acts like she doesn't like it, in reality she loves it whenever Cheryl traces the lines of her tattoos and the moments when Cheryl just wants to listen to the reason behind a tattoo. It's just something that has grown on them ever since they became closer.

"You don't have to explain to me what your 'stay strong' and your 'believe in yourself' tattoo mean. They are both in your mothers hand writing. And those two things your mothers always says to you whenever you felt down or still feel down today. Your mom always said this whenever things seemed to get harder at the beginning or whenever you came home frustrated because someone was an asshole again that day. And when you finally got the chance to be your true self you ask your mom if it was okay with her if you get those two things tattooed on your chest over your heart. Like this you could always look at it every morning when you wake up and have a great start to your day or whenever you felt down but your mom wasn't around." Cheryl said silently, a slight blush covering her cheeks. Toni looked down at her with surprise covering her facial expression. If Toni was honest she knew that Cheryl listened to everything she told her, but she never imagined that Cheryl would know the exact reason for those tattoos without having to think about it to long.

In moments like these Toni fell in love with Cheryl all over again.

"You know you truly the best person to ever be in my life." Toni said and leaned down to kiss Cheryl slightly.

"I love you so much Toni" Cheryl whispered as she broke the kiss for a small moment.

"I love you more baby" Toni whispered before connecting their lips again. They only broke the kiss as the need to breath got too much but Toni still had the need to be close to Cheryl, so she pulled her as close as possible and held her. Cheryl knew that in this moment Toni just needed to be close to her and know that she will never leave her. Which is something that Cheryl would never do in her life because that would break her as much as it would break Toni. So Cheryl decided to let Toni pull her closer and started to trace the lion tattoo again. They stayed like this for a little until Cheryl knew that Toni was calm again.

"I know the whole story behind those two tattoos but I never got to know the story behind the lion tattoo. And I think that the meaning behind it must be something special because it is close to your heart again. But every time I tried to ask you about it, you always changed the topic and I get it I really do but I would like to get to know you better. But I never ask because I was kinda to scared to hurt you by asking..." Cheryl got quiet before she could end her sentence to scared to hurt Toni's feelings.

"Cher, babe look at me please," Even though Toni ask her Cheryl still didn't want to make eyes contact with Toni. So Toni placed her finger under Cheryl's chin and moved her head up until their eyes met.

"There are the beautiful eyes I fell in love with," this made Cheryl smile again.

"Listen to me babe, you can ask me anything, okay? I know that I still don't talk about everything but I promise you that whatever you ask me I will try my best to answer you, okay?" Cheryl still didn't trust her voice enough, so she just nodded and even though Toni knows that she is still a little scared she knows that Cheryl understands.

"Okay now about your question considering my lion tattoo. You are completely right about it being special to me and that it must be special to me because it's close to my heart is correct as well. I got this tattoo in honer of my grandfather. He was one of the view people who always supported me, no matter what, no questions ask. Whenever I needed help and asked him for it, he did everything in his power to help me. My grandfather was one of the first people who I came out to, and he accepted me the minuted I told him. He never asks questions about it. All he did was support me and made sure that I was comfortable. But over the years he got sick. One night my mom got a call from the police that my grandfather was missing and that they will search for him, but they needed either my mom or dad to come there to help. But because of my siblings and I my mom couldn't go. So my dad drove in the middle of the night to the police station and helped to look for my grandfather. They were looking for him over three hours before my dad and some police man found him in the town where he was born. He was a completely confused and didn't know how he got there. After that my dad brought my grandfather home to us and my parents started to look for a senior center. I mean he could have lived with us for some time but my parents were so busy and it would have been too much. I think it took over three months to find a place but after they found on everything seemed to be okay again. At least I thought so. We visited him as often as we could and I would always sit close to him and cuddle a little with him because he made me feel safe. He kinda my safe place. Wherever he was I felt save. I only needed to be close to him or know that he was there, close by and I would feel safe. But after six months of my grandfather staying there my parents said that it would be better for me and my siblings if we didn't visit at the moment, because apparently the sickness he had got worst and my mother was scared that this could completely destroy is, destroy me...that we would change the way we see our grandfather. Because he wasn't the man he used to be. But all this time I hoped that there would be one day when I could sit with him together, one day when I could be close to him again. But Mom told me that he wasn't doing so well, that every day he felt worse and it was important for them that I would keep the man in mind who always supported me. But at the stage he was at that moment it could be possible that he wouldn't be able to remember me or recognized me. At that time I didn't understand what my mom meant, and I was kinda mad at her. But the older I got the more I understood what she meant and her reasons why she did what she did. It would have complete broke me if the man who helped me through so much would sit in front of me and ask who I was. Then one night my mom got a call saying that my grandfather was brought to the hospital but that there wasn't really a lot that could do for him now. And even though my parents wanted to do something they couldn't because my grandfather had a Patient Decree. I was heartbroken the moment my mom told me that my grandfather died but I knew that he was in a better place now and that he is finally feeling better. Because I knew even though I didn't see him that he wasn't feeling like himself the whole time. I promised myself that I would one day get I tattoo in honor if the man who supported and motivated me through the hard times my life. The man I could go to whenever I needed someone to talk to who wasn't my mom. Someone who I knew from the day I was born. That is way I got the lion in my left upper arm. He stands for the fighter my grandfather was as well as the support my grandfather gave me. The cherry blossom under it is a symbol for love, beauty and the passing of time. It is a metaphor for the transience of life."

After Toni finished the story behind the tattoo all Cheryl did was pull him closer and hugged her as close as possible. While Toni was telling Cheryl the story behind the tattoo she didn't even realize that she had tears running down her cheeks. And Cheryl didn't realize that the reason behind the tattoo was such a huge and wonderful reason. But she knew that Toni's grandfather was an amazing person from the stories she had heard from Fangs. But hearing this now just made her realized that Toni had to go through so much already, and she was glad that he had the supporters she had. That there were always people who helped her no matter what. And from the day she met him she knew that she wanted to be one of those people in the future and now she was one, and she will do everything in her power to prove to Toni that she will never leave him again.

"That is such an amazing story Toni. I know that your grandfather was really important to you and I would have loved to meet the person who helped you through so much, the person who supported you no matter what. I know that I would have loved him as well. This tattoo shows how much you love your family. Thank you for sharing the story with me. I know that it is something you don't like to talk about but you did and I'm so grateful for it. "

"He would have loved you Cher. I wanted to tell you about him earlier but it still kinda hurts to talk about it even though a lot of time has passed already."

"It's normal that it still hurts TT, but I promise you that I will always be by your side and support you no matter what. And I know that your grandfather it up there somewhere making sure that your okay."

"I love you so much Cheryl"

"I love you more TT"

Cheryl pulled Toni closer so that her head was laying on her chest, and she traced her lion tattoo again. Knowing that it calmed both of them down and before she knows it both of them fell asleep again until they were woken up hours later, well rested and decided to have a really relaxing day.

 Knowing that it calmed both of them down and before she knows it both of them fell asleep again until they were woken up hours later, well rested and decided to have a really relaxing day

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Here is the lion tattoo I described, so that you could see what I actually meant. The story behind this tattoo is real and a personal one as well. The tattoo is my own and please don't use this picture for anything else.

I hope you guys like this little updated. Let me know in the comments what you want to read next or what ideas of your own you guys have. I love reading your thoughts and everything.

Stay say 

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