Chapter 3

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Cheryl's POV

I was at the Sweet River, and I was just thinking about everything that happened. I could no longer control my emotions and I started to break the ice layer with the stone, I was crying and I couldn't stop. The ice started to break, that's when I heard her. That scream from the person that changed everything. The scream from the girl I broke, the girl I am in love with. Toni...the love of my life, who I lost. She started to run to me and I wanted to move... I wanted to run to her but I couldn't the ice broke and I fell into the water.

I woke up and sat up, I was breathing heavily and my whole body was covered in sweat. But wait that wasn't a dream. I fell into Sweet River. The Ice broke and I fell into the water but how can that be that I am laying in a bed. Was it all a dream. Did Heather never cheat on me and all I did was dream about it. But that can't be it felt so real. The moment I spent in the ice and Toni standing on the other side yelling and then starting to run towards me. Why was she even there. I hurt her but she still came looking for me. Wait were even am I. I looked around and the second I did I knew that I was in Toni's room. She brought me to her place...she saved me. But I didn't deserve it. I hurt her and she still saved me. But where is she now.

I stood up and started to walk around and as soon as I did I heard that someone was in the kitchen. That is probably Toni. I made my way to the kitchen and what I saw is something I would love to see every day. Toni was at the stove cooking and dancing to the music she had put on. Am I still dreaming...this can't be real. I can't be here with Toni. I don't deserve to be here. How...

''How what Cher'' Toni said and made me jump a little.


''You said how and I ask you how what?''

''Oh'' I looked at the ground I just couldn't look Toni into the eyes. I just can't but then Toni grabbed my chin and lifted my head up so that I was looking into her beautiful eyes.

''You can tell me the truth Cheryl''

''I was... I don't understand how this is happening... I mean the last thing I really remember is me standing in the ice, you scream and then me falling into the water. But then I woke up her. Was this all a dream or...''

''Oh Cher. It is defenetly not a dream. Last night you were standing on the ice of Sweet River but before I was able to get you down from the Ice, it broke and you fell into the water. I ran as fast as I could through the snow to get to you and as soon as I found you I did everything I could to get you out of it. After I got you out of the water I carried you here and laid you down in my bed after I changed your wet cloth. Then I laid down on the couch and now we are here.''

''You saved me...''

''Of course I did an...''

''But I said all these awful things to you''

''Cheryl I didn't care about the things you said. Of course, it hurt at first but I got over it. I forgave you''

'' You forgave me but still ignored me?''

''I knew better than to come up to you and try to talk to you. Cheryl you were happy with Heather and I just couldn't keep watching while she was hurting you, so I kept my distance. I want what's best for you and that never changes even if it means to me to keep my distance. As long as you are happy everything is perfect.''

''But I am never happy when you not with me. You are the one person who changed my life. And after our fight I thought that I lost you forever. That I lost the one person who is important to me.''

''Cher I will always be there for you even when we are fighting. I am never going to leave you and that is never going to change. I...I love you Cheryl and I couldn't live with myself if something had happened to you.''

Wait did Toni just say that she loved me. That can't be real I must be dreaming.

''Do you mean it TT.''


''Did you mean it when you said that you love me?''

''I...yes it is true I love you Cheryl. The first time I met you. I had no idea I'd love you this much. You make me smile, you are everything to me Cheryl. The time we spent apart because of this stupid fight and the moment where I thought that I had lost you forever taught me that I don't and that I can't live my life without you in it.''

''I love you too TT. I didn't know I could find someone that can treat me right. Cause all the others didn't and it just hurt. That's why I stayed with Heather. Because I lost the hope that it will ever change. That my life would ever be happy. Then you came around and changed it all for me. Since you are in my life I smile and my life is happy. I am finally happy with the life I have and the time we spent apart was the worst time. It felt like I lost everything. I went trough all the photos of you and us together that I have so that I would smile again. But I just miss you and life is so much harder without you TT. I never want that to happen again. Because of that situation I lost hope and I almost died. Thank you for saving me and thank you for being here with me.''

''I am so sorry that you felt this way Cheryl. But I promise that I will always love you and that I will never treat you like the others. I will treat you like the queen you are and that will never change.''

''Thank you, TT. Thank you.''

''You don't need to thank me Cheryl everything I said was the truth and nothing more.''

I looked into her eyes and started to lean in. Toni did the same and it didn't take long until her lips were on mine. Finally, I was kissing the girl of my dreams. The girl who saved me. The love of my life. After some time we had to break apart because we need to breath.

''Cheryl would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?''

''I would love nothing more TT''

I finally got the girl of my dreams. Finally, something good happened in my life. I just hope that it will stay like this. But I am not going to worry about it, I just want to enjoy the moment with Toni, my girlfriend. Wow, I will never get used to that. Toni is finally my girlfriend.

For the rest of the day me and Toni just enjoyed being together. I cleaned her hand, and we talked about what happened yesterday. After we spoke about everything we just cuddled and watch some movies

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