Chapter 20

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'' Cher..."
That was all Toni could say before her eyes closed again. Cheryl was still next to her. She hasn't moved...not even a tiny bit. Nana Rose went looking for Toni's doctor and came back to the room just to see that Cheryl was standing next to Toni's side, their hands intertwined, tears streaming down her face. But a little smile on her face. Doctor McKay checked everything before turning to Nana Rose and Cheryl.

Doctor McKay POV
I was talking with a nurse as I saw that someone was walking up to me. The closer the person got I had a better chance to see who it was. And as soon as I saw who it was my heart dropped. It was the elderly woman who was here with the redhead teenager for the girl with the stap wound. If I just could think of a name. Sometimes I really ask myself how I can be a doctor but am so bad with names. But then the name popped into my head. Blossom.

"Mrs. Blossom. Is everything okay? Is something with my patient Antoinette?"

"I think she is waking up. At least that is what it looked and sound like. She started to groan and move a little. Her eyes opened for a few seconds as well. Can you please just come with me and make sure that Antoinette is okay?"

"Yeah of course."

Before I walked away I excused myself and told the nurse that we can talk later some more. But then I quickly followed the elderly woman. You would think that she is a slow walked, but she is so much faster and I almost had to run after her. But she is just worried, and she probably still has adrenalin running through her body.

As soon as we got into the room I saw how exhausted and a little sad the young teenager was looking. She had tears running down her face but was still there for her girlfriend. I walked over to the machines and checked everything and it really seems like it. Toni is really waking up. If I'm being honest I would have thought that it would take a little longer for her to wake up, but she really is a fighter.

While I was checking everything I could feel the eyes of Mrs Blossom in me. Watching every step, every move I made and I knew that if I messed up one thing right now or just take to long to give them an answer that will be the last thing I will ever do. But before I was able to answer I had to take a deep breath and think about what I wanted to say.

''It seems like Antoinette is waking up. Right now her body is still a little weak but the more she rests the better it will be. It might be a short time until she fully wakes up or a couple of hours but soon you will be able to talk to her again.''

''Thank you. For everything, you have done for her. Without your help she wouldn't be here with us anymore. I'm just glad that she is still here.'' Mrs. Blossom said.

''I only did my job but I appreciate what you said Mrs. Blossom. But Antoinette here is really a fighter. I don't know if I would have been able to safer her if she wouldn't have fought so much.''

''Yeah she is small but a huge fighter''

After talking to Mrs. Blossom a little longer I excused myself and left them alone. I must say Mrs. Blossom seems to be very scary in some situations but all she did was care for the girl who was laying on my operation table. She was just scared. But when you really just talk with her she is such an amazing person. For people like her and everyone who is here for Antoinette I love doing my job, I just wished that some more people could be like them that would make our job so much easier.

Cheryl's POV

Hours went by but Toni still hasn't woken up. I know that the doctor said that it will take some time. But I just want to look into those amazing eyes. The eyes of the love of my life. I just want to be able to talk to her again. Hold her. Cuddle her. Just be close to her. I never thought that I could miss a person as much as I miss Toni right now. But it just feels right. With Toni everything seems so much easier and just perfect. And I would want to change my life for anything all I want is to spend the rest of my life with my TT. I know we are still young but it just feels right.

While I was thinking about all of that I didn't saw that Toni began to stir again. Just as she was about to open her eyes. That was the moment I saw that she was finally waking up.

''TT?'' It took a couple of seconds but then her beautiful eyes open, and I was lost in them as soon as our eyes met.

''Hey my love, how are you feeling?'' I ask carefully.

''I'm tired and my side hurts a little. Why am I in the hospital?''

''What is the last thing you remember?''

''I was at Pop's getting us food. I was at the car and then Heather came up to me and oh no what did she do?''

''She stabbed you my love.'' I said with tears running down my face.

''Hey, hey princess please don't cry. None of this is your fault okay. No one except Heather is at fault. I'm here my love. I'm right here and I will never leave you I promise.''

''I love you so much''

''I love you too''

I slowly leaned closer to Toni and gave her a slow kiss. I still had tears running down my face but right now they are more like happy tears because I finally got my TT back.

''I don't want to interrupt you but I would love to greet Antoinette as well and I'm pretty sure that everyone who is still in the waiting room would love to see her as well.''

I slowly pulled away from Toni and my Nana hugged Toni. They talked a little before Nana went out to get the others. All this time my hand never left Toni's. It didn't take long until everyone was in the room. Happy to see that Toni was doing alright. Even Dr. McKay came and told us that Toni could come home with us tomorrow. She would have to come for weekly checkups but I would finally be able to cuddle and spent every damn minute of the day with my TT.


Let me know in the comments what you think and what you want to happen next.

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Stay safe

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