Chapter 23

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Mention of smut, don't like it don't read it. Just skip this chapter then.

Toni woke up first. She turned over to face Cheryl, appreciating the beauty. The sun fell perfectly on her face and a small smile tugged at her lips. Her hair was splayed across the pillow, somehow managing to fall perfectly. Her eyes were shut gently, her whole face relaxed. For Toni there was something so grounding and calming that came from just watching her. She breathed out slowly and Cheryl turned a little, releasing a small sniffle. Toni tried not to laugh with her affection a heat spreading across her chest and sending her heart racing at a million miles an hour.

"Her heart!" Toni's thoughts began to slip into a blind panic. She tried to calm herself, focusing on her breathing but it wasn't working. She bolted upright and tried to take control. She could see Cheryl breathing. She was being stupid. Her brain was so frustrating. She knew she shouldn't panic, she didn't need to but every cell in her body was flooded with adrenaline. Her chest began to tighten and her breathing became more labored, turning into pants as she desperately tried to pull air into her lungs, almost doubling over in her efforts.

Cheryl woke to a panicked puppy nudging her face. She turned over, ready to chastise Toni for letting her in but instead saw the woman almost doubled over. "Toni!" she almost shouted and sat up. She placed a hand on her chest and Toni's hand moved to clutch it.

"I'm here," she told her softly, moving behind her and holding her. Toni breathing began to fall under control, sinking with Cheryl's. The puppy had nudged herself onto Toni's lap.

"Did you hear me?" Toni asked.

"Bella woke me. They say some dogs can sense panic," she told her, "What happened?" she asked more softly. Toni spun around to face her.

"Panic attack. I used to have them a lot."

"Do you want to get some breakfast, and then we can cuddle and watch a movie?" Cheryl suggested and Toni nodded. "Go shower, it helps," Cheryl added casually.

"It helps?" Toni asked.

"My mother is Penelope Blossom, I had a lot of panic attacks," she shrugged, "I hated crowds, I would panic before every gala and tests were the worst, I would vomit before them most nights. Anything I could be measured in would give me cold sweats, an inability to breath and nausea," she confessed, "I was never good enough either," she added with a weak smile. Toni had climbed off the bed but returned to in front of Cheryl and took her face in her hands.

"Cheryl Blossom. You are better than her. You are more than good enough and You are so loved," she told her with a kiss. Cheryl felt tears sting the back of her eyes but blinked them away.

"I'll make pancakes," she suggested, deflecting. Toni sensed the tactic and let it drop, a wide smile spread across her pancakes.

"You are especially loved by me," she smiled and kissed her again, making her way to the shower.

"I love you too," Cheryl called after her and looked down at Bella, "Are you hungry?" she asked the dog, in a baby voice, "I bet you are," she smiled and helped her down to the floor, "Let's get you some food, Bella," she let the dog lead the way to the kitchen. And for the rest of the day they mostly spend it cuddling and Cheryl was just making sure that Toni was okay. The situation from that morning reminded her a lot of her childhood, and she wanted to do anything and everything she could do in her power to keep Toni from any harm and from her having to suffer from panic attacks. Cheryl knows how it feels and all she truly wants is to protect Toni and that is all she will do and no one should be in her way.


The next day

Toni woke up with a plan. Well, half a plan. Maybe 25% of a plan. It was more of an idea. She was awake before Cheryl, and she really needed to start working out again after letting it slip for the past few weeks, she needed to do some exercise. So she dressed in a sports bra and some mini shorts and made her way to the garden to work out.

Cheryl woke up to an empty bed and considering yesterday's wake up she instantly panicked. She jumped out of bed, pulling on a sweater over her sleep shirt and began her search for Toni. She found her pretty much as soon as she left their bedroom though, she was out on the balcony doing pull-ups on a bar she must have set up in what could only be described as very little clothing. A tortuously small amount of clothing actually. Toni still hadn't noticed, so she decided to appreciate the view a little longer, grabbing herself a cup of coffee.

Toni had noticed Cheryl, but she wasn't going to let on that she knew Cheryl had basically spent the last ten minutes checking her out. She could feel her eyes wandering her body as she did pull up after pull up and press-up after press-up. It took everything inside her not to turn around and catch Cheryl's eye. Eventually, after what felt like hours, Cheryl took some initiative.

"Morning," she made her way out onto the balcony, sipping her coffee. Toni instantly regretted not having looked sooner, she was wearing one of Toni's oversized shirts, Toni would normally wear mini shorts with it but it was long enough on Cheryl that she didn't have to. 'Oh my-, her legs look good,' Toni thought to herself, trying not to let it be known how much Cheryl's gaze was affecting her.

Cheryl had finally taken it upon herself to make herself known to Toni and the front view was even better than the back but Cheryl couldn't let her see how much those abs affected her, so she smiled and used sipping her coffee as an excuse to rake her eyes across her girlfriend's body. "Morning," Toni replied with a little smile, but she was out of breath, she did another pull up as she said it, the muscles across her body rippling as they tensed and relaxed. Cheryl took another long sip of her coffee, trying desperately not to choke. "How did you sleep?" Toni asked her, her breathing still labored as she continued with her pull-ups. Cheryl leaned back against the balcony.

Cheryl leaned back against the balcony and her shirt rode a little higher and Toni thought she might spontaneously combust right there. Cheryl Marjory Blossom and that sleep shirt will be the death of her. She busied herself with push-ups as she waited for Cheryl's response. "Quite well, thank you," Cheryl replied, her voice smooth as she blew on her coffee again though her eyes never left Toni's, "How about you?". Did that woman know how hot she sounded? Did she know what she was doing to me? Toni thought to herself.

Did Toni know what she was doing to Lena? Every time she did a pull-up more and more fire pooled in her abdomen. She used the guise of blowing on her already cold coffee to get her breathing under control. "Better than last night," Toni didn't reply with a smile this time. God Cheryl would've given anything for that stupid smile instead she groaned as Toni did yet another pull-up. Cheryl's whole body was close to being set on fire. That girl was going to be the death of her. She took another sip of her coffee and leaned a little further back onto the railing as she watched Toni.

Cheryl leans further back into the railing and her shirt rose up, even more, exposing her thigh in one corner. Did Cheryl realize what she was doing to Toni? She tried for another pull-up trying to distract herself, but she knew it was time to give her arms a break. She groaned again as she tried to do yet another, but failed.

She groaned again. Toni groaned again. Cheryl couldn't take it. She needed a cold shower, or just to get out of there, but she was transfixed by the beauty in front of her. Surely those abs counted as six of the seven wonders of the world and those biceps would definitely be the seventh and eighth. Cheryl sighed heavily and took another long sip of her coffee.

That sigh. That sigh might as well as have been a bullet of shooting Toni through the heart. She dropped from the bar, landing perfectly on her feet and excused herself to go take a very cold shower with a kiss on Cheryl's cheek.

Toni jumped down and started to walk toward Cheryl, who secretly hoped Toni would just take her right there. "I need to have a shower," Toni smiled and kissed her lightly on the cheek before walking off. A shower. Cheryl did not need those images in her head. "Have fun, my love," she smiled. A shower. Those abs plus water. Cheryl shook her head, trying to banish the images.

My love. Those words did something to her. Those words zapped her like a bolt of lightning, and she thought her legs would crumble beneath her. My love. Of course, Cheryl had to use those words. She cursed herself and scurried off to the shower, banishing the images of what it would like to have Cheryl in there with her.

Cheryl walked back into the kitchen setting her coffee cup down, and she heard a phone ring with a call. The shower turned on at the same time. She reached for it, answering it by instinct.


When Toni left the shower, she found Cheryl in the kitchen making pancakes. She had a huge smile on her face. "What made you so happy?" Toni wrapped her arms around her waist from behind and kissed her neck. Cheryl served the pancake onto the stack and moved the pan off the heat.

"I had a nice talk with Betty," she smiled, smugly, she spun around in Toni's arms, so they faced each other. God. Toni was in a different sports bra and a pair of low-cut sweatpants with a that perfectly cut v-line abs on show.

"She called you?" Toni asked, trying to keep her composure. Cheryl was still wearing that sleep shirt and up close it was slightly see-through and Cheryl wore red underwear. To make matters worse her shirt definitely rode up as Cheryl spun around and now their bodies were pressed up against each other with a very little barrier.

"To check in," Cheryl told her, "On both of us. She thought I would be more honest,".

"What did she wanted to talk about with you?" Toni asked.

Toni bit her lip as she asked the question. God, why did she have to bite her lip? Cheryl was staring at Toni's lips. Cheryl was staring... She finally managed to get her eyes to obey her brain, and they darted upwards to meet Toni's. She definitely noticed. "Nothing much," Lena smiled smoothly.

"If you say so," Toni sighed, her head falling to Cheryl's shoulder for just a second. Toni's breath ghosted over Cheryl's pulse point as she did and Cheryl had to halt the shudder taking over her whole body.

Cheryl nodded, becoming distracted as she looked into Toni's eyes. Toni was pressing even closer to her. "Fuck it," Cheryl thought and moved her hands to the back of Toni's neck pulling her closer to kiss her. Toni had no complaints and pushed Cheryl into the counter more but the redhead stopped her with a hand on Toni's abdomen.

Toni tried to push against Cheryl more, but she was leaning against a stove. No matter how much Cheryl just wanted to kiss Toni she did not want to be burnt. She pulled away from the kiss and placed a hand on Toni's abdomen. God, those abs. Cheryl let out an unintentional sigh and tried to find her words.

"No matter how much I want to kiss you right now, my love," Cheryl's voice was slightly lower than usual and it didn't go unnoticed by Toni. She swallowed hard, trying not to focus on the hand on her abs. "You are pushing me against a stove and I don't want to be burnt," she told her.

Toni's next move took Cheryl by complete surprise, she found herself being pushed against the counter opposite as Toni's lips met hers again. The kiss was slow and passionate, Toni's tongue darting into her mouth, determined to explore every part of her mouth. Cheryl sighed into the kiss and her hands began to wander across Toni's back but the brunette had other ideas, she lifted Cheryl and placed her on the counter. Her legs wrapped around Toni's waist, and she pressed into Toni's abs. Toni's breath hitched in her throat as she pulled away moving to kiss down Cheryl's neck. The idea of breakfast was long forgotten. Toni's hands moved to the hem of Cheryl's shirt, and they slipped under her shirt. Cheryl's back arched a little, pressing into Toni even more and the brunette moaned against Cheryl's neck. Her nails digging into Cheryl's back.

Fuck," Cheryl rasped and Toni pulled away to look at her. Her eyes were blazing when they met Cheryl's, her pupils almost blown in desire.

"Can I take your shirt off?" Toni breathed. Cheryl could only nod in response, her own hands moving down to help Toni as the shirt was pulled overhead and off. Toni looked dazed, almost drunk, as she looked at Cheryl. It was Cheryl who reattached their lips, one of Toni's hands moved to her boob, massaging it over the material. Cheryl's moan was swallowed up by Toni.

Cheryl's hands moved to the buttons on Toni's shirt. "Do you like this one?" she asked.

"Not really," Toni smiled, knowing Cheryl just wanted to rip it off.

"Good," Cheryl smiled, doing exactly as Toni expected, some buttons flew off but Toni didn't care, and she pulled Cheryl closer, sitting up, so she could remove it properly. Toni picked Cheryl up and slowly walked with her to their bedroom.

"Do you want to do this?" Cheryl asked Toni, panting a little as Toni trailed kisses down Cheryl's neck and jaw. Toni removed her lips for a second and Cheryl whimpered a little at the loss. She looked at Cheryl in the eyes.

"Yes," Cheryl husked and Toni resumed her kisses making her way to Cheryl's collarbone as she bit and sucked on the flesh in open-mouthed kisses, leaving marks Cheryl was sure she'd struggle to cover up. As Toni moved further down her hands moved around Cheryl's back, hovering over Cheryl's bra, as if asking permission. Not wanting Toni's lips to leave her body, Cheryl removed the bra herself, throwing it away into a corner of the room and letting Toni push her back down on the bed. Toni was majestic, she straddled Cheryl's waist, her hair was pushed to one side of her neck and her muscles rippled across her whole body. Cheryl sat up again and reached for the hem of Toni's sports bra. "

"I've got it," Toni took it off herself and reattached her lips to Cheryl's pushing the redhead back down onto the bed.


Happy Pride Month guys, remember that you are accepter for who you are, no one can take that away from you and anyone who tries was never worth your time or having you in their life. Everyone is perfect the way they are and no one should try and change that never forget that. 
Stay safe.

I hope you like this little chapter.

If you have any ideas or wishes leave them in the comments or write me on privat

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