Chapter 10

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Smut warning!!!!!!!!!!! I apologize in advance if this chapter sucks, I'm sorry''

Cheryl glanced around her bedroom with a satisfied nod. It had taken several hours, but she'd finally cleaned it to an acceptable standard. The redhead strode over to the long mirror that hung on the back of her bedroom door and inspected her appearance. She wore the red dress that seemed to drive Toni crazy with desire. Her red hair was long and loosely curled. Her red lipstick applied as perfect as always. After everything that had happened with Heather, everything was a bit awkward. And Cheryl and Toni didn't want that anymore. And it had taken two months, but Toni's broken nose was finally fixed and the bruising had gone. Both Cheryl and Toni finally began to feel like themselves again.

The teen went over to her phone to check if she had any messages but sadly she didn't. Suddenly Cheryl heard the sounds of Toni's motorcycle, and she looked up from her phone and out of her bedroom window. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Toni inspecting her own appearance in the reflection of her window. The other teen needn't have worried, because Cheryl's jaw had dropped at how hot her girlfriend looked.

Cheryl darted out of her bedroom and down the stairs. But instead of heading for the front door to let Toni in, she dashed through to the kitchen around the back of the house.

"Nana she's here! A-are you...are you going yet or...?" Cheryl said, trying to act casual. But Rosanna Blossom let out a chuckle, rolling her eyes as she closed her purse. Her granddaughter was far too obvious to her own good sometimes.

"Don't worry, I'm going I'm going!" Nana said in an amused tone, knowing full well that her granddaughter wanted the house all to herself and her girlfriend. After all, it had been Nana's idea in the first place. For Cheryl to invite Toni round. Nana Rose had agreed to spend the night at her friend's tonight, giving Cheryl and Toni all the privacy they needed.

The woman strode up to her granddaughter, smiling broadly and throwing the teen a wink, "Have an amazing night kiddo."

Cheryl could feel her cheeks flush pink in embarrassment. While there was a huge benefit to her Nana being so relaxed about the idea of her teenage granddaughter being sexually active, it made for very embarrassing comments at times. Like that time Toni followed Cheryl downstairs one morning to make some coffee and the two teens had started making out up against the fridge. And Cheryl's Nana had arrived home after her morning appointment, and had casually wandered up to the fridge with a smirk, pulling the door open to grab her water from inside, startling Toni and Cheryl. God, her Nana had mentioned something about how making out seemed like a far healthier way to wake up on a Sunday morning than going for an appointment. And Cheryl had cringed while Nana Rose had grinned at the embarrassed teens.

Toni quickly made her way up the path to Cheryl's house, her stomach twisting in excitement. Two months on since they'd started dating and Toni still got excited to see Cheryl. And tonight they got the house to themselves.

Riverdale High had become an odd environment following the arrest and expulsion of Cheryl's ex-girlfriend Heather. Back on that fateful Friday, when Toni and Heather had fought, the teens had all ended up in the Principal's office with their respective parents. When Principal Weatherbee had heard Toni explain that Josie had been the one to tell Heather about her and Cheryl, and Heather had nodded in agreement (stupidly thinking that it might be a way of shifting the blame), the man had summoned Josie to the Principal's office. Josie had almost immediately broken down in tears, apologizing to Cheryl and reluctantly apologizing to Toni too.

The punishment for Josie was suspension as of immediate effect from Riverdale High for the rest of the school year, bringing her plans of going to college to an abrupt end. She was given no option but to have to retake her senior year again, with the year that were currently below her.

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