Chapter 21

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Toni's POV

Two weeks ago I woke up in the hospital. Two weeks ago the bitch named Heather. Why did she do it? I don't fucking know. But maybe everything is going to be better from now on, because Heather finally got arrested and is now in jail. Hopefully me and Cheryl will be able to have a normal life from now on. Well maybe not normal but with less creepy people around us.

After I finally woke up after my surgery, Cheryl and Nana Rose were there with me the whole time. It really helped me. Especially as I saw Cheryl standing next to me as I woke up. Having all of my friends around me helped a lot as well. I only had to stay for two days after I woke up because Dr. McKay wanted to make sure that everything is completely okay. She is really an amazing doctor, and I am so glad that she was my doctor. I only have to go to the hospital once a week to check that everything is okay but other than that I couldn't be happier.

But enough of me guys. Today it's my lovely girlfriends birthday!!! I want to surprise her with an amazing day and some of her dream presents. It's supposed to be the perfect day for her as a thank you for her being there for me in this time where I literally need help with anything and just a day where I can spoil her as much as I want without her complaining. I actually had this day planned for the past four month, but I was I little scared and worried that I would be able to go trough with my plan because of my injuries. But luckily I still can surprise her. All I hope is that she will enjoy today and that she will be happy with everything I have prepared. I'm a little nervous but I think she will like it. Wish me luck!!!


No once POV

Cheryl woke up to an empty bed, with the sunshine pouring all over the red sheets of Toni's empty bed side. She was confused at first. The girl sat up and saw a little note on Toni's pillow.

Good morning, my beautiful princess! Hopefully you can forgive me for not being there when you awoke, but I'm in the kitchen, preparing a little morning surprise to start your day. Come out when you're ready. Love you! xo

Cheryl couldn't wipe the smile off of her face. She soon notices the trail of rose petals leading to the door. She stood up, naked but confident (obviously) and wrapped the red sheet around her body. She follows the trail of roses to the kitchen and sees her brunette girlfriend in a hoodie and gray laced panties. Toni was unaware of her girlfriend watching her. Cheryl walks up behind her and wraps her arms around her waist, biting the girl's ear lobe gently. Toni leans into her and sighs in content.

Toni turns in the girl's arms, and wraps Cheryl's arms around her neck, wrapping her arms around the ginger's waist, pulling her closer by the blanket. She rests her forehead on Cheryl's and smiles.

"Happy birthday, princess." Toni whispers, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"It hasn't even been an hour, yet today already feels so perfect." Cheryl beams. Toni chuckles lightly, finally pressing her lips to her significant other's.

"Don't worry, Cher. It's getting better and better by the minute. Just you wait."

"And, what did I do to deserve this?"

"This is your day. And I want it to be the best day of your life."

"Add last night to your list then, I'm surprised I could even walk." Cheryl says, making the brunette laugh.

Toni made Cheryl her favorite breakfast: Chocolate chip pancakes, eggs, bacon, various fruit, and orange juice. The twosome ate in the living room cuddled close together, watching old Disney movies before they get ready for their day.

After their shower together, "Babe, what do you want me to wear?" Cheryl asks Toni, who is drying her hair.

"Anything comfy." "What are you wearing?" "This."

Toni walks over to her dresser and pulls out a pair of dark blue jeans, black tank top, and a red plaid shirt wrapped around her hips, with her leather jacked. Cheryl isn't surprised. She loves this look on Toni. The redhead decides to match the girl, wearing distress jeans that are folded a little above her ankles, a red tank top and red leather jacket. As well as putting a black bandanna to wrap around her loose curls. Toni smiles at seeing the girl's outfit.

"You're so beautiful." Toni says wrapping her arms around Cheryl's arms from behind. She kisses the redhead's cheek before muttering, "You ready to go?" The girl nods.

Toni drives for twenty minutes before stopping at an outdoor outlet mall that has all of Cheryl's favorites shops. Cheryl squeals in excitement as they park. As they exit the car, Cheryl practically jumps on top of Toni, engulfing the girl in a hug.

"We haven't even gotten to the shops yet." Toni laughs.

"I know, I just can't put into words how much I love you." Cheryl says, giving the girl one lingering kiss. The two intertwine their fingers and start for their walk to the shops.

A dozen or so shops later, Cheryl smiles brightly when she sees an old Photo Booth.

"TT! Let's go take pictures. I want to remember this day." Cheryl says, pulling Toni over. The two squish together in the small space, posing for the camera. After, they look at the photos.

"Probably my favorite photos with you." Toni grins.

"Oh, definitely." Cheryl beams.

"They're absolutely perfect." Cheryl states.

"Like you." Toni says, their eyes soon locking. Before Cheryl can tease Toni for being corny and cliché, Toni continues. "I know, that was too coupley and cliché. I'm ashamed." Cheryl laughs.

"You're adorable." "God, I'm losing my badass rep." Toni shakes her head. Cheryl starts to pull her to more shops. "Come on, my little gang member."

After two hours of thoroughly looking through every shop, they head home. At least that's what Cheryl thinks. When they park, Cheryl looks at Toni with confusion. Toni just pulls her out of the car, grabs a blanket and her acoustic guitar from the trunk, as well as a picnic basket. Cheryl squeals, again.

"Picnic in a park? Since when did Riverdale's badass become so romantic? Are you sure this is Toni Topaz? I remember dating a sarcastic, stubborn, little gang member." Cheryl jokes, Toni rolls her eyes.

The two lay the blanket on an empty part of the large field where many families and friends are hanging out. Toni takes out Chocolate covered strawberries, grapes and cheese, two sandwiches, as well as two packs of lunchables. Cheryl laughs at the set up.

"This is the best, this day can't get any better." Cheryl beams.

They eat and chat about anything and everything, something both girl's love about being with each other.

Toni, bites into another chocolate covered strawberry, but unknowingly has chocolate on the side of her mouth. Cheryl starts to giggle.

"What's so funny?" Toni asks, but Cheryl continued to laugh. Toni groaned and crossed her arms, pouting. Cheryl leaned over, showing off a very nice amount of cleavage, and licked off the chocolate at the side of the girl's mouth.

"I think I like the taste of you more." Cheryl smirked, heat rising to Toni's cheeks.

"Sing me something." Cheryl states, it's been thirty minutes, and Toni took out her guitar out of her case and quietly strummed as the two talked.

"What do you want to hear?" The brunette asks. Cheryl thought for a moment, "You. I don't mean, you singing any random song just because it's my favorite or it's popular. Something that means something to you. Something from your heart." Cheryl knew Toni had a difficult time when it came to expressing her feelings. But Toni is mainly open to Cheryl now, since Cheryl is all she's got.

Toni smiled at her, scooting closer to the girl. She started to strum a familiar tune.

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