Chapter 12

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Cheryl's hand were shaking, her palms sweaty and her heart racing. Her mom was here. She couldn't believe it her mother shouldn't be here. Her mother should be far away and not right in front of her. How is that possible. She hoped that she finally could let go of here life before Toni had saved her. But here she is sitting in her room on her bed with her mother in front of her. This has to be a dream. No not a dream this is her biggest nightmare. The devil in person is standing right in front of her. She has to wake up. She has to get away from her. This has to stop. This...this just can't be real. Everything seemed to be so perfect. Toni and her life seemed so perfect. So why does this have to happen now. Or was her perfect life just a dream. Was this the real life. That she never escaped her mother and Heather. That she and Toni were never together. If she was being honest...that would probably be true with her luck. With her luck she was only able to dream of her perfect life...and that in real life she is never going to escape her mother.

Cheryl slowly locked up from her hands. She has to face her monster of a mother. And as soon as she locked up she knew that it was the biggest mistake she has ever done. Her mothers face only showing the emotion it can show. Hate. The only visible thing you can see in her face is...hate. That is just lovely...waking up from her dream life to her mothers face. That is just awesome. Now she is here with her mother in one room. Toni has no idea what Cheryl actually feels. She was never in a relationship with the love of her life. If Cheryl was being honest she felt like crying right now. Why can't she just be happy. Is that too much to ask for. She finally opened up to the person she felt safe with. And everything that she thought that happened was real but it was just a freaking dream. She was finally feeling safe but it was just a trick of her mind. She knew she was not supposed to feel safe with someone or in a moment. She knows that she is not allowed to feel happy for once because something always ruin it. Life is never perfect for her. So why should this one thing be true. Why would Toni really want her when all she did was cause was drama. Like her mother always says she is a nightmare child. Nobody wants a nightmare child.

"How can I help you mother..." Cheryl asks already know the answer would be something insulting or worse.

"Oh nothing I was just wondering how you can live with yourself"

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean how often do I have to tell you to not let people to close to you. Do you just don't get what I mean are you to dumb."

"What are you talking about mother."

"I mean that with you letting Heather so close and this Toni girl, it is clear that one of them is going to break you. All I am going to say is...let someone to close to you and they will always find a way to break you. It always happens."

"They can't break already broke me mother. There is nothing left for them to break."

"That is not my fault. If you wouldn't be such a disappointment and be normal. If you stopped following your deviant ways. Then you life would be a hell lot of easier. But you can change that. Stop your deviant ways and you can have it all."

"I am not changing. I would rather die alone then be like you."

"It's your own fault then. I tried to safe you. But maybe they can save you."

"What are you talking about..." But Penelope just stared at her.

"Mother what did you do..." And then she felt it. Two people grabbing her wrists. Pulling her away from her mother. Pulling her outside trying to put her into a van. But Cheryl tried to run, she tried to free herself. But nothing seem to help. They seem to get stronger with every try. But then she heard a noise. Like someone calls her. She stops struggling for and locked around. But no one was there except for the two strange people. But then there was the noice again and something shaking her. Then Cheryl felt something hitting her head. And everything went black. A few seconds later she heard the noise again, and she felt someone shake her. She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't. She wanted to see who was calling her.

Then the voice started to get louder. But she still couldn't open her eyes. So she focused on the voice. Who would be calling her. Why would someone call her. As she listened closer she recognized the voice. She knows this voice by heart. It was Toni. But why would Toni be calling her. And why was she crying. Why would someone as awesome as Toni be crying over her. Cheryl starts to get frustrated. She really wants to open her eyes, but she can't. Why can't she open her eyes. Come one this is just a freaking dream. Toni is right next to you. Your mother is gone. No one can hurt you or the people you love.

Cheryl woke up and sat up straight in her bed. She was covered in her sweat. Breathing heavily and her eyes filled with tears. She was pulled into someones arms but Cheryl just couldn't look up. By the smell she knew that Toni was holding her. And she could hear Toni whisper little things so that she would calm down. It took a few minutes but Cheryl was finally calming down. Toni had pulled her into her lap and Cheryl cuddled closer to her. No one said a word they just sat there in bed. Cheryl's breathing evening out and everything seemed to get back to normal. Toni kissed Cheryl on the head and held her a little closer.

"Everything alright my love?" Toni whispered. But Cheryl didn't answer. Toni knew by the way Cheryl tensed up the dream, no nightmare she had had something to do with her mother. So she tried to reassure her girlfriend as good as she could. She knew in this state Cheryl will never talk. The best thing and the easiest thing to do right now is to wait and let the girl who is curled up in her lap be relaxed. Toni had to wait for Cheryl to be comfortable.

"She was back...she was back, and they wanted to take me away..."

"Who did what princess. Who wanted to take you away."

"My mother she was right in front of me and some guys they pulled me away....they wanted to bring me away..."

That was all Toni needed to know her girlfriend was shaking and terrified, because of her stupid mother. She was really hoping that Cheryl would be able to be free from everything that happened. And well it seemed like she was. But the past few days Cheryl has been a little off and well Toni was worried but didn't want to upset Cheryl and now this happened. Now Toni feels like it's her fault because she didn't talk to Cheryl or helped her. Maybe she could have been able to stop this from happening. But now it was too late. It has already happened so all Toni really could do is be there for Cheryl and help her as much as she can. Hopefully that will be enough. Hopefully she won't lose the love of her life.


I hope you like this little update.

Let me know if you have any ideas or wishes about what should happen next.

Check out @cherryserpentt

Stay safe in this time hopefully it will be all over soon.

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