Chapter 17

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''Sorry for the wait Veronica, but how can I help you?''

''It's no problem Pop, can you get Betty's and my usual ready?''

''Of course, your food will be right up''

As soon as Pop said that he made his way into the kitchen to start to make the food. Veronica just sat down and locked through her social medias. Something made her look up from her phone. She can't say what. But what she saw scared her. There outside from Pops stood Heather right in front of Toni. Before Veronica could even maker her way outside she saw how Toni dropped to the ground. At this moment she blacked out. All she knows is that she yelled for Pops to call an ambulance and the police. She ran outside to Toni. And there she was. Laying on the ground, a knocked out Heather next to her. But Toni was barely breathing, and she was loosing a lot of blood. Veronica pulls Toni's head into her lap and places her hand over the wound on Toni's side. She tried to hold it together, but she already had tears running down her cheek. She tried so hard to keep it together, but she couldn't. Toni's eyes start to close and Veronica starts to panic.

''No, no, no, Toni, hey Toni, come on look at me please. Please open your eyes. Come are a fighter...please fight...we all need you...''

''Cher...'' Was all Toni got out before her eyes were closed. Veronica checked if she was still breathing and luckily she was. But she was scared.

''Don't you dare. Don't you dare Toni. I swear if you die now, I will bring you back to kill you myself. We need you... Cheryl needs you...please fight Toni...fight please we can't lose you.''

Veronica was sobbing. That is how Pop found her as he came out running. And as soon as he saw why Veronica was so sad and crying his heart broke. There on the ground was laying the girl who saved him multiple times. Who he saw growing up. Toni was like his own daughter. Toni's parents used to be really close to Pop, and he knew Toni from the day she was born. He promised to Toni's parents that he will always protect Toni as well as FP did. But here he is. He wasn't able to protect her. And now he has to see the girl who has a special place in his heart dying on the ground.

''No, no, no, no, who did this Veronica, please Veronica tell me who did this to her!?'' Pop ask with tears in his eyes. Veronica was only able to look up shortly and looked to Heather who was laying on the ground. Her eyes red from crying.

Pop walked over to Heather, anger in his eyes. He couldn't believe this. Why would anyone do this to Toni. She helps so many people without thinking what problems she might get because of it. But she still helps them. Pop kneels down beside her. Heather was slowly starting to wake up. Pop looked her into her eyes. But he didn't say anything. Pop knew about the things that went down between Toni and Heather. But he couldn't understand why this girl, can do something like this, she had no reason to do anything. Heather looked really confused but before she could ask what was going on, the sirens of the police car were heard and Pop stood back up and walked over to Veronica and sat down next to her. Brushing the hair out of Toni's face.

''Do you know what happened Veronica?'' Veronica only shook her head no, she wasn't able to speak.

''It's going to be okay. Toni is a fighter, and we will make sure that everything is going to be okay.'' Pop gave Veronica a side hug and held her close.

The police arrived at the same time as the ambulance. Pop walked over to the police. There he was directly ask what had happened. Pop told them that he didn't see anything but that he had security cameras and that he would gladly give the security footage to them. As soon as the police saw that Heather was lying on the ground they told Pop that they will take care of everything. One of the police officers went with Pop to the diner and got the footage and as soon as they got it they got Heather in the car and drove off.

Toni was placed into the ambulance and was checked out. One of the paramedics ask if Veronica or Pop would want to ride with them. Veronica looked at Pop and he just nodded.

''Drive with Toni, I will be right behind you and will meet you at the hospital. Stay with her and make sure that our little fighter keeps fighting okay.''

''Okay, I will meet you at the hospital.'' Veronica gave Pop a hug and climbed into the ambulance and took Toni's hand into her own again. Pop ran to his car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. His grip tight around his steering wheel. Tears in his eyes and his mind was racing.

At the hospital Toni was taken into emergence surgery and Pop and Veronica had to wait in the waiting room. Veronica's legs keep bouncing because of her nerves, Pop placed one of his hands onto her leg to calm her down and it helped. Veronica looked up and Pop smiled at her. And after almost an hour Veronica smiled. Even if it was just for a few seconds, she at least tried to smile.

''Everything is going to be okay. Have you called anyone yet?'' Pop ask carefully and as he saw the look of horror in Veronica face he knew that she hasn't called anyone yet.

''Oh got, Cheryl is going to kill me. She hates it when Toni is getting hurt. And when she knows that it was Heather again, she will think that it was her fault again.'' Veronica started to panic.

''Hey, calm down, everything is going to be okay. You call Cheryl and Betty and I will call FP okay.'' Veronica only nodded.

Pop hugged her one last time and then got up to call FP. Veronica looked at her phone. She knew that she had to call Cheryl first, but she is a little nervous and scared at the same time. Because Cheryl can be scary sometimes but if you hurt Toni or if Toni just got hurt while doing something she is way scarier. She is just very protective over the people she loves, over the people she doesn't want to lose and Toni is one of those people. But before Veronica could even call Cheryl herself, her phone started going off and it was Cheryl. With shaking hands she accepted the call.

''Roni!! Do you know where Toni is? Nana said that she wanted to go to Pops and get us something to eat but that was over an hour ago, and she is not answering her phone. I called Betty, and she said that you are at Pop's as well. Is Toni maybe next to you?''

''Cheryl something happened and I don't know a good way to tell you. But let me talk first and then you can yell all you want okay?''

''Okay, please Roni tell me''

''Okay... Toni was stabbed. Heather stabbed her. Toni has lost a lot of blood. We are at the hospital right now.''

''Oh no...this can't be happening. I will be there as soon as possible.''

''Cheryl please don't driver yourself. I can ask Pop to come and pick you up''

''No, no it's okay, Nana and I will be there as soon as possible.''

''Okay be careful.''

''We will, see you soon''

After this phone call Veronica just needed to breath. Her head was in her hands. She didn't even realize that Pop got back and that he was sitting down next to her. Veronica only realized that he was back as she felt is hand on her back.

''Is Cheryl on her way?''

''Yes, Nana Rose and her are here soon. How did FP take the news?''

''He was shocked, but he will be here soon. Did you call Betty as well?''

''Oh shit I forgot to call her.''

''Don't worry I already called her, and she will be here soon.''

''Thank you Pop you the best.''

''I'm doing the best I can. I should have protected Toni better. If I had protected her better than we wouldn't be here.'' Pop said with tears runinning down his face.

''No one is at fault. No one could have seen this coming. Heather is just a huge bitch and I really hope that she will never come out of prison again.''

''We will do our best, we all will be there for Toni. She is a fighter''

Pop hold Veronica close until everyone came running into the waiting room. Veronica hugged Cheryl first and then Betty. Pop, FP and Nana Rose began to talk about everything that happened and if Pop knew anything about how Toni was doing. Nana Rose held Cheryl close and everyone was just sitting in the living room. Praying that Toni will be okay.


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Stay safe

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