Chapter 24

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Cheryl probably had one of the best wake-ups ever. Everywhere ached but only in a good way, and she was in the arms of her beautiful girlfriend, her naked body pressed up against hers. To say last night was good would be an understatement, most likely the understatement of the century. Cheryl felt the fire pool in her stomach again just thinking about it. She smiled to herself.

"Morning," a voice behind her rasped.

"Morning," Cheryl replied with a smile, turning over to attach their lips. "How are you?" she asked as the kiss broke.

"Average," Toni smirked teasingly but Cheryl didn't rise how the brunette wanted, instead she pushed her down and climbed on top of her.

"Well, I guess we're going to have to change that," she purred, sweeping her hair out of the way, so she could attach her lips to Toni's neck. Toni bit back a moan at the first contact, Cheryl moved her lips to Toni's ear, "I want to hear you," she whispered hungrily, letting her breath tickle her ear as she spoke before letting her lips brush of it teasingly and tugging on her ear lobe with her teeth, causing Toni's hips to buck into her.


It was late morning by the time Cheryl and Toni managed to get out of bed and through the shower (that was a difficult one and longer than anticipated). Today is going to be a relaxing day when they just relax and cuddle and maybe a little face time call with the gang. So Cheryl decided to just tugged on a hoodie from Toni and some shorts before joining Toni who had chosen to dress in sweats, choosing a tank top to this time much to Cheryl's relief. She was chopping strawberries when Cheryl walked in, careful to dodge Bella eating from her food bowl.

"Hi babe," Toni smiled, kissing her quickly as she continued cutting.

"Hi," Cheryl smiled at her.

"Have Betty or Veronica called yet?" she asked, taking a seat at the island across from Toni.

"No," Toni laid out some strawberries on top of the healthy bowl she had prepared for Cheryl, knowing how much she loved them. She slid it across the counter with a spoon.

"Thank you, TT," Cheryl smiled. "You should call them," she advised as Toni added strawberries and chocolate sauce to her waffles. "I think sooner we get the face time call over with the sooner we can just spend time alone," Cheryl added.

"You're always right you know," Toni sat down next to her.

"I know," Cheryl smiled.

"Why is your hair down? Normally you wear it up in the morning." she asked, "I like it,".

"It's a tactic. See, Miss Topaz," Cheryl poked her in the chest playfully, "Someone covered my neck in hickeys and I need to hide them," she leaned closer to Toni, "And I'm not the only one," she whispered in her ear.

"That's why you asked," Toni smiled.

"Yep," Cheryl laughed, "I think the only one who will enjoy seeing you covered in hickeys is Veronica and only, so she can see everyone be absolutely humiliated,". She reached up and pulled Toni's hair out of her bun. "That's better," she smiled and kissed Toni on the cheek before returning to her breakfast. The call came half-way through breakfast.

"Can you answer that please. They just want to annoy us." Cheryl asks with her best puppy eyes. Toni opened her laptop and connected to the call, Veronica and Betty on screen.

"So you guys are alive," Veronica joked pointedly.

"Told you so," Cheryl whispered against Toni's ear as she grabbed her plate to take to the dishwasher with her bowl.

"We had a lie-in," Toni smiled.

"Since when do you lie in?" Betty asked.

"Since I have the best girlfriend ever and the cutest puppy." Toni challenged her. Cheryl came back to sit next to Toni. Her hair unintentionally swept to one side. She changed it quickly but Veronica had already seen it and has the biggest smirk on her face. But before anyone could ask her about it, Kevin and Fangs connected to the call and Veronica just texted Cheryl.

Veronica: YOU HAD SEX!!!

Cheryl : wtf Roni!!!!

Veronica: You're glowing. You had sex. How was she?

Cheryl: Seriously?

Veronica: yes. I need gossip.

Veronica: please🥺🥺

Cheryl: I don't think good exactly covers it

Cheryl desperately tried not to smile as she typed.

Veronica: Best you've ever had?

Cheryl: easily

Cheryl: But it isn't like that was our first time

Veronica: WOW🎉😜

Cheryl: Shut up

Veronica: Neveeerrrr. You're glowing btw.

Veronica: Is that why your hair's down?

Cheryl watched as Veronica bit back a laugh as she saw Cheryl sigh in response.

Cheryl: yes

Veronica: No one else saw but nice 😏

Cheryl: fuck off

Veronica: Toni definitely is talented

Lena: I bruise easily, how obvious is it?

Veronica: Don't worry they won't see. Turn the video quality down and claim bad Wi-Fi if you're worried.

Cheryl: you sound like an expert

Veronica: I'm awesome 😋

Cheryl: I see...

No one notice Cheryl and Veronica discreetly texting and for the rest of the call they just talked about the newest gossip that has been going around Riverdale. Veronica teased Kevin the whole time who couldn't stop staring at Fangs. Cheryl was mostly lying on top of Toni and kept laughing whenever Kevin jumped because someone started to talk to him and brought him out of his day dreaming.


Three Weeks Later

Nighttime had fallen upon Riverdale meaning that people would either be sleeping, drunk off their ass at a bar, or well on their way to being drunk, but this was not the case for one particular person. Toni Topaz was standing in the kitchen, and she was waiting for the perfect time to strike which would be in about five more minutes. She slowly made her way up stairs trying to avoid making any kind of noise and risk waking either Nana Rose or Cheryl up. Thankfully she was able to be quiet enough. Climbing the stairs she quietly opened the door and slipped into her targeted room, the room of one unaware Cheryl Marjory Blossom, or as everyone else knew her as, Cheryl Bombshell. But while Toni walked into the room she stumbled over one of her sweatshirts and ran into Cheryl's desk. The moment were Toni hid the table and the things on top of it started to fall over Toni thought her surprise was over, and she totally ruined it. But all Cheryl did was move a little before burying her head deeper into Toni's pillow, which she had pulled closer towards her chest.

'Jeez Blossom I didn't think you were that heavy of a sleeper,' Toni thought smirking at the sleeping girl in front of her.

Taking a quick look at the clock she groaned and realized that she still had a couple of minutes and, ever the one to stick to her own devious plans, she sat down at Cheryl's desk and waited for the neon numbers to turn to twelve. While she waited she continued to watch Cheryl as she slept, blissfully unaware of everything that happened the last minutes in the room, and smiled softly.

Six months. They have been together for six months and endured many things through their first month, but thankfully after that no one seemed to bother them, except for Heather of course, but they don't really care at that point anymore, and it was only naturally that they would see the two together. Looking at the clock again, Toni noticed that it was now 12am, and she quickly jumped on the bed of her girlfriend making the redhead squeak before she kissed her and shut her up.

"Toni what are you doing its...twelve in the morning?" Cheryl asked looking over at her clock.

"What I can't I surprise my girlfriend?" Toni said smirking at the girl underneath her.

"Of course you can but not when it's the middle of the night, why aren't you sleeping?"

"Cher do you not know what today is?"

"'s May 9th why?" Cheryl asked thoroughly confused.

"Think hard Blossom, what makes today so special that I would go out of my way to wake you up at twelve in the morning?" Toni questioned folding her arms over her chest.

"May 9th...why is that so import...OUR ANNIVERSARY!" Cheryl yelled making Toni's smirk return to her features when she realized that her girlfriend's scream possibly woke up her Nana.

Giving a quick shrug Toni laid down next to the girl who held her heart and held out her arm giving Cheryl the clear sign she was wanting her near her. Cheryl slid into Toni's embrace and sighed as she laid her head on Toni's chest, getting comfortable when the door suddenly burst open to revile Nana Rose holding a baseball bat. Looking around quickly, Nana Rose noticed that no one besides Cheryl and Toni were in the room making her groan in frustration and giving Toni a pointed glare.

"Toni it's twelve in the morning, what did you do to make Cheryl scream," she pointed out as she chuckled.

" I wanted to surprise Cheryl for our anniversary, and she screamed," Toni said grinning at the now blushing girl, "sorry about that, it wasn't part of my plan to wake you up...or have a baseball bat pointed at me."

"Well," Nana Rose said putting the baseball bat down, "at least now I know that nothing bad is happening, and Toni next time inform me, so I know what to expect.''

"I will. Sorry again"

Nana Rose left the room, grumbling as she walked back down the hall to her bedroom, not even bothering to pay any attention to Cheryl as she thanked her for ruining the mood. Toni was laughing now as Cheryl buried her face backing into her girlfriend's body, attempting to hide her embarrassment in some way but having no such luck as Toni leaned down and kissed Cheryl on the top of her head.

"Hey calm down Blossom it wasn't that bad."

"Wasn't that BAD?" Cheryl asked glaring at the girl, "Toni what if she were to walk in on us know that?"

"Oh please like you would let me have sex with you, while your Nana is at home" Toni pointed out causing Cheryl to blush even more.


"What?" Toni asked in her 'Cheryl' voice.

"Look can we just lay here and enjoy each other's warmth?" Cheryl asked with a sigh, "And I don't talk like that."

Toni chuckled a little before pulling Cheryl down to lay next to her and got comfortable as her girlfriend snuggled into her before closing her eyes to get back to sleep. Quickly, Toni placed another kiss on the top of her head before whispering...

"Happy anniversary Cheryl."


Cheryl's POV

Today is mine and Toni's six-month anniversary. I still can't believe that we are finally together. It wasn't always easy, but we finally got our happy ending and i couldn't be happier. She really is the love of my life.

But there are still some people that are trying to separate us and i don't like it. I mean why can't they accept it that we are together. Why do people have to do hurtfull thinks to get their way.


No once POV

Cheryl woke up with Toni's arms wrapped around her. It seems like yesterday that she met Toni and that Toni had saved her from Heather and her parents. Now they are already celebrating their six months anniversary and for this special day Cheryl has bought a promise ring. With this she wants to promise to Toni to always be there for her and that they always will be together. That nothing can break them apart not even Heather.

Cheryl slowly gets out of the bed and prepares everything so that she can surprise Toni with some breakfast in bed, roses and the promise ring. She even talked about it with Nana Rose and all she said was that she is proud of me and that she really hopes that everything is going to be okay but that she is pretty sure that after she saw the ways Toni looks at me everyday she knows that everything is going to be okay. And that is all the help and courage Cheryl needed to do this. So after she had finished the pancakes she places them on the tray with some roses, a card and some coffee. The ring was hidden in her bedside table. Cheryl actually thought that Toni would find the ring before she was able to surprise her but luckily she didn't.

Suddenly the alarms started to go off and Cheryl instantly cursed herself for forgetting to turn it of but the fact that is such a heavy sleeper that she had an inability to wake up and instead pulled her in an extremely comfortable cuddle which Cheryl very much didn't want to leave. But she had a surprise waiting for Toni that couldn't wait, so she pressed a quick kiss to Toni's lips and went to extract herself from the strong arms, a near-impossible task, but Toni woke up.

"So that's the trick?" Cheryl teased and kissed her again chastely. Toni blinked in the morning light.

"I guess it is but you might need to confirm that theory," she shut her eyes and lay still again. Cheryl rolled her eyes and kissed her again, this time Toni didn't let her escape after a quick kiss and held her close so the kiss gradually became more passionate. Cheryl pulled away, reluctantly.

"Happy Anniversary baby" she gave Toni another short kiss.

"Happy Anniversary babe," Toni said and pulled Cheryl in for another kiss this time a much longer and more passionate kiss than before.

"I made breakfast," Cheryl whispered.

"You normally do that," Toni laughed, "I'm not allowed in the kitchen unsupervised except for breakfast food.". Cheryl sighed and indicated for Toni to sit up, climbing over her, so she could sit on Toni's other side and passing her the tray. Toni's eyes lit up upon seeing it.

"For me," she squeaked, happily.

"Yes," Cheryl smiled at her.

"Why?" Toni asked, eyeing up the food, flowers and card.

"Only the best for my love especially for today."

"Aww baby you didn't have to"

"But I wanted to"

Toni turned slightly so that she could kiss Cheryl better. The kiss wasn't as long or passionate as before but it showed them both how much they were in love. Cheryl was the first one to break the kiss and laid her forehead against Toni's.

"Why don't you open the card, mmh?"

"Okay" Toni carefully picked the card up but smelled at the roses fist. As soon as she opened the card she had a huge smile on her face.

I know this sounds clingy but hear me out. When I first met you I felt a good weird and that was because you gave me the amazing feeling of love I thought i could never have again, and I know that what we are is real and not child's play. Every morning I get extremely excited because I know I get to see you and that always makes my heart ache. You always make me feel like I actually belong somewhere in my life and no one else ever made me feel that way, whenever you're sad or anything like that I'm always here to help and give you more love when you're in need of it, I love your smile and how you look at me with your steel eyes that welcome me in and make me feel safe and at home, just you in general make me feel just myself again and bring me up when I'm at my lowest and you have no idea how grateful I am for that and someone like you, the love I have for you is everlasting and unconditional because you are you and I'll never love anyone else. I love you baby I really do <3 <3 <3

As Toni has finished reading the small card she had tears running down her face. But one thing she didn't notice was that Cheryl had grabbed the promise ring out of the bedside table. Now she was sitting next to Toni with the ring box opened in her hand. Her hands shaking and a few tears running down her cheeks. As soon as Toni saw that her hands flew up to her mouth a small gasp escaping her.

"This is not a proposal...yet. But with this ring I promise to never leave you and that i someday will change this ring to a wedding band I love you to the moon and back forever and ever and please don't believe what some idiots say. When you look at this ring, I hope it reminds you of my promise to never stop loving you. So please my love accept this ring with the promise that I'm ready to be yours, and yours alone." Cheryl ask hopefully.

Toni wasn't able to say anything she was to choked up with tears, so all she could do was nod. Both girls had tears running down her face. And Cheryl carefully got the ring out of the box and placed it on Toni's hands. The hands off both girls were shaking but as Cheryl finally got the ring on Toni's finger she pulled the other girl into a tight embrace and hold her cloth with tears running down their faces. After a couple of minutes Toni slowly pulled away and whipped her face.

"You sure do know how to steal the thunder. That was my idea with the promise ring. But you beat me to it. I wanted to promise you all those things as well." Toni said with a small chuckle.

Toni pulled out her ring box and opened it, as soon as Cheryl so that her hand flew up to her mouth and a small gasp escaped her.

"Aww baby"

"I promise all those things and so much more. I will always protect you no matter what. So please accept this ring as a promise to always be there for you."

Cheryl could only nod because she didn't trust her voice at the moment. Toni carefully slipped the ring onto Cheryl's finger and hugged the other girl thight.

They both couldn't believe that they had the same idea. But were happy anyways, because now they get to spend the rest of the day cuddling.


I hope you like this little chapter.

If you have any ideas or wishes leave them in the comments or write me on privat

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