Chapter 18

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Cheryl's POV

The moment Veronica told me that Toni was in the hospital I could feel my legs give out. All I can remember is telling Veronica that I will be there soon and telling my Nana that we have to go to the hospital.

If I have to explain what I'm feeling, I would say that I feel numb. I walked slowly behind my Nana. Getting into the passengers site. Nana was talking to me but I just... I just couldn't answer her. I'm trying so hard to form a sentence but... my brain just seemed to not be working.

I just couldn't get it into my head that my TT is in the hospital. I might lose her. Literally lose her. Our day started so well. We cuddled all morning. Talking, relaxing, watching movies, and we just enjoyed the time we spent together. I fell asleep and Toni wanted to surprise me and get us some Pop. We talked about getting it later, but she wanted to go all out and surprise me. When I woke up Nana told me that she just went out and that she will be back soon. But an hour went be, and she still wasn't back. At first, I just thought Pops was busy but more time went by, and she still wasn't back. So I called Betty if she knew anything. Betty told that Veronica met Toni at Pop's, so I called Veronica. And the moment that phone call began my whole world broke apart.

I can't lose her. I just can't lose the best thing in my life. What will I do if I lost her. Toni saved me from so many things. And I couldn't even saver her from one thing.

The moment we entered the hospital I hugged Veronica, Betty, Pop and FP. I talked shortly with Veronica and Betty before I made my way over to Nana Rose and sat down next to her. I was so lost in my thoughts that I can't remember anything. All I know is that my head was laying in my Nana's lap. I can hear all these voices around me but I can't hear what they talk about. All I could think about was that my girlfriend. The love of my life is in surgery right now. The fact that Heather the crazy bitch was the one who brought my TT here is just making the whole situation worse. I feel like this is my fault. That without me Toni wouldn't be here. But now it's too late. Toni was stabbed and is now in surgery. I just really hope that a doctor will be coming to us and tell us that Toni is out of surgery and that everything will be just fine. That I can soon lay in bed with my TT and cuddle with her.

Nana Rose's POV

We were sitting in the waiting room. I ask multiple time if anyone could tell me anything about Toni. But every time...every time they only told me that the doctor will come and tell us when the surgery is done. How can they be like this. I mean here in this waiting room are sitting teenager who are crying over their friend, friends and family who are frustrated but are told to stay calm. How can you stay calm when someone you dearly care for is in surgery. And all they tell you, is that the doctor will come at some point. Why??!!!

If Cheryl head wasn't laying in my lap right now, I would be yelling at those who won't tell me anything. But right now I have to concentrate in Cheryl. Ever since she received the call from Veronica she was quiet. Quieter than usual. And I'm worried. I know that she thinks that it's her fault. That it's her fault that Toni is in this state. But that is not true. It's far from the truth. No one could have stopped this. The only person who is at fault right now is Heather. And I swear if she ever crosses my way again she will regret everything she has done. I know that I could have done something way sooner. I know that I'm at fault as well but this Heather girl will regret everything she has done or planned to do. But right now there are only two people who are important and those are Toni and Cheryl. I just... I just really hope that everything is going to be okay with Toni. God knows what will happen if Cheryl looses the love of her life. When I'm completely honest...that is something that I never want to think of. How could I tell Cheryl that we could save the love of her life. I can't watch her fall apart again. Not when I finally got her back, and she is so happy.

I will do everything in my power to protect Cheryl as well as Toni. They just deserve to finally be happy without anything else.

Dr. McKay  POV

I was just about to go on my break when I call paged into an emergency surgery. The moment someone told me that I teenage girl got stabbed my heart just sunk. Why would someone stabbed a teenage girl. Why would anyone in their right mind stab anyone. But the moment I stepped into the operating room I tried everything to save this girl.

Finally, after two hours of surgery, I was able to get out of the operation room. It wasn't the easiest. At the beginning it only looked like a stab wound. But the wound was way deeper than we thought. We were able to stop but now I have to talk to the family and that is something that I hate the most. I mean I have good news but looking into all those sad face is just something I really hate about my job. But someone has to do it and I rather want it to be me than any of the nurses. I'm always hoping for the best but some family members can get kinda rude under this kind of stress. I mean I can totally understand why, that is why I hate to have to talk to family members. At least I have good news.

Finally, in the waiting room I saw that there were a lot of people. Must be a busy night for the hospital. I just hope that there is no emergency again. This was really tough.

''Antoinette Topaz?''

The moment I that those words, the half of the waiting room stood up. I was kinda shocked. I mean normally people have like a small group waiting for them. But here were at least twenty people standing in front of me. This might get a little harder than I thought.


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Stay safe

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