Chapter 13

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Ever since Cheryl had this dream she was always on edge. If Toni or her friends would move wrong or would say the wrong thing you could see how Cheryl tensed up and how uncomfortable she got. At this point Toni was always really careful around her. She knows that it was one thing she never wanted to do, but right now all she cares about is making sure that she is okay, and she is trying to not make it any worse. Cheryl was complete trying to keep her emotions and everything that was going on to herself. And Toni just hoped that she would open up to her, because she felt like it is worst to keep all this feeling bottled up and don't talk about it. The only person Cheryl is completely comfortable talking is her Nana. Most people might get frustrated with it but Toni could understand why Cheryl was so comfortable with her Nana. Her Nana was always there for her. Since the moment she was born, her Nana always made sure that she was alright. Toni accepted it .

Today was another one of Cheryl's bad days. Cheryl has bad and good days. On her good days she smiles every minute of the day. But on her bad days she is only thinking about something negative. And well today is a bad day. Toni needs to meet up with Sweet Pea and Fangs to clear somethings up. But Cheryl wasn't having any of it, Toni could see it in her eyes. But all Cheryl did was kiss her and told her that she will see her later. Toni was worried. On the one side she really needs to talk with the boys about something but on the other side she just wants to stay home with Cheryl and make sure that she is okay. Toni told Cheryl that she will be back as soon, as she can and that she will tell the boys that she has something to do so that she will be home sooner. But all Cheryl did was tell her that it would be okay for her to take her time and that everything is okay. Toni didn't really believe it but at the same time she felt like asking Cheryl more she would just pressure her. So she decided to kiss her and then go and meet up with the boys after making sure that Nana Rose would keep an eye on her beautiful princess. All Toni really wanted to do and all she could think about it the fact that she didn't want to be at pop's with the boys right now, she just wants to cuddle with her girl on the couch or in bed and watch movies, while drawing little patterns on her girls back. Toni just really hoped that what ever the boys called her for was really important or else they would regret it big times.

Back at Thistelhouse

Cheryl was sitting in her room. Her Nana wanted her to stay downstairs with her, but she really needed sometime alone. All Cheryl wanted to day was relax and to try to forget all these emotions. Because they were just overwhelming her. This whole situation was just so overwhelming and Cheryl just struggled to breath and to forget everything that keeps coming to her head. Her mother telling her that everyone will find a way to destroy her, that she is loveless and every insult her mother ever said to her. And Toni leaving her because she had to meet up with the boys didn't really help her situation. All she wanted to do was tell Toni that she should stay. That she should go, she should just stay here with her. But how could could she possibly do that. Toni should still be able to have some time alone. The past few days she already made sure that Cheryl was alright, and she doesn't want to burden Toni.

But the moment Toni kissed her one last time and told her that she would be back soon, something just broke in Cheryl. Her mind was racing. Telling her that Toni didn't love her anymore. That she pushed Toni away. That Toni had enough of her. And that it was her own fault because who would love someone as fucked up as her. Cheryl knew that Toni loved her and that her mind was just playing some tricks on her. But somehow she could make herself believe that Toni is coming back, that she will always be by Cheryl's side. And all of those thoughts just made Cheryl feel overwhelmed, and she could feel her anxiety attack coming. But lucky her Nana came to check on her and saw the lock on her face. Nana Rose sat down next to Cheryl and just hold her close. She could hear everything that Cheryl was muttering to herself. And she knew that it had to do with Toni leaving earlier. She wanted to ask Cheryl about everything, but she knew that right now it would only make things worse. So she decided to hold Cheryl close and whisper reassuring words into her ear.

It seemed to work and that Cheryl was calming down. But before Nana Rose was able to ask Cheryl if she was calm enough to talk to her about it. She heard her phone go off and decided to check on it before talking to the girl who had now pressed her head into her neck. The moment she saw who had texted her she knew how she was able to completely calm the girl down.

"Hey Cheryl, honey can you look at me?" Cheryl lifted her head carefully.

"Everything is okay, no one is ever going to leave you, Toni is never going to leave you, okay?"

"How can you be so sure about that, she left this morning. And why would she want to be with someone like me?"

"She left this morning to clear some stuff up, and she loves you because you are the girl of her dreams."

"How can you be so sure about it Nana, everyone leaves me at one point in their life."

"I know it because she just texted me, asking me if you were okay and to tell you that she was one her way back home"

At that Cheryl looked at her Nana in disbelief and her Nana showed her the messages. As soon as Cheryl saw it she finally had a smile on her face. For the first time that day. The moment Nana Rose met Toni and saw how Cheryl acted with Toni around she knew that Toni was the perfect person for Cheryl. And it this just proofed her point even more. Even without being her Toni was able to calm Cheryl down. To make her smile even though she had a break down just a few minutes ago. After talking a little longer and making sure that Cheryl was completely calmed down, they made there way downstairs to sit in the living room to watch some movies. And that is how Toni found them. Sitting on the couch watching some Disney movie and just sit in silence.

The moment Cheryl saw Toni she held her arms out and made a grabbing motion with them. Toni knew what her girlfriend wanted and walked over to her and laid down with her girlfriend. She knew that today was not an easy day for Cheryl, even though she wasn't her. But she just knew. And Toni is going to ask Nana Rose sometime about it but not right now. Because right now her girlfriend wants her to cuddle her and that is exactly what she is going to do for the rest of the day. Just being there for the love of her life. Making sure that she is okay.


I hope you like this little update.

Let me know if you have any ideas or wishes about what should happen next.

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