Chapter 7

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The next morning, Toni rolled over in bed and smiled at the sleeping brunette beside her. Her hand moved up to brush the hair from Cheryl's face, her thumb sweeping across her cheek.

"Quit staring, you creep," Cheryl said. She opened her eyes wearily and smiled at her girlfriend. "Morning."

"Morning," Ton replied. "What do you want to do today?"

"Well," Cheryl said, "we could stay here all day." A mischievous grin spread across her face.

"That does sound pretty awesome," Toni said, biting her lip slightly. "But I also think we should get out of the house for a bit."

"I'm sorry, what now?" Cheryl asked in mock surprise. "My girlfriend, Toni Topaz, did not just turn down a full day of sex to go outside."

"When you say it like that it makes me want to barricade the doors and never leave this bed," Toni laughed. "But, we have a day off of school, and we didn't really spend that much time together the past view days and well I was thinking that we maybe could go to the Sweet water River again but this time I will take my camera with me to take some amazing pictures of my beautiful girlfriend. Plus today all of our friends have other things to do, and they won't interrupt our time together, so I don't want us to waste our day."

"And sex all day with me would be a waste?" Cheryl asked, eyebrows raised. A smile was tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Don't twist my words, Blossom," she said, rolling, so she was on top of Cheryl. She had the redhead's hands pinned either side of her head, and she brought their lips together slowly. Cheryl immediately freed her hands, so she could thread them through Toni's chocolate curls.

Half an hour later and Cheryl was just finishing making breakfast. Toni walked into the kitchen, her hair wet from the shower. She poured herself a cup of coffee. Cheryl watched her with a smile as she dished their food onto plates.

"This looks awesome," Toni said, giving the redhead a chaste kiss before they started eating.

"So, what should we do today then?" Cheryl asked, grinning as Toni managed to get syrup all over her face.

"I was thinking, we grab a blanket, stock up on snacks and then go for a picnic. Unless that's too cheesy," she added.

"That sounds awesome," Cheryl said.

"And when we come back we can look at all the pictures and you can decide which once you want to post on your Instagram and maybe watching a movie afterwards." Toni said, laughing.

A few hours later, and they were happily lazing in the park, their backs resting against a tree, their hands entwined. Toni had already taken a lot of pictures and Cheryl wanted to cuddle for the rest of the time they want to spend at the Sweet water river before going back home. Cheryl had linked her hand with Toni's and Toni brought their linked hands up to her mouth and kissed the back of Cheryl's.

''I love you Cher''

''I love you too''

They stayed like this a little longer before they decided that it was time to go back home because it started to get a little chilly. Back at home Toni had gotten her laptop, and they sat down on the couch cuddled closely together while they looked through all the pictures Toni was able to take of Cheryl. It didn't take longer for them to decide with one they will take. After getting the pictures ready to be uploaded, Toni put the laptop away so that they could start their little movie night. Toni set everything up with Cheryl's favorite movie while Cheryl got the popcorn ready. With everything being set up they cuddled closely on the couch and watch the movies the chose before they fell asleep. Both having a huge smile on their face, because of the knowing fact that their life is finally getting better and no one is trying to destroy their happiness.



This picture us taken by my beautiful girlfriend

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This picture us taken by my beautiful girlfriend. She is the only person who was really there for me even in the times when I didn't even know that I needed someone. She is always there to protect me and that is one of many things why I am so thankfull to have her in my life. There are so many things she has done for me that help me through the hard times of my life. But it is not only her being there for me when I need her. She does everything to make sure that I know that she loves me. To make sure that I never feel how I felt before she came into my life and rescued me. She is the only reason I am able to wake up every morning. She is the only reason why I can smile every day. She is just the love of my life and no one can ever change that. I love you so much baby. ❤️️@t_topaz❤️️


The moment I got to know this beautiful girl I knew my life has changed

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The moment I got to know this beautiful girl I knew my life has changed. But in the most positiv girl it could ever have. Finally my life had a meaning again. At first everything seemed normal. But then we got to know each other better. She told me about everything that had happened in her life. And I am honest I was shocked. That people could treat a beautiful, kind person like Cheryl so badly. I don't understand how people can be so cruel and try to destroy the life of another person. Or at least try. It's just wrong. I mean you don't have to like every person...I get that...but is it worth destroying a life. Isn't it a thousand times better when you led each other life their life how that want wihtout juding it. But for a matter of facts, I don't care what other people say. I know what my thoughts are and they are really clear. My beautiful girlfriend is not deviand or some other awful thing people have called her. She is sensational and the love of my life and nothing is going to change that. I love you babe. ❤️️@cheryl_blossom❤️️


I hope you like this little update.
Let me know if you have any ideas or wishes about what should happen next.

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