"Just stay in the vault when we get in there." He told me, and I nodded in agreement. It was better than nothing.

"They just left the garage." Harry whispered, opening the door ever so slowly.

We followed behind him as he led us through the garage, and even though they weren't in there anymore we still ducked behind the covered cars. Harry went over and typed in the passcode, and he cringed when the door clicking unlocked was uncomfortably loud. He rushed us in and shut the door quietly behind us, and when he flicked the light on my eyes went wide. I think I saw a rocket launcher in there, and if I didn't know better I'd have thought I was in a military base.

"Here." Harry handed Luke some kind of assault rifle, and then Calum something similar. They were really going up there with automatic weapons.

"Take this and stay in here." Luke came up to me and handed me a pistol. I was passed the point of fear, since there was too much adrenaline in my system to even be scared. "I love you." He said, pulling me in to kiss me one last time.

"I love you too. Just come back to me, okay?" I said, putting my hand to his cheek. He nodded and followed Harry and Cal out of the room.

I sat there for a few minutes, not actually freaking out. It wasn't until I heard gun shots that I started to tweak. I was pacing back and forth as I lost my mind, and every gun shot that rang through the house only made it worse. I didn't even think, I just took the pistol and went out the door. I crept into the house and snuck up the stairs, every little sound making me whip my head around. I heard shouting from the top floor, but when I got to the door into floor from the basement, I cracked it open.

There was a body on the floor in the hall right in front of me, so I covered my mouth and tried to breath. I stood there for a second and pushed down the hyperventilating so I could move forward. I pushed the door open just enough for me to squeeze through, and I checked everywhere to make sure it was clear. I tip toed down the hall and stopped at the end of the wall before the living room.

"Keenan, you don't have to do this." I heard Luke's voice from around the corner, and when I peeked around the wall I saw him standing with his hands up.

I saw the back of Keenan's body and the gun he was pointing at Luke, and I had to turn back and get my shit together. I remembered the conversation I had with him and Brett the day after we got back together. They had mentioned Keenan disappearing after setting them up with the meeting, and this must have been why. He was the inside job, and he was coming back to finish it.

"No, see, I have a chance to make real money for once. Brett kept me at arm's length so he could keep it all to himself. All I had to do was take a couple of you out, but you fucked that all up when your girlfriend drank the water." Keenan said, but I could hear how shaky his voice was.

"You're telling me that you put the cyanide in her car?" Luke asked, and I started to panic. He was about to get himself killed by going after him, and when I peeked around the corner again I saw the steam coming out of his ears.

"I had a few friends do it. I didn't want to get my hands dirty. But here we are. If you want it done right you have to do it yourself." Keenan said, lifting the gun higher to get his aim right. 

I didn't think about a lot of things before doing them tonight, but when the person you love most in this world is in danger I guess logic goes out the window. I didn't know if I was actually going to be a help to them by coming inside, but when I saw Keenan's gun click it all started to go in slow motion. Out of all the stupid decisions, this was probably the stupidest.

"No!" I screamed and ran around the corner, aiming the pistol in my hands at Keenan. I think I fired twice, but if you asked me I wouldn't be able to give you a concrete answer. When I saw his body hit the floor I dropped the gun. Luke just looked at me in shock, but once it wore off he ran over and grabbed Keenan's gun. He kicked him a few times to see if he would move, but when he didn't budge I fell back against the wall.

Toxic -  Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now