Chapter 1- I do not exist

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Mia is a junior highschool student in one of the known private schools in the country. She came from a middle class family with hard working and loving parents. She has 2 siblings, an older brother named Jace and a younger sister named Keily.

One sunny morning, Mia is happy to go to school, it is her first day, she is excited to see her friends after a few months vacation. She is in a hurry and because of the excitement of seeing her friends from afar,she did not saw what's coming.

She crossed the street without even looking at the road. A car screeched and a young man about his age just looked at her with anger.

Mia said, "Oh I'm sorry!"

The young man just rolled his eyes.

Mia went to meet her friends since lower grade.

Airy who is 5 ft tall and tan in color, with short hair and great curves.
She's fun to be with and the hopeless romantic in the group.

The other one is Devan, 5 ft 4' , fair skin and slim young lady with a pretty face.

Airy said, "Hey Mia,how are you?
I missed you!" (hugging Mia)
Mia answered, "I'm fine! I can't wait to tell you what I did this vacation."
Devan said, " I'm happy that we're here together again. Come on,we might be late on our first class!"

(They entered their first class, English Subject)

The teacher said, "Good Morning Class! I'm so glad that all of you are here, I just want to let you know that we have a transferee in our class. He transferred here for family reasons."

A tall young man, about 6 ft 2" , with  dark brown, soft hair and a body perfectly created by greek gods entered the room and smiled.

Many girls were drooling, the boys were not happy especially Liam, the one who is praised by most of the girls because he is the Captain of basketball team in the school.

Mia smiled at the new classmate but the young man just rolled his eyes and walked past her.

Mia uttered, "Ugh! I hate him!
I know that this boy is the one who almost bumped me with his stupid car. It's not even my fault."

Airy answered, "Hmmm, Mia had a crush on our new classmate!"

Devan said, " Who will never notice him, he's like an angel sent by the heaven's above!"

Mia replied, He's really "heaven-sent" by his looks, but his attitude tells me that he is unleashed from hell."

Time passed by and classes were finished. Airy and Devan went home together because they are neighbors . They are from a family of high status. Devan's family owns a lot of businesses while Airy's family owns a vast area of lands.

Mia is walking home because her apartment is just a 20 minute walk to school. Yes, she is just renting an apartment because they do not live in the city. Her real home is a 4 hour travel from the city.

You might want to know why she prefers to go the school far from their house. Mia is gifted not just with beauty but with brain, she was offered a full scholarship by the private school.

While walking, a group of "female barbies", well that's how Mia, Airy and Devan called the female bullies in the school.

They are Jessy, Thesla and Cara, the three female barbies from rich and known families.

They were riding on Jessy's car and aimed at the mud that was infront of Mia.

Mia is now soaked with mud,the road were Mia always walk into is under repair so the road is muddy and crooked.
Jessy said, " You deserve it b*tch!"

You might be wondering why Jessy hated Mia, it's because she always tried to get the attention of Liam, but Liam just wanted some "fun time" with her while Mia caught his attention without even trying to impress him.

Mia is walking with muddy soaked clothes and she is crying.
This new student saw her.
He saw what had happened but failed to approach or even helped Mia.

When Mia entered the apartment, some of them were laughing, some of them just ignored her. Mia entered her room with dried tears and a sad face.

Mia said, "What did I even do to these people that made them hate me?
I thought ,"I do not exist at all! Why do these people always bother me when I'm not even talking to them?"

Little does she know that many were looking up to her, many were jealous because she has traits that the others do not possess. This is just the beginning of Mia's journey.

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