Chapter 44: The Earth King

Start from the beginning

Toph panics, "What was that!?"

Sokka looks to the attackers rooted in the ground, "Surface to air rocks! More incoming!"

The air caught in my throat as one came directly to our side, but without even looking, Aang broke it. Small pebbles blasted around as we floated quickly out of the dust cloud.


One by one, he airbends them in half and we continue to fly unscathed. As we get closer to the launching ground, Aang jumps off and slams into it, breaking the surface and sending soldiers off their feet. With the long walkway cleared, Appa flies down and the rest of us dismount the bison to run towards a large flight of stairs.

On either sides of our path, more soldiers earthbend cubes of rock at us but with Toph back in business and Aang's pent up anger, we were able to keep them away.

Katara fights face to face with soldiers using her waterbending while Sokka and I use our hands and weapons to back them off. In the midst of battle, a large group of guards march toward us in rows. Toph is able to sense them, bend a wall between each row, and knocks them over like dominos.

"Sorry!" Katara apologized, "We just need to get through to see the earth king."

As we almost reach the first step, more obstacles get in our way. They begin to launch these ginormous rock statues at us. I didn't think we were really worth all this trouble but I feel slightly satisfied to know that they were willing to break ancient statues just for us😌. Toph and Aang form an earth shield around us for protection and then we continue onward as the statue bounces away.

Katara crosses over a bridge and with the water below, she grabs soldiers with a stream, pushing them into the moat before freezing them into place.

From above, more soldiers run down the steps prepared to fight. Toph squats at the bottom and bends the stairs into a slanted plane. Instead of ridges to walk on, it was smooth and the soldiers slid right down. Aang joins in to help and together they create a platform to lift our group up to the top. "Seriously, we're actually on your guys' side!" Sokka tries telling them once again but who could blame their false perception at this point? Finally, we reach the palaces entrance, "In there!" We run through the very green hallways as Dai Li agents come to attack but Toph smushed them against the ceiling with stone pillars, "Toph, which way to the earth king?"

"How should I know? I'm still voting we leave Ba Sing Se," She replied.

"Sokka," I say as a pulling feeling rushes over me, "I, I think it's this way!"

Leading us down hallway by hallway, we eventually land ourselves in front of a grand entrance with decorated accents. "Now, that's an impressive door," Sokka wows, "It's gotta go somewhere." He runs forward, trying to kick it open, but ends up falling back on the floor. Not giving up, he once again tries to push on it as Aang airbends behind him, breaking the door down and sending Sokka flying forward.

"A little warning next time?" He rubs his head as we get in fighting position before the king.

Long Feng steps in front of him as Dai Li agents create a barrier between us, "we need to talk to you" Aang announced.

"They're here to overthrow you," Long Feng lies to the king.

Sokka doesn't allow it, "No, we're on your side. We're here to help."

"You have to trust us," I beg.

The king stands from his throne, "You invade my palace, lay waste to all my guards, break down my fancy door, and you expect me to trust you?"

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