Chapter 3: Sports Festival

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The cavalry battle had just finished and my team placed second. I was advancing to the final rounds but first, they made us break for lunch.

I scowled at Deku's team. 'That damn loser! He got this far without even using a fucking quirk!' I noticed the round-faced girl was on his team. 'No fucking surpises there. Her and that shitty nerd became fast friends since school started. With the way they behave, one would think that they shared a Soul Bond.' I glanced at my covered wrist, 'If only that were the fucking case, then I wouldn't feel tied down by this damn thing.'

The red hair loser clapped his hand down on my shoulder, "Hey you ready to go have lunch?"

"Not with a shitty haired idiot," I yelled.

"All right! Let's go!" He smiled walking inside. He was the least annoying person in the class and his company wasn't half bad, so I followed him in.

We grabbed lunch and I purposely sat in the least crowded area. Shitty hair followed my lead, of course. I sat and ate my food in quiet, my mind on today's events, 'It worked well when I told the rest of the lame-ass participants that I was gonna win. They've all actually put some fucking effort into trying. Not that they are going to win, but they more competition, the more I can show my strength and get noticed by scouts.'

"I've got a question for you." Kirishima said and waited till I glanced at him before continuing, "I noticed you glancing at your left wrist earlier, did your Soul Mark just activate?"

I literally choked on my damn food but quickly recovered. "What the fuck kind of question is that?! You don't go around asking people about their Soul Marks you red hair idiot!"

Kirishima backed away a bit raising his hands in a defensive position. "I meant no harm." He looked at his covered wrist, "It's just I've known my Soul Bond since grade school and we never really saw a reason to keep Soul Marks a secret."

"Oh yeah and who's yours?!" I asked before angrily shoveling food into my mouth.

He looked across the room to the girls from our class standing in a group talking, "It's Ashido." I guess I looked confused because he clarified, "The girl you refer to as a pink alien."

"Whatever. Soul Bonds are for the weak-minded and those who wish to be told what to do." Finished eating, I stood with my empty tray, "I'm not gonna let this fucking bond get in the way of my becoming the number one hero."

"So does that mean your Soul Mark did activate? Are you going to tell me?" Kirishima asked mockingly.

"Idiot! I don't need to tell you a damn thing!" I yelled before stomping away.

I noticed that Deku and icy hot left the lunchroom together and low key followed them. I caught part of their conversation and what they said pissed me off. It's like I didn't even lose a threat to these two with the way they challenged each other.

I walked back towards the lunch area pondering. 'From the sounds of it, Deku does have All Might helping him somehow. I wonder if it has to do with the "borrowed quirk" that loser mentioned. Whatever the hell that meant.'

Lunch soon ended and they called us out to the field once more. Some people withdrew from the finals like fucking weaklings because of their pride or some stupid shit. We soon drew lots and the results displayed on the screen.

I looked up searching until I found myself. "Uraraka, who the hell's that?"

I heard gasping behind me and turned to see round-face looking at me. She had a look of shock and slight terror on her face.

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