Chapter 10: Fireworks

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A few months had passed since that fucked up war with Shigaraki and the League of Villains. The crime rates had lowered a little but not by much. After about a week of digging in the carnage, the heroes thought it best to send us students back to the academy and let them finish the rescue. It was probably because, after day four of the rescue mission, we were only digging up broken, lifeless bodies. At the end of our shifts on day eight, Benjamin bid us farewell and told us that he'd always be rooting for us and to contact him if we ever needed help.

Lately, more of my classmates came to the gym to train. Something of that caliber had changed all of us and encouraged us to train harder. Even that fucking little pervert kicked his shitty ass into gear. Dunce face and tape arms joined our small workout group and somehow after every session, I got dragged on some dumb escapade with all of them.

Today, however, I took a skipped working out after school and instead took a train back home. The old lady had told me to visit and that she was making dinner. To avoid getting an earful, I chose to go today with Aizawa's approval to leave campus.

When I walked into the house the woman tackled me in a hug.

"Get off," I grumbled.

She released me and walked back towards the kitchen, "Haven't seen you in a while and that's how you act. Brat. It'll be another half hour before dinner is ready, so feel free to do whatever."

After taking off my shoes, I wandered into the living room planning to waste the time on my phone. When I entered the room, I noticed a thick book with my name on it sitting on the coffee table. I sat down and picked it up. When I opened it, I was greeted with a picture of me as an infant and a picture of my and Uraraka at the award ceremony of the latest Sports Festival.

I inspected the picture. It was a clipping from a newspaper. We stood with our joined hands raised above our heads. Uraraka was gleaming at the camera, however, I was looking at her. The look on my face surprised even me. 'Was I really fucking staring at her so openly with such a shitty expression?!'

I flipped a few pages, found more pics, and quickly slammed the book shut hollering, "What the hell is this shit?!"

My mother calmly walked in and glanced at what I was holding, "A photo album with all the pictures I've taken of you."

"I'm going to blast this fucking garbage to hell!" My hands started to smoke.

She immediately snatched the book out of my hand and smacked my head with the cooking spoon she held, "Don't you dare!"

I growled but slumped down onto the couch, "Why the fuck would you keep trash like that?"

"You might be a brat, but you're my brat so I'm going to preserve these memories of you." She left the room, taking the photo album with her.

By the time she had dinner ready, she had safely hidden away that abomination from me.

My father, who got home right before dinner, quietly asked before taking a bite "How is school going?"

I ignored the question and kept eating.

"Katsuki." My mom warned.

"Tch! It's school! Not much to talk about!" I growled.

"Have you made any good friends?" the old man asked.

"I have a band of damn extras that won't leave me alone, especially shitty hair."

My parents looked at each other then the old hag asked, "Is your Soul Bond part of that group?"

I choked and briefly coughed before screaming as loud as I could, "What the fuck?!"

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