Chapter 1: Brown Eyes

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As I walked towards the gates of U.A. High I could see all the students bustling in for the U.A. High Entrance Exams. 'These damn rejects don't stand a chance.'

I glanced at the U.A. symbol above the gates as I walked under them knowing it would become a familiar sight to me. When I looked ahead towards the doors, a head of messy green hair caught my attention. 'Are you fucking serious! What's that loser doing here!' As I approached the boy I said, "Stupid Deku."

"Kacchan!" The green-haired boy squeaked. 'What a fucking wuss.'

"Get out of my way now before I set you on fire." I barked as I walked past. Deku continued to ramble nervously but I paid no attention to him. That damn nerd wasn't worth my time, I had the exams to focus on.

Some boys to my left mentioned the sludge villain, "His name is Bakugo right?" "Yeah, he's the real deal."

I smiled, 'Of course I am, you fucking wannabes.' I continued up the stairs and into the building. There were a few long lines for check in. 'Good thing I came an hour early.'

I jumped into the shortest line but from the looks of it, it would still be at least a half-hour before I reached the desk. I pulled out my phone and plugged in my headphones to listen to music. Music helped me focus and I wasn't here to make friends with failures that I'll never see again. I was close when I estimated 30 minutes. Before reaching the desk I shut down my music and put my phone away and pulled out my exam applicant form.

Once I got to the desk, I handed over the paperwork and the man went over all the annoying details and pointed to locations on the handout map. After he gave me my Examination sheet, I turned and started to follow the directions on the map. Without thinking I glanced at the check-in line as I walked past. Deku was about 30 people back. 'Good, hopefully, I won't have to sit near that nerd for written exams.'

Someone in the line pumped her fist chatting excitedly, catching my attention. When her large chocolate brown eyes met with my ruby eyes, my left wrist felt like it caught on fire. The warmth spread throughout my body and consumed my senses. Everything around me disappeared and all I could see was her brown eyes. I had never felt something so damn powerful and numbing. The feeling came and passed within a seconds. The moment it passed, the realization hit me like a freight train. I scowled and clenched my fists. The girl's eyes grew wide and she looked between my wrist and her own.

Gaining her composure the girl said, "Was that-"

"Tch!" I cut her off and walked away. 'It fucking had to be today of all damn days. I don't have the desire nor the need for this shitty Soul Bond.'

Finding the correct room wasn't difficult. The school hung up shitty arrows everywhere like we were fucking preschoolers. Well, maybe some of the applicants were dumb enough to need help. I found my assigned seat with ease, sat down, plugged in my music, and waited for orientation to begin. My eyes drifted to my covered left wrist. Anger welled up inside me and my palms grew warm, 'Of all the shitty games fate played, it had to bond me to some weak ass brunette. Once I pass these exams, I'll never have to see that dumb bitch again.'

To make my day worse, the fucking school assigned that broccoli haired loser to sit next to me. They probably assigned the seats based on our previous schools, which would've doomed me anyways. Once orientation started, my mind switched off everything unnecessary and focused on the task at hand. I will become a pro hero. Deku muttered like a damn fangirling bitch until some four eyes with a stuck up attitude called him out on it.

The written exams went by without a hitch. With a little bit of calculated thinking, most of the answers felt like grade school work. 'A fucking child could pass these, what kind of standards does this school have!?' Next to me, Deku muttered and stressed the whole time. 'Yeah, that quirkless idiot isn't making the cut in either portion of these exams.'

Afterward, they bused us to our assigned locations for the practical exams. As soon as the exam began, I took off running. I needed to get ahead and away from all these fuckers. I went through back alleys and destroyed every fucking robot in sight. Some I'd let draw in close, let them think they had me cornered, and stuck them with the sheer force of my quirk. With them so close, the explosions caused a chain reaction, blowing up a few at a time. Other robots I'd use my quirk to propel me into the air above them and out of sight. Then I'd come crashing down exploding them. By the end, I was out of breath but stood over those smoking piles of scrap metal with a smirk on my face. '70 points. I sent every one of those damn robots to hell.'

They bused us back to the main building for one last speech and to collect our belongings. The seat next to me remained empty, 'That quirkless loser probably got destroyed by those robots. That's what he gets for trying to reach as great a level as mine.'

After everything was finished, I grabbed my stuff and left, confident I passed. I was outside when I heard a female voice call, "Bakugo, wait!"

I turned around to see the brunette running up to me. Immediately, I turned back to the gates and kept walking.

Within seconds she caught up to me, "Hi."

"How the fuck do you know my name?"

She was taken aback for a second before saying, "I thought you were the boy who fought that sludge villain. Your question confirmed it. I saw you on TV, you're amazing!"

"Tch." Was my only response. I quickened my pace, hoping she'd get the hint to leave me the hell alone.

"So should we talk about this whole Soul-"

"Fuck no! I have much bigger goals in life than follow some shitty Bond that fate says is necessary." I glanced at her, "Do us both a favor and forget you ever met me. I'm sure as hell gonna forget about you."

Offense crossed her expression before it was replaced with determination, "Alright. I too have goals I need to reach without the distraction of a Soul Bond." She started to run off ahead of me and turned back yelling, "Thanks Bakugo."

"Don't use my name so lightly!" I barked back.

She grinned and waved at me before jogging away. Relief washed over me as she disappeared from my sight, 'She was too damn bubbly for me, a sure sign of weakness. I'm so glad I never have to see her stupid face again.'

After I got home I marched into the kitchen and grabbed a drink from the fridge. The old hag walked in asking, "How did it go?"

I chugged down my ramune, threw away the bottle, and left the kitchen, ignoring her. She started to yell and followed me. She whacked me across the head.

"What the hell was that for!" I snapped

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you!" She yelled then said more calmly, "Tell me how the exams went."

I marched up the stairs, "I don't wanna, you old bag."

Another torrent of yelling came, "Just because you think you're so great, doesn't mean you can brush me off! By the way, you stink! Go take a shower!"

"What the hell do you think I'm doing!" I yelled back slamming my door.

I turned around, threw my stuff down, and got ready for a shower. Once I removed the wristband on my left wrist, I looked at my Soul Mark. It had changed from black to a mix of pink and orange. 'Do I really have to live with this hideous color for the rest of my life?' The memory of her brown eyes flashed across my mind 'Damn it all to hell!' I swung my arm down and stormed off to my shower.


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