Chapter 8: Fresh Air

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The stress was high for all of us. Icy hot and I had worked hard to make up for failing the provisional license exams. Deku developed Black Whip and I've been helping him train to use it. Instead of internships, we took on work studies. The work studies drained the fucking hell out of us and we all knew something big was coming. There were whispers of the things the league of villains were up to. After the symbol of peace retired, tensions have been building. Everyone questioned heroes and whether or not the world was safe.

It was during this time that four eyes called for all of our class to meet in the common area. I didn't give a shit about dumb class meetings and made sure to be the last to show up.

"Bakugo! How do you expect to be a great hero if you don't have the discipline to show up in a timely manner!" Four eyes lectured me, waving his arms mechanically.

"Whatever, robot," I growled and leaned against a nearby wall.

He gave a look of offense before addressing everyone, "We have all been under a lot of pressure lately and Koda suggested that we go on a class hike at the Ten-en Hiking Course. I was thinking about next Sunday. All in favor, raise your hands."

There were some cheers and a couple of my classmates jumped or pumped their fist in excitement.

'As much as I fucking hate doing stuff as a class, I do love hiking.' I reluctantly raised my hand but made sure to look away from the group, a scowl on my face.

After the entire discussion finished and my classmates dispersed, Kirishima walked over and draped his arm over me, "It's surprising that you even raised your hand! You usually just have an attitude of indifference."

"Whatever, spikey hair." I said, shrugging him off me, "I don't see a reason not to hike."

"Hey what do you think I should pack?" He looked genuinely confused.

I sighed, "Come on, idiot." I took him to my room to lend him some spare hiking gear I owned.

When Sunday rolled around I got up early and packed my hiking gear into a small backpack I always took with me when I hiked. I put on hiking boots, grabbed my hiking backpack, and went down to the kitchen to grab some protein bars, a small lunch, and water bottles. It was 7:36 by the time I was ready and walked into the common area. Uraraka, icy hot, and bird brain were already waiting. We were to head out at 8:00. Slowly others trickled in, some with sleepy expressions until we were finally all together when Aoyama walked in at 8:08.

We jumped onto the train and everyone chatted excitedly. Kirishima, alien, sparky, and tape arms decided to sit around me, of course. They spoke loudly and tried a few times to get me to join in their conversations but I tried my best to ignore them.

At some point, we had to transfer to another train and that shitty perverted grape head got left behind. He was too busy trying to sneak a glance up a girl's skirt when we all exited the train. Four eyes had to call the bastard and inform him. After a quick discussion, pikachu, lion tail, and octopus arms decided to wait for him at the station while the rest of us went on ahead.

The second train ride and the bus were much the same as the beginning of our journey. By 9:30, we were at the trailhead. Without waiting for a beat, I walked on without the rest of the class.

"Bakugo!" Robot yelled, "Don't just walk on ahead! We must plan before we start!"

"This is a hike, four eyes. Pretty straightforward to me. You extras can waste your damn time planning. I'm fucking leaving." I continued up the path and ignored his rants.

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