Chapter 5: Chillin

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The next week I had to put off training on Monday to focus on the finals. The week was long and tiring but I knew I did well on the written exam. Now that the written portion was over, I made sure to go to the gym on Thursday to get ready for the practical on Friday.

Uraraka and Kirishima came as well but what I didn't expect was for that pink alien to join us.

"Why the hell are you coming, alien girl?!" I shouted as we walked down the hall towards the gym.

"Uraraka mentioned she was training with you!." She put her arm around the brunette's shoulders, "I decided to tag along to make sure you don't kill her."

"What the fuck kind of person do you think I am?!" I yelled turning towards her.

"After that display at the Sports Festival, I'd say someone who's pretty brutal when it comes to a fight." She answered contemplatively before smiling.

I started stomping towards her before Kirishima stepped in, "Hey this will be fun. I've never trained with anyone besides Bakugo. Maybe we can all go out for ice cream later to celebrate the completion of our written exams."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"Hell no." I continued walking towards the locker rooms, "The school gave us regulations on what types of food to eat so we can stay in peak physical condition. If we want to be heroes, we can't spend our time eating garbage."

"Oh, live a little." Alien winked and put her finger to her lips, "It's just this once and the school doesn't have to know."

"Yeah man, after all the hard work we put into studying, I'd say we deserve a treat." Kirishima draped his arm on my shoulder.

I shrugged him off and walked into the men's locker to change, "Are you guys fucking deaf? I said no."

"We'll get you to come!" Pinky hollered from outside the door.

I ignored her and got ready to train. While getting ready, Kirishima pestered me one more time about joining them before dropping the subject altogether.

We walked out and started our stretches a few minutes before the girls came out. Uraraka walked out with the papers I gave her and started on the stretches I wrote. She also added some of what pinky showed her.

Finished with stretches, I moved along doing my normal workout routine. Kirishima's was similar to mine, something he probably did so he could talk with me the whole time.

"Thank you for tutoring me before the exams." Kirishima said as he jogged next to me while we did laps, "Even though you yelled and beat me over the head half the time, I actually think I did pretty well this time."

"You better have done well, dumb hair. I didn't just bust my ass just for you to fail." I replied.

He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

"Bakugo, what kind of slave-driving workout routine did you give Uraraka?" Alien called to me as we jogged past.

I stopped, "Slave driving? What the fuck are you talking about?!"

She held up the papers in one hand and with the other, pointed to Uraraka, who was sitting on the floor panting, "Look at her, she can't continue! The poor girl is gonna pass out from exhaustion!"

I snarled, "Shut up, pink alien! If-"

"The name's Ashido," She cut me off.

"Who cares!" I yelled, "Anyone aiming to be a hero should know that without pushing themselves they'll never be the best. If you all wanna take it easy then you're just a bunch of damn extras."

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