Chapter 6: Sparks of Guilt

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Best Jeanist, along with other heroes, laid bloodied and unconscious or dead. 'All this to save me.' Flashbacks of what Best Jeanist told me about a Hero's name. 'Why for me?' The way I treated him and disregarded his teachings. 'Why would they sacrifice themselves for me?'

All Might dropped in from the sky, "I'll have you return my student!" He had held back his attacks to protect me, 'Was I really this important to them?' Next, I knew we were watching the screens. All Might had jumped in front of a woman to save her. When the smoke cleared a frail thin version of the Symbol of Peace remained. 'What happened?!'

'No, don't do this for me.' All Might pushed himself to the limits until finally, he stood victorious over the boss villain, broken and bloodied. He raised his fist high above his head and transformed, proclaiming he was the winner. This was it, the last stand of the great Symbol of Peace. I stood watching him in disbelief. 'It's all my fault!'

I grabbed my head with both hands. Images from my capture flooded my mind. 'It's because of me.' I fell to my knees. His voice came over the screen's speakers, "Now, it's your turn." Tears ran down my face, 'His career, his legacy as a hero is over because I'm so fucking weak!' My mom's voice broke through, "If you hadn't been so damn weak, you never would've gotten caught and caused all that trouble!" Darkness surrounded and consumed me as I knelt there crying.

My eyes shot open and I was in my dorm room. 'Another damn nightmare.' It was then that I noticed the warmth on my cheeks. When I touched them I felt wetness on my fingers. 'How pathetic, I actually fucking cried.'

I glanced at the clock hoping it was close to morning. It read 23:48. 'Great, another sleepless night.'

I wiped my face with my arm, got up, and went to our floor's community men's restroom. 'Damn, I look like shit.' I turned on the warm water and rinsed my face down to erase the tear marks. Afterward, I went downstairs to grab a drink and some energy bars. The whole dorm was quiet and I could hear the crickets from outside.

That old hag's words crossed my mind again, "If you hadn't been so damn weak, you never would've gotten caught and caused all that trouble."

I growled, 'Of course I fucking knew that! She didn't have to remind me!'

I collected my drink and energy bars and went back into the elevator, headed for the roof. 'Since these assholes set a fucking curfew for leaving the building, I'll just train on the damn roof.'

I got out on the top floor and climbed up the stairs to the roof. When I opened the door I took in the fresh air. 'I need to get stronger! Nobody will ever have to save my sorry ass again! Those fucking villains won't know what the hell hit them the next time they see me!'

I walked to the section of the roof that was the boys' side of the dorm. I didn't need anyone thinking I was a pervert trying to climb down to the girls' balconies.

After some basic stretches, I started with alternating high kicks. The headlines that Best Jeanist had gone missing flashed across my mind. 'Damn it! Fuck it all to hell!' Anger filled me and I kicked harder and faster. 'I'll never allow myself to be so weak as to be captured again!'

I switched to low kicks. All Might stood looking frail and sickly but victorious. 'No shit he was victorious! All Might always wins!'

A while later I switched to punches. The headlines of All Might's retirement entered my mind. 'Why? What had caused it to happen?!' I could feel my palms heating, but didn't care, 'Seeing that cat hero passed out and then learning her quirk was stolen by that damn villain. Was All Might's quirk taken?' I stopped for a second to take a drink then started punches again, 'No, that's not it.' I heard Deku's voice, "You'll see, I'll work until I have full control of this borrowed quirk." 'Impossible!'

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