Chapter 2: Potential

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I once again glanced at the giant UA symbols above the gate as I walked under them and smirked. 'Of course, I was fucking right that this would become a daily occurrence.'

Finding my classroom wasn't too difficult, the letters 1-A on the wall were large and the door to even larger, which made sense because some people's quirks gave them a massive size. A few students arrived before me, including that damn nagging four eyes. The miniature lockers with our assigned numbers sat in the back of the room. I brushed past the other students and dumped my shit in the number 17 locker assigned to me. My assigned desk of the same number was opposite the door and one back from the front. 'Damn it, I should be in the fucking front.'

I slouched into my chair, placing my feet on the desk. I watched as more students trickled in. 'They all look like a bunch of fucking weaklings! Well, all except that white and red-haired fucker who just walked in.'

While I was pondering four eyes marched up to me and demanded, "Take your feet off that desk now!"

Deciding to be snark I answered with a cocky grin, "Huh?"

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

"You're kidding me right?" I quipped, "Your old school put a stick up your ass, or were you born with it?" The look of offense on his face was priceless.

Four eyes recovered quickly saying, "Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy."

"Somei huh?" That explains his haughtiness, "So you must think you're better than me! I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one!"

Four eyes gasped, "You would threaten me? Your own classmate?! Are you sure you're in the right place?"

I looked away, done talking with this fucking loser. It was then that I noticed that green-haired idiot at the door.

"It's him." Four eyes said and everyone turned to look. 'What the fuck?'

Four eyes forgot all about me and walked over to the nerd praising him. 'What the fuck is going on? Why is that quirkless loser already so popular? He's nothing special and far beneath me!'

"Hey, I recognize that messed up hair! Falling boy!" That voice had a familiar ring to it. I glanced over to see her, the fucking brown-eyed girl that fate tied me too. 'Of course, she had to pass and get placed in this damn class! This day already fucking sucks!'

She looked like she was becoming fast friends with Deku. I glowered as I realized that I was stuck with these people for three years. The teacher, some tired looking motherfucker named Aizawa, soon appeared, telling us to put on our gym suits. We then went outside to do quirk assessment tests. The teacher called me out to do a demonstration. Adding heat to my pitch really did the trick. After my demonstration, Aizawa explained that the person with the lowest overall score would be expelled. I smiled and looked over at the green-haired loser from my childhood.

The rest of the tests were a breeze. I was so focused on noticing how badly Deku was doing that I almost missed that round-faced girl's progress, almost. I was annoyed to realize that I acknowledge her and even more fucking pissed to admit that she was somewhat decent utilizing her quirk. She excelled and showed me and the entire class up when it came to throwing the softball. 'Her score is infinity? Who the fuck can throw that well? I guess there is more to this bitch than meets the eye.' I scowled at my own thoughts, 'Why the hell am I even paying any attention to her? This damn Soul Bond must be fucking with me.' I glared at my wrist wanting to burn the Soul Mark off my skin, which is impossible. It'll even show through scars.

What pissed me off, even more, was Deku. That damn nerd had a fucking quirk! 'He must've lied to me my whole damn life! How dare he look down on me!'

Aizawa stopped my attack went I lunged towards that green-haired nerd. 'He wasn't supposed to be more than a pebble in my path!'

Unfortunately, nobody was expelled in the end. Deku, who injured his finger, went to the infirmary, giving me time to somewhat cool down. The rest of the day was the mundane, typical introduction to the rest of the classes. After the last class ended, the brown-haired girl came to my desk.

"What the hell do you want, round face?" I snapped.

She smiled, "I figured since we have to see each other for the next three years, I should at least introduce myself. I'm Ochako Uraraka!"

"I don't give a shit." I said standing up, "It will be impossible for me to forget you now but I don't have to fucking acknowledge your presence." As an afterthought, my mind added, 'At least not publicly.'

"Okay." She said awkwardly, following me to the small lockers, "I also wanted to say that you were amazing today! Your quirk is so flashy! You're bound to become a great hero!" She pumped her fist to emphasize her point.

I grabbed my stuff, "No shit, round face, and I don't need some weakling like yourself bringing me down just because of some piece of shit Bond. So don't keep fucking talking to me."

The look of hurt in her eyes was obvious and a stinging feeling came across my left wrist. I grabbed it with a grunt.

Her look quickly changed to worry as she placed a hand on my arm, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fucking fantastic!" I shoved her hand away, "The hell with this shit! I'm going the fuck home." There was a warm sensation where she touched me. Before stepping out of the classroom I said over my shoulder, "Oy, round face."

"Yeah?" She asked with a quizzical expression on her face.

"Don't ever fucking touch me again." I slammed the door shut and headed outside. 'This Soul Bond is going to make these next three years a living hell.' I looked at my wrist and then clenched my hand into a fist, 'I'll fight it with everything I have! Fate can go to hell.'


Sorry for the delay, I really struggled writing this chapter. I apologize if it isn't up to par. I know where I want to go from here, so the rest shouldn't be as difficult for me.

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