Chapter 7: Team Work

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"We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but we won't let that stop us! Second years, let's do our best and show this world what the next generation of heroes is capable of!" Deku said over the speaker. All the extras around me cheered.

The nerd stepped off the stage and joined the rest of us. All Might, who was hosting the Sports Festival this year, began to explain the first round.

"For the first round of this year's Sports Festival, it will be a battle royal. Use any means within reason to knock those around you out of the ring. Do not attack your opponents with the intent to maim, you only need to knock them out of the ring. The last 40 standing in the ring will advance to the next round."

They had us step to the sides of the stadium while Cementos created a ring big enough to fit us all. I looked around at all the other participants. My eyes landed on Todoroki, 'You better give it your all this year damn icy-hot!'

"So what do you think all of the challenges will be this year?" The blue-haired extra next to me asked, trying to start a conversation. I ignored her and continued looking around the arena. "Hello, I'm talking to you." She waved her hand in my face.

I glowered at her, "Get you're damn hand out of my face, extra."

Her eyes glowed purple before she huffed and looked away. In my observation, I spotted Uraraka. She was chatting with Deku. She bounced with excitement and pumped her fists in front of her. He displayed just as much excitement in his own way. 'She should've been Bonded to that damn nerd. Their personalities shine off each other.' I glanced at my own wrist, 'Most of the class already believes they are Soul Bound.' A twinge of jealousy hit me out of nowhere and I clenched my fists.

Before I had time to process what just happened, Present Mic started yelling over the speakers, "Alright! Who's ready! Participants, please step unto the ring!"

Once we were all on the ring Present Mic shouted, "Ready! GO!"

I immediately threw explosions at three people on my left who stupidly stood right near the edge. They fell off before they even knew what hit them. Next, I was against that plant haired girl from 2-B. She wrapped me in her vines and started going on about some weird shit. Wasting no time, I burned through them and propelled myself to her. I feigned a frontal attack but shot above and behind her at the last second and then used my explosions to push her out of the ring.

The whole time Present Mic was screaming his commentary, "Over half the contestants have already been eliminated! Class 2-A is pulling no punches! Look at them go! Not a single one has been knocked out!"

Ice started to consume the ring making the whole thing slippery, 'Damn you icy-hot!'

Close to me, that bastard with the stealing quirk from class 2-B was battling Uraraka and she was getting close to the edge. Without thinking I rocketed over and blasted him off balance on the ice. Uraraka took the chance and touched him, floating up and out of the ring before releasing him causing him to fall hard on his ass.

"Great job, keep showing these fuckers what you're made of, pink cheeks!" I said before going after my next target, some dude from the support course. His gadgets were good but weren't suited for the ice and I was able to knock him out of the ring. I continued to drop extras out of the ring, eventually losing count.

I looked around, there were few left compared to what we started with. Deku threw someone I didn't recognize out of the ring and Present Mic hollered, "This round is over! Great job all of you!"

We all walked over to the stage to listen to All Might's explanation of the second round, "Great job all of you! Congratulations to those who made it to the second round! Let's see what comes up for the second round" Everyone turned their gaze to the giant screen. It spun until it landed on an image of a spyglass and a stick figure tied up. "The next round is search and rescue!"

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