Chapter 4: Training

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The red rash on my left wrist still remained. I had no idea what it was or why it was there and didn't care enough to look into it.

Today was the first day back from our internships. That was a huge fucking waste of my time. Best Jeanist was an idiot who cared too much about stupid ass appearance. No matter how hard I tried, my damn hair still remained flat. In anger, I exploded my bathroom mirror. The glass shattered and flew everywhere, covering my bathroom in shards.

"Katsuki!" My mother yelled from downstairs, "What the hell did you destroy this time?!"

"Fuck this mirror!" I hollered back, shaking off any pieces that landed on me and going to put on my uniform jacket.

"Are you serious, you damn brat!?" She yelled, climbing the stairs, "Do you know how expensive those are!? You owe-" She cut off as she walked in and saw me. A smile grew on her face.

"Don't you fucking dare!" I grumbled.

She started giggling but escalated to a full fit of laughter, "Is this your new look?" She mocked.

"Shut up, you hag!" I yelled and stomped out.

She followed me out, smacking me across the head, "You look fine. Don't stress about it. Come on, it's time for breakfast."

The old man just finished setting the table when I walked into the dining room. I sat down and grabbed some food. He gave an odd look to which I hissed, "Don't even comment."

Breakfast was mostly uneventful except for the old woman lecturing me about paying for the shitty broken mirror. Once I was finished I put my plate in the sink and headed for the door.

"Katsuki, are you forgetting something?" My mom asked.

"What?" I growled.

"You train after school today, right?" She pointed to our pantry, "Go grab something small to keep up your energy later."

"Don't tell me what to do!" I yelled but grabbed a couple of energy bars anyway.

She smiled as I walked out, "Love you, brat!"

"Whatever." I shoved the bars in my backpack and left the house, slamming the door.

It took everything I had not to blow up tape boy and shitty hair when they mocked my hair. But somehow in my outburst with tape boy for calling me pretty boy, my hair jumped back into its normal state. Hopefully, that was a sign that today wouldn't be so damn bad.

School was as mundane and boring as ever. I listened and participated of course but learning had always come so easy to me. New things weren't really a challenge for me. After the last bell rang I grabbed my shit and headed towards the locker rooms and gym to go train. The school provided the service for free to all hero course students.

Once I was in my gym clothes I walked in and towards the area set up for stretches. Everyone I normally saw was there but to my surprise, Uraraka was also there attempting to do warm-ups.

"What the hell are you doing here round face?" I said as I walked past and grabbed a mat.

"Gunhead gave me some great pointers and trained me in his martial arts!" She beamed, "I figured it best to keep training!"

I growled and started my warm-up stretch routine, 'Even she got something out of her damn internship!'

After my warm-ups, I did some core and cardiac workouts, then weightlifting, and finally jogging. I finished my laps, drank some water, and returned to my mat for cool-down stretches. In all, it took my normal average of two hours. Midway through my stretches, a shadow loomed over me.

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