11- The Start of Something New

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It feels so right to be here with you OOOH OHH. I'm HSM af

HEY GUYS so i just wanna thank you for BOTH 7K AND 8K. like what?!?! 😱You guys are freaking amazing!!! love you guys!!!💕


Hayes' POV

Come on Ms Mendes cant you see that I'm trying to kiss your son? Immediately after she called us Shawn broke the kiss, got of the couch, and started up the stairs without even saying a word. I quickly do the same and follow him upstairs.

We walk into the dining room and sit at the table. Shawn's dad is at the head of the table. Shawn's mom sits to the right of him and Aaliyah, Shawn's sister, next to her. Shawn takes the chair opposite of Aaliyah and I opposite of his mom. Their are plates of spaghetti in front of us. Mr Mendes prays over the food then we start to eat.

"So boys hows the studying coming? Shawn says you guys have a history project due in a couple weeks." Ms. Mendes asks.

"Umm.. its going pretty good." I say.

"Oh ok that's good to hear" Ms. Mendes says.

The dinner goes on as most diners do, yep a lot of eating involved. Suddenly I feel something on my thigh. I look down to see Shawn's hand there. If only he would move a little higher. I cant stop thinking about the kiss. I'm honestly surprised that Shawn even likes me. I wonder why he kissed me. Maybe he doesn't like me and was just "experimenting" with me or something crazy like that. Maybe I'll just ask him.

We finish dinner like this and go back up to his room.

Once we are in his room I sit on his bed and he does the same.

"Ok Shawn we need to talk" I tell him.

"About what?" he asks confused.

"Umm... you kissed me" I say.

"Oh yeah and you kissed back" he says smiling.

"Ok but first things first. Why did you kiss me?" I ask him.

"Because I've always wanted to so I just did." he says as if he was stating the obvious.

"Uhh ok. So what does this mean?" I ask him.

"I dunno. Maybe we have to try again to see." he says smirking.

This is really the best idea ever.

I lean over to kiss him. I can feel him smile in the kiss. Our lips moved perfectly together. Damn his lips are soft. So this is what its like to kiss The Shawn Mendes. This is even more amazing than the first time if that's even possible.

I've never done anything like this before. I mean like I've said I've kissed girls before but it didn't really mean anything to me and it didn't go for any longer than a few seconds. And especially not with a boy. But it cant be that hard. (like his dick😂 ok sydney stfu your not funny)

I wonder if Shawn knows what he's doing. God he should've warned me then I could've googled this or something. Or i could've went to the library there's a book for everything like: How to Kiss your Same Sex Best Friend for Dummies or something like that. Ok Hayes just think about how they do it in the movies or something. Hopefully Shawn knows what hes doing because I surely have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.

Suddenly I feel Shawn's tongue found it way into my mouth and is now exploring around my mouth. Dang he's good at this I wonder how he knows all this stuff.

Shawn pushes me over on the bed and straddles my waist. He starts to kiss along my jaw line and down my neck. He kisses my neck and a small moan escapes my lips.

He grabs the bottom of my shirt and starts to pull it over my head. I help him out and pull my shirt over my head and throw it onto the floor. Shawn also takes his shirt off. Oh my goodness his abs are amazing. He starts to leave kisses all the way down my neck. Then Shawn starts to suck at the skin under my jaw. Oh my gosh this feels amazing.

"Uhh.. Shawn." I moan. I feel him smiling against my neck.

This feels so good oh my goodness. And Shawn is so sexy. Shawn starts to move against my hips and honestly it feels amazing. I can feel my alredy growing erection starting to get harder.

Shawn starts to trails his kisses from my neck and down to my abs. Eventually he ends up at the top of my pants. I don't know if I'm ready for this. Like we just shared our first kiss like an hour ago. Although I really want him to just rip through my pants and take all of me into his mouth right now. I just think its also a little too early. And I'm not sure if I'm ready. Shawn leaves even more kisses around the top of my pants. Then he moves his hands towards the button of my pants.

"Umm I'm not sure if I'm ready for this yet." I quickly blurt out hopefully fast enough before things could go too far.

"Oh ok." he says stopping what he's doing with my pants but, sounding a little bit disappointed.

Sorry" I say.

"No its ok. I wouldn't want to push you farther than your ready to go babe." He says.

"Thanks." I say smiling.

"We can still do this right?" he says smiling as he leans down to kiss me again.

"Yes. Any. Time." I say between kisses.

We do this for just a little longer then we stop.

It was pretty late and I was getting tired.

"Ok I'm getting tired." I say.

"Ok you can change in the bathroom if you want to." Shawn says.

"Ok" I say

I sleep in just my shorts and I'm already out of my shirt. So I grabbed my shorts from my bag went into the bathroom and changed into those. When I'm done I leave the bathroom and see that Shawn has changed also.

"Should I sleep on the floor?" I ask because that's where I've slept the other times I slept over at Shawn's. But desperately wanting him to suggest for me to sleep in bed with him

"You can if you want or... you can sleep in the bed with me" he says smiling.

Yes! I get in bed with him and get under the covers. I turn to face him get close to him and put my head in his chest.

Then I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.



Finally I updated 😂
can you tell I don't know what the hell I'm writing about?

was this boring af? #sorrynotsorry (yeah I'm talking to you😑)

i suck at updates. (I say this every time cuz its really true)


HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! did you guys make resolutions??

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luv yah😍💁

~Sydney🔥🔥(cuz I'm fire)

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