16- Oh Don't Do It...

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lol welp i lost tha game. 😂 lolol im like the worst writer ever

Here's a picture of sad matt because school is a bitch but im not failing... yet.

should I double update or nah? (i actually have it typed up and everything i feel so acomplished)

Last night my phone was blowing up with texts and calls from Shawn trying to apologize. I was so tempted to block him but I couldn't bring myself to do it. So I just turned him on do not disturb. And deleted his contact.

I still haven't decided if I'm going to Aaron's today.

I mean I should go to get out of the house... yeah whatever I think I'll go he can't stop me from having fun right?

Shit I forgot. Shawns mom is my ride. ughh I really don't think I'm going to be able to get out of that. I haven't seen Nash since Friday. Well I guess I know who he's probably with.

Fuck. Oh well... we're best friends. We shouldnt let this get between us.

I check my phone it's 2 AM I see a text pop up from Shawn.

Unknown- do you still want to go to Aaron's with me?

I wait a while... only like 10 minutes... until responding. So as that it doesn't look like I've been waiting for him to text me. I don't do desperate.

Me- sure.

I can see he read it as soon as I sent then he quickly send me a text back. What was I saying about being desperate?

Unknown🔨🔪💀- OK sounds good. come over @ like 4.💕

Heart emojis? He must have me mistaken just because I said I was going to ride with him does not mean I'm going to forgive him. Actually, I'm really only using him for his transportation abilities. Oh well he'll figure out sooner or later.

I decide to not answer. I pack a backpack with my stuff in it for over night, and just wait until around four.

I walk over to Shawn's house and knock on his door.

The door swings open almost immediately. Kind of like he was waiting for me at the door. Hmm... Anyway the steps out and wraps his arms around me exactly like yesterday, but this time I don't hug him back. He lets go of me after a few seconds. When he does I can see that he has a sad look on his face almost a smile, but when he sees me looking he quickly it into a smile.

We stand around for a few seconds and then he turns around and yells into his house. "Mom he's here."

"Okay I'll be down in a second" She yells back.

He turns back around to me. "She'll be down in a se-" he starts before I interrupt him.

"Yeah I'm standing right next to you. I heard." I interject quite rudely. Right after I say it start to regret the tone I used and start to feel really bad about how I've been treating him. But then I remember what happened so... I feel less sorry about it.

After a couple more seconds tries to talk to me a gain. "Hey look babe I'm sorr-" Then finally his mom walks out of his house. Yes thank you Mrs. Mendes, for once, great timing!

"Oh looks like your mom is here." I say skipping to the car with a smile on my face, practically rejoicing.

Since his mom is out of the house we head to the car. I walk around togged into the backseat. Shawn looks like he is about to take shotgun, which I expected him to do, but changes his mind and decides to sit in the backseat with he. Yay I'm so excited (and for you slow people, I'm being sarcastic).

The whole ride I look out the window Shawn tries to start conversation but I just ignore him. Not the most mature decision but who wants to be old?

My hand rests in the middle seat between us, his lies about a foot away from mine. Slowly, I see Shawn's hand inch over to where mine is as if he's trying to hold my hand so I just scoot mine over away from his. Then suddenly I feel his hand on mine attempting to slide his fingers between mine. Is he stupid or what? Like take a hint. If I don't want to talk to you then I most defiantly don't want you holdign my hand. I yank my had out from under his continuing to state out of the window now with my hands folded together.

I'm starting to feel as if this was a bad idea.


When we finally get to Aaron's house I jump out the car, say thank you to Mrs. Mendes and start walking towards the door, leaving Shawn behind. I walk up the long driveway all the way to his front door and knock on it.

Aaron opens the door to let me in.

All night goes exactly like this morning, ignoring Shawn. Periodically (😂😂holy throwback) when Aaron isn't paying attention he tries to apologize but I ... yep you guessed it... ignored him. But I think Aaron could still sense the tension between us.

I mean why should I accept his apology? And I need some more time to think and process everything that's happened.

You can say I was relived when Shawn went to go make us popcorn.

"I'll be right back" He said.

After a few minutes he wasn't back and Aaron was starting to wonder where he was. I, on the other hand, don't give two shits about where that brown haired thot is.

"Maybe we should go check on him. Make sure he hasn't started a forest fire or something."

"Eh. You can go if you want. I'll be here. Have fun."

"Okay?..." Aaron says confused but doesn't question it and just gets up and leaves.

I just continue back to what I was doing. Until they don't come back for a long while.


ooooo. What's happening with Aaron and Shawn?? well your going to find out in the next chapter duhhhh.

when should i post it ?

hey... you... follow me. 😏


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