6- Just Another Chapter... idek

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I wrote most of this at 12:55 am ( I just checked) so this is probably terrible

Nash's POV

Morgan said she had to go back home and left a couple minutes after we you know... anyway after she left I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

I got out of my shower and put some clothes on. I grab some boxers a plain white T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I put them on and then check my phone since I've been ignoring it all day. Wow I have 10 missed calls and 16 missed messages all from the boys.

Missed calls (8)- Taylor

Where you at tho?

Are you ok?

I was drunk. Sorry. Can we talk?

Where'd you go last night?

I respond to some of them and then get off my phone. I walk downstairs and see Hayes sitting on the couch watching spongebob.

"Your finally out of your room. How did things go with Morgan? It sounded like you guys made up pretty quickly." Hayes says.

"Uhh... yeahh. I guess you can say things are pretty good between us now." I reply.

"Yeah good. Umm... Nash what are you doing today." Hayes asks me.

"I don't think I have anything planned. Why?" I ask.

"You wanna watch some movies?" He asks me.

"Yeah I'd love that" I say back.

When we were little Hayes and I used to always watch movies. We would just set aside a whole day and watch movie after movie till we fell asleep.

I went and sat on the couch next to Hayes. Hayes goes to Netflix on the tv. He scrolls through the genres and lands on the horror section. He scrolls until he lands on Paranormal Activity. He clicks play and we start watching.

His hand just layed on the couch until I picked it up and intertwined my fingers with his. He didn't seem to mind at all. Holding hands with him wasn't awkward or anything like that it was just... perfect.

Out of the corner of my eye I can see a smile creep on his face.

Obviously we both feel something about each other. I'm not sure what it's about but I know I'm not gay. Although when we kissed it felt like nothing before his soft lips on mine. Even though I was drunk I remember that part of the night clearly.

In the middle of the third movie, Paranormal Activity 3, I was sitting up with my feet stretched out on the ottoman and Hayes' head is resting on my lap. Our hands were still holding on to each other. I hear a light snore come from Hayes. I look over and see that he's asleep. I lean over and kiss him on his forehead.


Babe😊😍~ Hey haven't heard from you all day. Love you. Night

Me~ Yea love you too. Good night XOXO

Even as I was telling my girlfriend that I loved her something wasn't right. I don't know what it is but it feels like everything I put into that text was not the truth. What I used to feel for her is not the same. Although I feel the same way about someone else. Today I tried to cover up my feelings and hopefully regain some of the love I had for her. But it didn't work.

As I'm laying on the couch I can't stop thinking about what happened. It was the best night of my life. I've been wanting to do that for a while now but I guess I didn't have the courage to until I was drunk.

But I don't know if he feels the same way about me because he didn't kiss back. Although there a pretty good chance he will because right now he's laying on my lap and holding my hand. I'll have to ask him about it later.

I wonder if we could ever be together though. First of all dad would absolutely kill me if I was gay. Then he would kill Hayes if he comes out. Then when he finds out both of his newly gay sons are fucking EACH OTHER. Then we will definitely be on the streets with a shopping cart, a cardboard sign, and a paper cup.

Even if we get it past dad then how will the world see us? There's a lot of haters out there. And I wonder how the fans will take it? For them to know that their idols that they love so much are not just gay and they are not just taken but they are gay and taken by another one of the boys who just so happens to be his brother. Surprisingly not a lot of people support incest.

Although we are step brothers we look exactly alike. Which is totally weird because we are totally 100% absolutely not related. But we both have brown hair and blue eyes.

I'm kinda of tired of thinking of all these things that might or might not happen. We'll just have to wait and see. I slowly close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I know I suck with updates

how was your thanksgiving ??




~Sydney 💕

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