8- The Doors Are Open

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hehe see what I did there? no?... ok

make sure you Read the next "chapter" thing it's an a/n but it's important...ish

"Come in" I say as Nash emerges from behind the door.

"Hey umm Hayes can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah sure. What is it?" I ask him.

Maybe he wants to talk about that night. if he does I don't know what I should tell him though. Maybe I'll tell him it's no big deal and that it meant nothing to me but I think both of us know that that's not true.

I go to sit on the floor with my back against my bed and gesturing for Nash to sit in front of me. He sits on the floor in front of me his face looks nervous and kind of scared.

He exhales then says "Okay Hayes. I wanted to talk about... well you probably know what I'm going to bring up. But I think it needs to be addressed." I just nod in agreement to what he's saying.

"Ok so when the "kiss" happened I was drunk and I didn't know what was going on. I got this feeling to kiss you and I don't know where it came from. But anyway... you know I'm not "like that" I have a girlfriend that I love and I'm looking forward to getting married and having children someday. So I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way." Nash tells me.

Right now I'm basically on the verge of tears. But I can't cry that wouldn't look right.

"No, it's fine I totally understand. And it would be weird anyway seeing as that we're brothers and stuff. But I also have something to tell you. I've been wanting to tell you this for awhile but i think... I think I might be gay" I say, the last part in a whisper hoping that Nash won't hear.

"What did you say?" Nash asks.

I pick up my phone and start to text him. I type:

idk how to say this but umm...I'm like pretty sure I'm gay.

(excuse my ignorance of coming out etiquette)

Then I hit send. As soon as i do that Nash's phone vibrates and makes a *ding* sound indicating he has received a text. He looks up at me still trying to figure out what's going on. I gesture to him to pick up his phone.

I can't bare to look at him and to see his reaction so I just continue to look at my phone and start to scroll through twitter. I give him some time to process thst new information. After just about a minute had gone by I look up to see that he was going to say. But he's just starring at me.

"Umm. Hello it took me awhile to actually accept this about my self and now I'm finally telling someone else. You could at least answer me." I tell him desperately wanting him to say something.

"Are you sure? You've had girlfriends... this can't be right. I mean I can't say I'm surprised. thought, I always thought something was different but I never thought that actually..." he trails off.

"Wait what? You've known?" I ask him confused.

"Yess I've known Hayes I mean I didn't think that it was well you know like that but there's always been something different." He tells me.

"Like what? Do you think there's something wrong with me now. Because if you do then I don't need this right now."

"No I don't think there's anything wrong with you and you are perfect just the way you are. I was just a little shocked that's all." Nash says.

"Okay thank goodness I was beginning to think you were going to like hate me forever or something like that." I tell thin relieved.

"No I would never do that. So what happens now? I really don't know how all this works. Are you going to tell like mom and dad or other people?" Nash asks me.

"Uhh... I don't think that is necessary right now. Although I do intend on eventually telling other people. I might tell some friends but I'm keeping this a secret for right now. So I'm going to need you to keep this on the really really really down low." I say.

"Ohh ok I understand." Nash tells me.

" Yeahh but anyways thanks for listening." I tell him.

"Yep no problem anytime." He says as he gets up and approaches the door of my bed room and leaves.

Yessss. I've told someone. But he said he wasn't " that way". I feel so dumb how couldn't I have known? But what did I actually think he wa sgoing to say? That he enjoyed the kiss as much as I did or that he was in love with me the way I am?

Woah. That's not weird being in love with your brother. Being in love with everything about him his face, his eyes, his body, or the way he laughs.

But it could never work. I guess I'll find my special someone someday. Why is it that I think I've already found him though.

thanks for reading!!

I suck for not updating


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7 days till Christmas!!
I feel like I'm being ignorant of the people who don't celebrate Christmas so if you don't celebrate Christmas tell me what you celebrate!


My birthday's in 17 days (I feel like it's too early to count down tho)

What is your favorite song from #JacksMonthOfMusic??

thanks guiezz. ilyy

~Sydney 🎁

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