15- Move B*tch Get Out The Way

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I'm alive... yep.  😅

The picture is less relevant now. (yah kno cuz she like all on that diack now but...) oh well.

let's play a game.
will Sydney (das meh) be able to update again before she goes to camp on Sunday for 2 weeks?

stay tuned to find out.
eh... enjoy?

The next morning I wake up to my kim possible text tone going off repeatedly. (hehe. I bought that actually. it's fun but soooooo fudging annoying.)

I groan and open my eyes. Fudge why is it so bright outside? And why is some one texting me so fucking early?

Once I come to my senses I realize Nash isn't next to me. Although I'm not surprised. Every time we kiss or get "closer than normal", which has only been once before, Nash always seems to avoid me like the next day. I wonder how long it'll last this time.

I mean we kind of are brothers and we do live in the same house so, we're going to have to have at least one conversation. Tbh he's just being fucking dumb. Ugh whatever he's probably on his man period or something.

I look around for my phone I put it down somewhere when yah know "things were happening". I realize it's on my floor almost under my bed. Because I'm too lazy to get off the bed and get it I hang my body off the side of my bed trying to find it. After searching the floor with my hands I finally find it and grab it. I sit back up and check my phone.

Ok let's see well I only have a few messages. Mostly from Shawn and then the rest are probably from some irrelevants I could care less about.

Shawnn☺️💕- good morning beautiful
txt me when you wake up
i want us to do something today

Aww he's so sweet. I text him back.

Me- hey.

I get up out of bed to prepare myself for today. I'm probably going to just hang out with Shawn the whole day. Plus I have nothing else planned and I don't think Nash is here so I have nothing else to do.

I go into my bathroom to take a shower. After I'm done I get out and get dressed. I look back at my phone.

Shawnn☺️💕- finally your awake. lol. ok so I was thinking we could go out somewhere.

Me- ok. I'll meet you at your house?

Shawnn☺️💕- sounds good.

I go downstairs and I discuss a few questions with my inner being:

Where is my mom when I need her???? (*starts making the dubstep noises to where are Ü now*) Who's going to make me food? WHAT ARE THOSE? How will I survive??

After I finish consulting with myself I decide the best answer to my question is to just not eat. It's not that important and I'm not even that hungry. Pftt, who ever said "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" obviously never had dessert. (apple pie tho 😏. I'm pretty sure I would sell my soul for a slice of pie. priorities man)

Ehh. And if worst comes to worst I'll just bribe Shawn into feeding me.

We didn't really discuss a time we would meet up. It's like around 12:30 ish rn so I decide to go over at like 1.

I walk over to Shawns house and knock on his door. After what seems like just milliseconds later Shawn steps out and engulfs me in a hug wrapping his arms around my waist. Then placing his lips on mine.

"Hey babe." Shawn greets me, but I quickly pull away from his embrace.

"Hey what are you doing? People could see." I say looking around to see if anyone saw us.

Brotherly Love: a Nayes FanficWhere stories live. Discover now