9- Something Big

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I legit have the worst memory. how the hell did I forget this but...


Ever since Nash and I talked he's been really distant and things are awkward among us. We haven't really talked much this whole week either. And I was starting to think we might actually have a chance but I guess not.

Thank goodness its Friday! I get ready for school and wait for Nash. Nash drives both the hoebag (😶don't kill me🙊) and I to school as usual everyday. As soon as we get there I quickly get out of the car not wanting to stay in the car any longer.

I walk down the hall go to my locker and start to get my stuff for homeroom, which is history, out. Then I walk down the hall to homeroom. I walk into the classroom and some kids are already in their seats. The bell hasn't rung yet so I'm early. I walk in and sit down in my assigned seat. Since there wasn't anybody who I usually talk to in the classroom yet I just sat doing nothing.

The bell finally rings, and as if on cue both Aaron and Shawn walk into the classroom. Since class started the teacher was up in front of the class talking about something I don't give a fuck about so I tune her out as usual.

Aaron sits behind me and Shawn sits to my right. So I just start talking to them instead.

"Hey Hayes where have you been in the mornings, we've been looking for you?'" Aaron says.

"Oh sorry guys I've just been a little off this week" I tell them.

"Oh ok whatever. But did you hear?" Shawn asks.

"Hear what?" I ask confused.

"Ok so I heard from an reliable source that Emma has a crush on you." Shawn tells me.

"What Emma?" I ask because there are literally thousands of Emma's, Emily's, and just other girls who have Emma as an nickname.

"The hot one Emma Roberts." Shawn says. (No relation.☺️)

"Oh really. Cool." I say trying my best to sound interested

Emma Roberts was the most popular freshman girl in the school. She had blonde hair and green eyes. She was really pretty and could be a model. But I'm not really interested in her... for obvious reasons.

"Yeah are you going to go for it? 'Cuz if you aren't I will gladly tap that." Aaron says

"Haha." I laugh "I'll think about it." I say not giving him an definite answer so he'll have to keep waiting.

Then the teacher actually said something that was interesting. "Ok class you can pick your partners for this project. There's a paper at the door so when you leave write down what topic you've picked and who you are partnering with. Groups are to be of two or three people. Use the rest of the period to start collaborating. Your eight hundred word essay and an oral presentation is due in two weeks."

"Ok do any of you guys know what the hell this fucking project is about?" I ask them.

"Nope not a clue" Shawn says

"Me either." Aaron tells me.

"Damn, ok one of you ask someone who was paying attention." I tell them

Aaron turns around and asks some girl who sits behind him.

"Ok its on any time period in American history." Aaron says.

We start to actually talk about school work and we decided to do the project on the time period around the Great Depression & World War 2. The bell rings and we get up and walk out the class. I write our names down and our time period on the sheet next to the door then leave.


School is over hallelujah!!!!! I swear whoever invented this shit is a fucking asshole.

I'm getting ready to walk out of the school as Shawn comes up to me.

"Hey Hayes." Shawn says.

"Wassup bro?" I reply

"You want to come over today maybe work on the project and stay over?" Shawn asks me. (Idk how boys ask each other to come over each others houses)

"Yeah sure sounds like fun I'll be over four thirty five-ish, after I go home and get some clothes." I tell him.

"Ok sounds good" He says.

Ok did i mention how hot Shawn is? No? ok well he is hot like really hot. His brown hair and brown eyes are just amazing. Like god damn what do i have to do to get some of him? (No but really tho someone please tell me cus ZAMMMM😍)


I get home and start to pack a bag of clothes to take to Shawn's. I pack night clothes, something to wear tomorrow, and another outfit because a boy needs options. Then I get like the necessities like a toothbrush, toothpaste, and other shidd like that.

After I'm done packing I go downstairs. I still haven't asked permission to go but I practically live at Shawn's because I'm over there so often. So I doubt that I'll get a no. As I go downstairs I find my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey Mom can I stay over Shawn's Today?" I ask her.

"Yea sure honey. Have fun. Tell Ms. Mendes I said hi and thank you." She says

"Ok see you later mom." I say as i walk out the door and head to Shawn's.

His house is not far from mine so it's a short walk. And after about two minuets I arrived at Shawn's. I walk up and knock on the door. A couple seconds later a smiling Shawn emerges from behind the front door.

"Hey Hayes come in." Shawn says.

"Ok" I say.

I walk in and Shawn shuts the door behind us. Then I start to walk up the stairs to Shawn's room.


I woke up way too early today.😂

I decided i couldn't leave you guys without an update on Christmas.😊🎅🎄🎅🎁

ok I'm in the process of writing more. lol no I'm not waiting for suspense. so update coming soon.😉😏

Do you guys know of any good stories?


I literally live for winter break!!!! like yasss!!!❄️❄️⛄️ although it's warm... like dafuq ?!?

Follow me here:

Instagram : @sydnayyyy__
(i lost like 170 followers dafuq insta?!?😫😒)
Twitter: @sydnayyyy__

leave me a fucking comment I'm very lonely ( if you know where that's from you are my new fave) no but really I enjoy stalking your profiles when you comment and vote so do it.😂



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