A soft groan escaped Bidziil but he didn't wake, pulling me tighter to his body before he relaxed. I nuzzled against his throat, pressing my lips against the warm skin before breathing him in.

I slowly nipped at his jaw, pressing kiss after kiss against his skin, chuckling as I felt a slight stirring against my stomach. My hips rolled into his, slow long rolls that made me bite my lip while Bidziil groaned in his sleep.

A smirk started to form on my lips as I slowly pushed myself up, feeling Bidziil standing to attention. It was exhilarating to know that this handsome male was all mine and very interested in me.

The blankets fell down to my hips as I attempted to move back, only to gasp in surprise when hands firmly clasped onto my hips.

My eyes instantly shot towards his face, where a smirk curled his lips, eyes heavily lidded as he observed me from under his lashes.

"Morning, you minx." He growled lowly, one of his hands reaching up over my back, creating shivers along the way before his fingers wove in my hair and pulled me to his lips.

Our lips clashed together, parting instantly so our tongues could battle for dominance. Bidziil would naturally win but that didn't mean I was going to make things easy for him.

I smirked in the kiss as I shuffled back slightly until I could feel his hot flesh pressed against my ass. My hips had a mind of their own, slowly starting to gyrate in a teasing manner as I nipped at Bidziil's lip.

Much to my surprise, he smirked back, catching my own lip in a chastising bite before the hand left on my hip started to dip lower.

Fingers parting my cheeks and slowly teasing my hole all the while Bidziil's own hips started rolling smoothly. The room was quick to heat up, filled with the sound of our heavy breathing, lips and tongues slickly fighting in a never-ending battle of sweet pleasure.

Pleasure that sparked sharply as I groaned, Bidziil's smirking victoriously as his hand had reached underneath and grabbed my cock. Sliding back and forth, thumb brushing over the sensitive glands before his fingers tightened on the downstroke.

"Fuck!" I hissed sharply, head rolling to press my forehead against his clavicle. Bidziil chuckled at that, mouthing at my shoulder before there was a sharp sting as his teeth dug in gently.

A gasp left my throat, Bidziil's tongue flitting over the tingling skin while his hand sped up, tightening as my hips had a life of their own and pumped into his hold. He ignored my squeals to slow down, panted pleas for mercy until I shudder, rutting against his hand and spilling all over him.

Gasping for air, I struggle to recover before lurching forwards as I felt his damp fingers, drenched with my own release, gently pressing inside.

Raising my head with an incredulous look, I'm instantly met with Bidziil's cocky smirk as he winked at me, fingers reaching farther.

Lights flashed before my eyes, body convulsing in overwhelming pleasure as he stretched me, adding more fingers and always making sure to nudge my prostate relentlessly.

By the time Bidziil's fingers returned to my hips, one hand holding himself steady as I struggled to keep my orgasm at bay.

"Fuck, babe, hold on-" I let out a frustrated cry as Bidzill stopped but I couldn't stop my trembling muscles from tensing as gravity slowly settled me on top of Bidziil's aching length.

A wicked smirk slipped on his face as I panted, trembling against his chest. "Don't you d-Ah! Fuck!" I wailed as Bidziil lifted me back off his length, snapping his hips up at the same time he pulled me back down.

I bit at his shoulder, clawing over his back in ecstasy as he started these deliciously deep, long thrusts, keeping me on the edge of an orgasm but backing off when he felt my walls starting to flutter and clench.

Until finally, finally, he showed mercy and started trusting uninhibitedly. Holding me down as he pumped into me before rolling over, wrapping one of my legs around his hips so he could reach deeper.

A flicker of light followed by a burst of sheer pleasure as I couldn't contain my wings from exploding from my back. The lamp on the bedside table got knocked down by my wing, shattering on impact.

My orgasm rolled through my body without remorse, legs trembling around Bidziil, back arching and toes curling as I sobbed.

His thrusts finally slowed down, lips tenderly brushing over my forehead, eyelids and catching the stray tears that rolled down my cheek.

Each aftershock of pleasure made me convulse against Bidziil, barely conscious to watch him groan and bite on his lower lip, head thrown backwards as he reached his own peak.

He collapsed on top of me, for a moment nothing could be heard in the room besides our heavy breathing, trying to catch our breath.

Even so, we couldn't seem to keep our hands to ourselves, continuously stealing small kisses, intertwining our legs until I was pressed against him, resting my head on his chest while his fingers danced over my nape and back.

"Hmmmm..." Bidziil groaned, pressing a kiss on my damp hair as I sighed contently, "I love these wake up calls." I snorted, rolling my cheek against his chest so I could look up at him.

"You tend to leave me more exhausted than after I did my job." I stated, making my lover snicker slightly with a satisfied grin. "Seriously, control yourself, you animal!"

Bidziil laughed at that pulling me closer for a satisfying kiss before he drew back. "You initiated it."

I blinked at that, mouth ajar as I went to refute but...couldn't. Because Bidziil wasn't lying at all and both of us knew it.

"Cocky bastard." I muttered before yelping as I was lifted out of the bed and tossed over Bidziil's shoulder. My wings flapped uncontrollably, making Bidziil laugh as he struggled to regain his balance. "Well, since I exhausted you so much, I have to take responsibility and clean you."

Part of me wanted to protest, just for the hell of it. Then again, getting a hot bath drawn and washed, probably earning myself another massage from Bidziil...

Sounds heavenly.

I sagged in his hold and sighed softly, feeling him chuckle before a kiss whispered over my jaw. Within a few moments I found myself in a hot steaming bath, feeling my muscles instantly turn to mush.

"Don't fall asleep love, I'll be right back." Bidziil said with a soft look in his eyes before padding out of the bathroom. My head lolled backwards against the soft pillow cushioning the lip of the bath.

First time I saw it, I had snorted at the idea of putting a pillow on a bath but it was really comfortable for your neck, so now I didn't complain.

Bidziil returned and ushered me forwards, chuckling as I groaned and barely leaned forwards. He held me as he stepped into the tub as well before both of us enjoyed the relaxing bath.

This. This is the life...

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