Chapter 1

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---External POV---

Moonlight was prying through the branches, faintly illuminating the blackened soil beneath, along with the small group of humans in the heart of the forest. Nothing moved, safe for a column of deep blue light.

It flickered between the trees, dancing from space to space, always followed by its dark twin shadow, dancing around it in perfect harmony. It rushed over the humans, hovering a few feet above them but those that opened their eyes halfheartedly in their sleep didn't see a thing, only the dark sky above.

The light didn't wait for them to close their eyes, instead, it rushed over every individual, as if checking that they were still there before it floated back to the edge of the forest. The action was repeated in a slow cycle, each time the light would return back to hover over the small group of people before it hovered over the young man, whom was sleeping between two children.

Every time the light passed over them, the younger man stirred in his sleep before relaxing slightly with each pass. The flash of blue darted back to the edge of the forest, curling between the trees while its black twin rushed around in a playful dance.

And right then, several things occurred at once.

In the middle of a twirl towards the sky, the dark shadow suddenly shot away from its twin to dart towards the southern edge of the clearing whilst the deep blue light flared up brightly and sped in the opposite direction before it rushed through the young man's chest.

It was at that time that a pair of sharp blue eyes shot open just as the light made contact with Thorn's chest. Without making a single sound, he sat up straight and stared into the darkness, his eyes eerily glowing in the dark before they darted down.

Thorn awakened the two children still sleeping in his lap before wordlessly going to the rest of the group. His hands were gentle yet firm as they took hold on each of the adults' shoulders and shook them awake, waking them with a start before muffling the gasp that always followed.

"Trouble. Quiet and wake the others." He whispered as softly as possible, ignoring the humans' reaction to his bright blue eyes, which seemed to float in the darkness of the forest.

The humans were soon on their feet, shaking in the cold air from exhaustion, cold and fear. As soon as everyone was up, they huddled closer to Thorn when his head shot up, as if hearing something, just at the time the dark shadow darted back out the depths of the woods.

---Thorn's POV---

The rush of something cool pouring through me along with an unintelligible shout ringing in my head woke me up with a start. My mind still shivered from the force of the voice, though it seemed I was the only one who had heard it.

I instantly knew that something dangerous was coming closer; the blue light that woke me up was now flying towards the Northeast, darting back and forth between the edge of the forest and me while its shadow was nowhere to be found.

Pushing the tiredness to the back of my mind, I reached out and gently shook both Blake and Lyra, who both groaned softly before their eyes shot open, instantly finding my own. I placed a finger on their lips, indicating to be quiet before I looked at the others and stood up.

They got what I meant and quickly rushed to do the same, sneaking through the forest as I went to the group of adults closest to me. Henry woke with a start and nearly shouted out when I grasped his arm and shook him to wake him up. My hand instantly flew out to muffle his shocked gasp as his eyes found my own, the light from them reflecting in his own.

"Trouble. Quiet and wake the others." I whispered softly before going to the next group. It wasn't until long that everyone was awake, shivering in freight as they grouped around me, waiting for me to tell them what to do in order to survive.

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