☯The Night☯

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"Lilia? Have we met?" she kept thinking who might it be when something hit her.


"You were suppose to be dead!" Casey exclaimed.


Casey looked at Lilia in astound.

"No. You were dead when we saw you. This can never be happening..."
words kept repeating in her head.

"I know how this may sound but to be honest, I am as how I am. I am still alive."

"Let us talk inside." and she pulled Lilia in.

John from the kitchen was as shocked as she was. He just stood there observing her on what was actually going on.

"Casey, I know you are surprised-"

"How did you know me?" Casey looked closely at Lilia.


"How did you escape?" Casey interrupted her again.

"I should-"

"You are not Lilia, are you?" Casey gave her the curious look.

Feeling half annoyed, Lilia used her palm to shut Casey up.

"I know how you are feeling right now but I need you to calm down and listen to me." Lilia slowly removed her hand and looked at Casey.

Casey took a deep breath and looked at her.

"How did you end up here?"

Lilia looked at Casey and starts to reveal her part of story that Casey and John did not even guess what it was.

Crystal became like a mad person the moment  she saw Casey went missing with the other woman but then knowing that the person is dead by Three made her feel awesome.


"I am alright. I had a hunch it can never be avoided. Thanks to that psycho, that police officer is dead." she laughed.

She went over to Diego and took a dagger. Having that murderous look on her, she stabbed him at his abdomen and left thigh. Diego was not moving an inch nor sound was heard coming from him. Crystal looked at him with here brow twitched a little.

"Are you dead?" she asked as she tried to feel his pulse.

"Babe, he is becoming a dead corpse. There is nothing else to suck out of him." Ryle came creasing her cheek but Crystal used the same dagger and stabbed Diego's right thigh.

"Baby, I do not care if he's soulless or alive. He will pay for what he did to our dad." she stared at Ryle who was just looking at Diego.

At one point, he starts to pity Diego. Though he knew Diego killed his father but he was not as strong willed as his sister. In order to distract his sister, he pulled her into a deep kiss as his hands slowly roamed around her sensitive parts. Moaning in between their kiss, her mind went to Ryle feeling all the lust. Pulling away, she looked at him.

"Baby?" she called

"Hush. You look pretty when you are feisty but you are sexy when you have that in your hand." and starts to kiss her again.

They were sharing a passionate moment when Ryle slowly took a glimpse at Diego and noticed his right pinky finger twitched a little.

"You are one lucky fellow."
he thought while he led Crystal into an intimate moment.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now