☯The Flower☯

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This chapter is dedicated to all front-liners who are risking their life to save those who are infected by Covid-19 and to keep others from getting people infected by Covid-19. I hope everyone will be safe during this crisis moments and help one another out. Keep your distance, keep hygiene and see the doctor if you're unwell. Thank you to all front-liners and thank you to others for staying at home. Stay safe everyone. Love you guys.

Question to the readers:-
Do you prefer the killer to be revealed soon or at later version? Please state down at the comment. This will help me to decide which part I can slowly start to reveal the killer. 
1. Soon
2. Later

Please write down your answer after reading it. Thank you ^_^


Days passed by but nothing seems to occur. Casey and Diego have been moving around, hoping to see any clues but nothing seems to appear. Though they sense that someone will be killed, they couldn't find any clues to it. While having a drink at a bar, they saw Wendy walking in with a friend. Taken by surprise, Casey quickly pulled both of them.

"What are you both thinking coming here when you guys are underage?" she whispered to them not wanting others to know.

"Anna, we just want to know how a bar looks and what alcohol tastes like." Wendy claimed.

"You guys are not allowed here. What if they find out? Do you want them to call the cops over you? Carl and I are going to ignore the fact we saw you here so we don't get involved in a problem." she told them strictly.

Wendy didn't budge but her friend looked slightly worried.

"Wendy, I don't feel good. Lets' leave."

"Anna, pretty please. Let us stay just for today. Promise we will listen to you." Wendy begged Casey.

She and Diego exchanged looks. She signalled to him that it's not a good idea because they're undercover and anything can mess up but he signalled her back it will all be alright since he's there. He turned to both of them and smiled.

"Alright girls, you can ignore Anna. She's a party pooper. We'll let this slide off this time but no promises the next time because we are always here." and he winked at them.

"Thank you!" they cried in joy.

"Just 2 deals, only drink the drinks we choose for you and stay near to our sight. If you don't like this, the deals are off and you're going straight back home."

"DEAL!" they shrieked and sat beside them.

They had a good conversation and introduced her friend to them.

"This is Lily, my church friend. She lives like thirty minutes away from here."

"Hi Lily, I'm Carl." Diego shook her hand with a charming smile. That instant, Casey knew what he was trying to do.

"Typical Diego."
she smirked as she took a sip from her Dirty Martini.

"So Wendy, Lily is same age as you?"

"Nope. She's 2 years older than me. She's a private piano tutor for a living. She's really good at teaching."

"That's sweet." she smiled as she looked at Diego and Lily.

"How long have you been a private tutor?"

"For about a year. I'm looking to open a center where I can teach children easily." she smiled.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now