☯The Unexpected☯

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PS: I would like to thank bee979956 and tmax7official for voting my story. Appreciate it guys

(16th June 2019, Day 4 after the kidnap of Carmen)

Diego and Casey went through all the clues they have used to find out on Three and the whereabouts but were all in vain. Their concern on will Carmen be a victim or missing roamed in their head. Not long later, they have received an email from Mr Rylan.

Casey went through the details and she had some mixed feelings going on. Diego looked at it and nothing could come out of his head. He stayed silent.

"Diego, 1 thing that we can be calm about is Carmen is not harmed in any way." she pat on his shoulder.

"True. Where could she be? I thought Three would change course but it seems that he is maintaining his ways."

"Looking at this case, this time the victim is a male."

"Why is he going for a male while all the while was a female who is being killed first?"

"I cannot think of anything right now, Casey. This is seriously devastating."

"Like what Mr Rylan said, we have to stay calm and solve this issue."

"Where do we start here?"

"By looking at the body. I believe there is something hidden in this case. Something that we ourselves did not discover yet."

"Let us do it then." Diego became calm with his words but his eager on catching Three was strong.

(17th May 2019, 28 days before the kidnap of Carmen)

Someone knocked at the door leaving both Diego and Casey speechless. They looked at each other and signaled Diego to open the door. Holding on to a metal pole as Casey hid in her room, she took a peek at the door while Diego opened it. She saw a pair of hands were holding on to his hip but then she could not see the face. Within minutes, he was seen trying to put the pole away. She was confused and went over to see what happened. She came to the door and saw...

"Anna. Laurel's dead." as Wendy start crying loud but never let go of Diego.

He signaled Casey to help him out to make Wendy let go of him but Casey just shrugged him off and told him to sit. Knowing well this is not going to end soon, he kept tapping on her head as Wendy cried hard.

"Wendy, tell me what happened?"

"The police came over to our house asking for Laurel's information and any contact before she died but then we gave them whatever we knew. They did not look like they have trust at us."

"Why did the police came over to you when you and her are not related?" Casey looked at her and signaled Diego to record the conversation.

"Just because we went camp together, they assumed that I must have done something to her.."

"What?!" both of them cried together.

"Yes. All I did was just sent her a warning letter during the camp, that I will kill her if she put another dead roach on my food. It is not like I meant it. I cannot even believe this happened to her. My bestie died and now Laurel. What will happen to me?"

"Nothing will happen to you my dear. Do not worry. You should had approached her in different way." Casey calmed Wendy down

"How would I know she will be killed?"

"Leave it then." she calmed Wendy down.

To distract her, Diego start to have a different conversation with her. Casey went over to her room to clear up a few things and she felt like someone was watching over her. She looked around but no one was there. She walked pass the window and slowly took a peek outside of the window but there were no one.

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