☯The Found☯

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"John?" Casey looked at John, trying to remember back what she had lost but she couldn't. To her, John looked much more matured. She began to feel an unknown fear that creep in her.

"Casey. How did you-"

"JOHN!" Casey went over to him and hugged him tight. Feeling that fear, she cried out loud on what was happening surrounding her.

John at that moment couldn't move an inch or even look at her face. He hugged her back and kept her calm. The cry went on for hours. Not long later, Casey sat back on the bed while looking out the window.

"Casey." she turned to him.

"Do you remember anything that happened and where have you been all this while?" John looked at her with a calm look but filled with so many questions.

"Where have I been?" She looked at him with a blank look. She still couldn't figure out what happened.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He sat beside her as he held both her hands.

"Us sitting for our final year exam. We had a big party at your house and we partied till we were drunk at the club."

"How did it feel?"

"It was one of the most energetic and happiest moment that I have ever spent with you."

"Do you remember anything else? Anything that happened after that?" He held her hands tight hoping she will be strong enough to recap back the memories.

"Anything that happened..." Her eyes lingered over the blanket as she went deeper into her thoughts.


"What happened? Why am I here? What's going on? John, what is going on? Is everything okay?" she looked at him with a worried gaze.

"Casey, calm down." He couldn't stand seeing her feeling down and depressed like this.

"John, what's going on? What happened to me?" she looked concern and confused.

"Let's just leave the past behind and move on to get things right at this moment. Alright?" he assured her


He brought her back home and to her room. Mr. Logan saw her and wanted to interrupt but then was told to shush by John. Standing at the entrance of her room door, he noticed how weak Casey was.

"How in the world did you even found her?"

"Dad, even I wonder how did I got hold of her."

"John." Mr Logan gave a stern stare at John.

"When I went to the market this morning, I saw her laying on the ground by the door step. I couldn't recognize her even the tiniest bit because she was covered in blood and mud. I brought her straight to the hospital. Doctor mentioned that she had lost partial of her memory. She only remembers the time we both graduated."

"That poor girl. She lost her parents and now her memory. This must be hard for her."

"Dad, I'm here for her. We're here for her. She will be alright."

"We're the only family left for her. We need to be there for her."

"No worries, Dad." He smiled at his father and went to check over at Casey.

Days and months passed by and Casey started to return back to her cheerful self. She slowly started working with Mr. Logan and looking after the business together with John. John cares for the business in the market while Casey looks over to the accounts of the market.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Where stories live. Discover now