☯The Missing☯

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"NO!" Casey shouted.

"Casey, chill. Nothing will happen."

"Diego. It's Carmen. Our Carmen. How dare he do this! He will pay for this. We need to find her. ASAP!" Casey cried in front of Carmen's parents.

"Carmen will be happy to know that both of you really cares for her this much even though Diego known her since baby and you have been close to her for the past 3 years." Carmen's mother wiped her tear.

"We will find her. We promise you this." Casey stood up and gave them an assurance.

"It's alright darling. The police will do so. Diego, you better bring her home. She needs to relax." Diego and Casey said their goodbyes and went back home.

Casey upon reaching home, she went through all the files again and trying to find any clues in it. Diego came behind her and held her shoulder.

"Casey, chill. We will find her. It's only been 2 days she went missing."

"Diego, her birthday is 15th June. It's 4 days away. We need to find her as fast as possible. Three hit us really deep this time." her anger did not subside even the tiniest bit.

"Hey, she's my precious niece. We will get her back."

"Why are you being so calm now? Are you not angry?" she gazed at him but she noticed he was fuming in anger.

"This is not calm, Casey. He took my precious girl away. I am not going to stay silent about this. He will die in my hands." he said as he clench his hand.

"He will. If only that case was solved during that moment, none of this would have happened." Casey was filled with rage.

She was angry that she could not stop the kidnap of Diego's niece. She thought everything was turning out well since that day but then it turned upside down.

"This bloody Three is smarter than we think. I will come to you, Three. Just wait and see"
feeling so annoyed, she banged her fist towards the dressing table.

( 6th May 2019, 1 month 7 days before the kidnapping of Carmen)

"What is going on?!" Diego threw away the cup at the wall.

"Calm down. Getting angry is not going to solve anything. I don't know what did I miss here." Casey was distraught with another death going on.

"There must be something. Something that is repeating exactly the same. Maybe we have missed out something." as he flipped through all the reports.

"I know I have come close to catching Three and we even implemented plan B by revealing 1st year murders to the media and yet the pattern is the same. What am I missing here?" she kept wondering.

"Casey, how about we go grab a drink? Maybe we can come about some clues. Staying here with our messed up brain isn't going to solve anything." suggested Diego.

"You are right but you have to clean up that mess before we leave or else I am going to use your butt to clean it." as she headed to the bathroom with her towel. They freshened up and then headed to their favorite bar.

After ordering their usual, they had a chat. From the entrance, Diego noticed someone walking in wearing a navy blue, tight, sleeveless dress with 6 inch height heels. He looked around but then could not find her again. He excused himself to the washroom when he bumped into someone with the drinks spilled on his shirt and pants. When he lift his head to see who, it was none other than the navy blue lady. He was awestruck.

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