☯The Dream☯

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"How could you even do this? I have never seen you behaving like this!"

Angry and nervous voice echoed the whole house. A child was seen lying on the bed. The child opened the eyes to see a starry ceiling in the child's room. Surroundings were table, toys and a shelf. A typical children room's things. The child saw the door was slightly open and realized that it was how the voice could be heard from. The child sat straight and looked at the door. Curiosity filled the head. Shadows could be seen moving around. Though the child was scared, the child badly wanted to know what was actually going on.

"Adam! This is wrong. You can't do this."

"I don't care."

The voice of a lady could be heard. It came from the living room right at the end from the room.

"Mommy?" the child called for in a soft tone.

The child got down of the bed and slowly took the tiny steps towards the door. After few minutes of thinking, the child decided to take a peek at what was going on.

"How could you do this, Adam? What would people think?"

"Shhh...The kids are sleeping. Silence." The child saw the father enjoying his meal while the mother was walking from one corner to another as she looked at the father in a big shock.

"Adam! Whose is that?"

"Don't you know? Cecilia's." the child saw the father grinning wide with his lips.

He seems to enjoy what was in front of him. The child felt a presence in front and turned towards the room across the child. The child saw the baby brother. He is 3 but he had to watch a quarrel between their father and mother.

"If this is done continuously, I am going to the cops."

"Sit down, Rachel."

"What if I don't?"

"You might end up like her." the father grinned.

In fact, the child could feel that the father looked scary. The child saw red colors around his hands but it looked like paint to the child.

"You dare?"

Suddenly the child's view became dark. The child looked around but nothing appear. Slight concern came in the child's emotion.

"Mommy? Daddy?" the child called but there were no answer.

When the child turned around, the child saw itself returning back to its own room and there the door open again. The child slowly walked out of the room and came towards the dining room. There the child saw the father smiling happily.

"Hey buddy. Here, take this." he said as he handed something that looks like meat to the baby brother.

"Chicken?" the child thought.

"Hey sweetheart. Come here." he saw the child after passing 1 to the baby brother.

The child slowly took it and looked at it. It looked slightly dark red and it smells very weird but then, looking at how the brother smiling so wide while taking it turned up the child's interest. The child slowly put it in its mouth and took a bite. It was chewy but then tender. It tasted like chicken. The child felt the moist taste that melt in its mouth.

"You love it?" the father asked as he looked at the child.

"Yes, daddy. It's yummy."

The child took a peek towards the table and saw what it looked like fingers. The child did not understand why was there a hand with fingers seen on top of the table.

"Maybe it is my imagination." the child thought.

"Where is mommy?" the child asked the father but he just smiled at the child and looked away.

"Mommy?" he repeated

"Yes, daddy. Where is she?" the child asked again.

"Mommy is out for a trip and she wants you guys to be good children."

"I want to see mommy." the child felt like crying but then the child held it since the child feels it should not.

"I know. I miss her too but she will miss you as well."

The child noticed how the father smiled often with red colored teeth. Then, the father took a cloth and covered the table. The child noticed the hand disappeared under the table cloth.

"Off you go, both of you. Tomorrow you have school, buddy." he told to the child and the baby brother.

"Good night daddy." the child waved at the father.

The tucked the brother to sleep and went into its room to sleep as well. Before the child close my room door, the child saw the father chuckling but the child did not know why. The child climbed on the bed and tucked itself into bed. Smiling with the father and it's baby brother in the child's thoughts, the child closed the eyes. The child wanted to sleep but then the child felt something was coming close to it. The child quickly opened the eyes and to see the father holding a knife and swinging it towards the child.

With a shock, the hooded figure opened the eyes and looked around.

"Nightmare." the figure thought to itself.

Taking a deep sigh, the figure looked at the pictures hung at the wall. A picture that was hung there just triggered the figure deep down its soul. That anger and excitement in the figure is uncontrollable.

"I am coming for you..." the figure hummed in joy and happiness.

Going to the collections, the figure looked at each and every single pieces.

"Those sexy delicious toes." the figure said while licking its lips.

Looking at the pictures, the figure smiled to itself with such a pleasure and starts to whistle to its own tune.

To be continued...

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin