☯The Manifest☯

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"I do not know what happened to Diego since then. It still hurts knowing Carmen has left us. I loved her so much." her tears slowly dripped down her cheek.

"Please do not cry." he hugged her hoping that she would not go through the same again.

"I know Three is somewhere nearby or else why would he give me that?" as she pointed at the box which was brought in by John.

"Do you want me to throw?" he was about to stand up but she pulled him back.

"NO! Leave it. It is a curse." she exclaimed. 

John calmed her down and she slowly fell asleep. Closing the door behind him, he went to the box and opened it to see once more. He was confused but he was determined that if what Casey said was true, Three must be around. He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"How could you even do this to her? I placed my trust on you when you told me she will be away for some time and now she is horrified."

"John, no matter how much raise your voice at me, whatever she went through, it was not in my control."
the voice from the side answered.

"After making the police report, I saw your letter in her drawer and I came looking for you that instant. You told me she was hitting a big case but then you never told me that her life would be in danger."

"John, I told you I am sorry. My apologies on this. I did not expect things to turn this way around. You are definitely smart."

"Whether I am smart or am not is none of your business. You promised me she would be fine." John punched the table.

It was a loud thud. Though the table did not break, his knuckle turned red-ish.

"John, your IQ is 145 and you refused to join hands with me."

"I thought she will not take the case when she met you. Looking at how she went missing, I knew you were behind all these. Fuck you for causing all of this!"

"Detective Inspector John Logan. Give respect to your superior. Just because you are one of the youngest detective to reach this rank and one of the smartest, that does not give you the place to disrespect your superior. Get your mind straight."

"I know that. I did not want to take up this case because I do not want to leave her all alone. After seeing how terrified she was on the day she lost her parents, she was speechless and she looked like she was gone."

"Talking about things that is over is not going to change a thing."

"I know Three is coming for her. She received a package of toes and I believe it belongs to Diego. Good thing is he is still alive."

"How did you?"

"I was his partner during the time he killed Adam. I knew something was not right when I saw two kids running away from the restaurant."

"Is she still in shock?"

"Looking at the toes? She was horrified." John held on to his anger as he kept biting his nails.

"Looks like she is having phobia over the toes."

"What can you expect? She saw her team mate, her partner being skinned alive and his toes being chopped off. Do you think she can come out from that horrific image just like that? Who do you think she is? Florence Nightingale?" he said furiously.

Psycho Crystal ☯BOOK 1 ☯Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora