What did you do?! - Javey

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A/N: Welcome! This is my first one-shot and I'm always open to constructive critisim. Hope y'all like it! Also TW kinda well... you'll see!

Davey walked into his and Jack's shared apartment hanging up his keys. "Jackie, I'm home!" No response he kicked off his shoes before wandering to the back through the apartment. He'd had a meeting and papers to grade so he was home late. "Jack? You home?" He heard movement in Jack's room so he headed there. The door was shut and he heard what sounded like a sob. He quietly knocked on the door, "Jack? Are you there? It's me Davey I just got home from work." He slowly opened the door. He saw Jack curled in a beanbag chair in the corner. A canvas was set on Jack's easel with a beautiful painting in progress. Jack's sticker covered laptop lay on his bed. Jack looked up slightly just enough to see Davey the hood of his blue hoodie almost covering them. Davey walked over to Jack crouching next to him. "What's a matter Jackie?"

"Hhhh... everything." Jack muttered scooting closer to the wall then tipping his head to Davey slightly to beckon him to sit next to him.

"Jackie that's not specific enough I can't fix everything. Did something happen at work?" Davey scooted onto the chair next to Jack. Jack leaned against Davey chest curling into the other boy and nodded. "Work? What happened at work Jackie?" Jack whimpered before speaking,

"The n-new boss. H-She-" Jack clutched Davey tighter. Davey wrapped his arms around Jack.

"It's okay Jack. Take your time. You never said you got a new boss. Do you know they know you from somewhere else?" He felt Jack nod against his chest and sniff.

"They w-were mean." Jack stuttered out. Davey was confused.

"What do you mean? And why am I only hearing about this now?" Davey's protective instincts were kicking in.

"W-words. They. They h-hurt." Jack sobbed against Davey again. Davey felt rage start to simmer.

"Were they... verbally mean to you?" Davey asked carefully unsure how to go about this. Jack had slowly shifted from next to Davey to curled in his lap.

"Mhm. I s-said to stop and g-got mad. And th-they f-fired me." Jack was getting more difficult to understand even though the crying slowed his stuttering and muttering got worse. Davey slowly rubbed circles on his back.

"That's not right Jackie. Did you report them somewhere?" Jack shook his head to Davey's dismay. "You should. And don't worry about money or anything. My job can keep us afloat. If we think positive, now you can focus on your art now." Jack nodded at Davey words but still didn't feel much better.

"It just- it g-got to m-my h-head. I s-shouldn't have l-let it b-but it d-did." Jack said a little louder than before.

"I know Jackie. Think happy things." Davey said in attempts to comfort Jack.

"I j-just want a-away from t-the st-stinkin' streets of' New Y-York. To S-santa Fe." Jack unwrapped his arms from around Davey to wipe his face he went to use his left then switched to his right. Davey looked at Jack's hands and saw doodles covering them. Jack often doodled on his hands when his anxiety was high. Looking at them could usually give some information. Davey reached for Jack's hand and sleeve. He had grabbed Jack's sleeve but Jack jerked his hand away.

"You drew all over your hand again." Davey pointed out.

"I know but they are just flowers. A pattern up my arm, no need to look at all of them." Jack said his voice had a slight snap to it. Davey was confused by that but when he studied the doodles it was true. A pattern of flowers and vines covered his hands. Davey didn't push it but it did concern him.

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