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First morning as husband and wife.

The rays of sunlight beamed through the curtains ,lightning the room. When I woke up because of the sunlight, Ho Seok was looking at me. I felt embarrassed because of the last night. I put my head inside the blanket as I was shy, then he came inside as well. We cuddled with each other under the blanket, feeling love. Then he gave a kiss on my forehead. I put my arm around his waist, burying my head on his warm bare chest.

"I'm hungry" I said in a low tone that makes him smile.
"I'll make breakfast" he got out from the bed after leaving a kiss on my neck.

"I'll help you."

"No, Stay here. I'll be back ." he said and left the room. Before he returns with the breakfast, I put on my clothes which were on the bed. After few minutes he came to the room with two coffees along with two omelets. Omlets were a made in a heart shape which was romantic in a cute way.
"Mmmmm.... This coffee is very tasty." I said while taking sip from it.

"Of course It is. Because..."

"Because... Because what?"

"Because I made it with love. Ha, ha..." He laughed as it was funny to teasing me.

"Are you teasing me? I thought you were going to say something serious, but it was cheesy. " I hit his chest softly.

He giggled.

After taking breakfast I took a shower first. Then I went to the balcony of our room, to have some fresh air until he finished taking his shower. The view from the balcony was incredible. It was like a painting and it was so romantic. I loved the way it feels with wind in my hair. The wind that blows refreshed me. After few minutes, He took his shower and came out to me.
He hugged me from the back, wrapping his arms around me. Then put his head on my shoulder.
"Beautiful" he said.

"Yeah, look, the sky is so calm. It's looks like a painting. Isn't it?" I pointed my finger to the sky.

"I mean, You." As he said it, I smiled.

"Hey, Let's take a picture, because this is our first morning as Husband and wife. I want to keep it." he suggested.

"Yeah sure." I took a selfie. The picture was so lovely. He was hugging me from the back and his head was on my shoulder. We were smiling brightly.

"So Hyun ah." he whispered to my ears.
"Let's be happy forever, together. I want to see your smile everyday. Let's fight with the problems we face, together. You have me by your side. I may not be a perfect husband but I'll try my best. okay?
I want to grow old with you. Be with you no matter what, until my last breath. Please don't die before me. okay? I won't be able to live without you. " He spoke his heart out.

I turned to him and looked at his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck. As he put his arms around my waist.
"Oh... My sweet husband. I love you too. I have to say the same things. I may not be a perfect wife, but I'll try my best. I just want to see you smile. I love your smile the most. Yeah let's grow old together. Even on the day I die, I would like to die in your arms. I love to be wrapped in your arms like now." I said and he suddenly gave a little kiss on my lips.

" Hmm. Just stay by my side and be a good mother to our kids. That's all I want." he said and it made me blush.

" Kids? " I asked while having a weird smile on my face.

" Yeah? Why? So Hyun ah, Let's make lots of kids. Ha. Ha." he said cutely and giggled.

"You thought that far!!! But we just married. I'll tell you, when we are ready to have kids. Okay? By the way 2 kids are more than enough. " I crossed my arms and said cutely.

"Hmmm,Okay. Then I want a daughter like you...."

"and a son like you." I said and we laughed.

After that he slowly removed my hair that was fallen to my face and looked into my eyes. He talked to me.
"So hyun ah."
"So Hyun ah." this time his voice was quite loud as he was excited.
"Ah... Why???" I asked out loudly too, because it was cute.
Then he shout as loud as he can, looking at the sky.
"So hyun ah.... I..... LOVE..... YOU.....!!!"
It was so sweet.
"I love you too, Jung Ho Seok." I replied.
We kissed.

Everything happened nicely

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Everything happened nicely. Even they had some problems in the day to day life, they managed to go through the life together. After 2 years from their wedding Kim So Hyun's twin sister, Kim Hyun Ji and Jung Ho Seok's cousin brother, Kim Seok Jin got married and they had two daughters.

Kim So Hyun and Jung Ho Seok lived a very happy life as they promised to each other. As time goes by, Kim So Hyun was able to promoted as a fashion director and the main stylist in Jinhit entertainment and Jung Ho Seok was also successful in his career as well. After 3 years from their marriage, they had twins. Their dream came true. The twins were a girl and a boy. It was a lovely family. The kids were very nice and lovely as their parents. As time goes by, Kim So Hyun and Jung Ho Seok grew old together with lots of love. Jung ho seok lived 85 years and Kim So Hyun lived 80 years. Kim So Hyun left this world from being sick in Jung Ho Seok's arms and Jung Ho Seok died from a natural death, on the very next day that she died.
They kept their promises, even when they die. He wasn't just saying. As he said he couldn't live after she died.
It was true love.

This is our story.


"Jung Ho Seok, If we born again, I want to be your girl in that life too. Let's meet again. Until then, don't forget me. My love."

"I'll be waiting for you. Kim So Hyun. I love you."

This is the end of this Story guys.

Started - 1st June, 2020.
Finished - 2th July, 2020.

I started to write this story 'WHO AM I' just for fun, just because I was obsessed with writing.
But more than I expected Readers loved my story.

Within a month, with 25 chapters I finished writing this story with a happy ending.
It ranked high position in some hashtags too.
Thank you all of you.

I hope you enjoyed it.
Leave your comments about your thoughts on this story and don't forget to vote..

Once again to the reader who always motivate me, Thank you so much. Thank you for voting and leaving comments on my story. Reading your comments made my day.
Also thank you for the ghost readers who read this story without any comments or votes. If you're happy I'm happy. 

Until we meet again.
Thank you everyone.
Take care.
I love you❤️😘💜

Thank you guys, This is Kim so hyun and Jung Ho Seok. Thank you for reading our story. 😊Love you

Not the end.
There is one more thing. See you in the next chapter.

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