19_Don't Let Me Go

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He stopped the car in a peaceful place and asked me to come out. Both of us stepped out from the car and stood up in front the car.
Then he grabbed me from my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

"So Hyun ah, you heard it. Isn't it? "He asked straightforwardly.

"About what? I didn't hear anything special. I just came to give you the phone and I saw you were coming out. " I lied to him.

"Then, you didn't hear anything. Are you telling me the truth? Don't lie, please."
He asked with a serious look.

"I said I didn't hear anything. Ho Seok ah, Are you trying to start a fight with me? I don't want to know about what you were talking with your mom either." I managed not to get caught that I was lying.

"No, never darling. I don't want to fight with you at all. I just wanted to confirm. Sorry If I make you uncomfortable." He said, looking down. He looked stressed.

"No, it's okay." I tried to console him because he looked sad.

"Anyway, it's better. Promise me, that you won't go away from me. No matter what happens. I can lose anything but not you." He said. He was so serious.

"Don't worry Ho Seok ah. But I don't like to see you lose anything because of me. Why is this? Why are you so serious today? I'm tired I want to go home now." I just tried to change the topic and get into the car. Even he asked, I didn't promise him because I didn't want to break a promise I promised.

He dropped me at my house and tried to come in but I stopped him.
" Ho Seok ah. You had better go now. I want to sleep. I feel so tired. Ah... also tomorrow, I won't be able to meet you. I have to go somewhere to my new project with my university friends."
I wanted to meet Jung Ho Seok's mom privately, so I lied to him.

Then he gave a kiss on my cheek and left.

In the very next day, I went to his parents place to meet her. Their housemaid took me to her.

"Why you came today? Where is my son? "She asked.

"No mother, I came here alone. I wanted to talk to you privately."

"Mother?" She smirked on me. Then she spoke again. "Anyway, about what you wanted to talk with me?"
She asked. Then I kneeled down in front of her. I was about to cry.

"Please don't try to separate us. I can't live without him. He can't as well."

"Ha ha. It looks like you heard what we talked yesterday. Or is he the one who told you? Isn't it? "

"Sorry but yes. I heard them. He didn't tell me anything. I know my parents divorced and my sister and I lived alone. However, we have never done anything like that, as you think. I am not a girl like that. "
As I said she smirked again.

"If you came here to tell those, please just go now. No matter what, I can't accept you. Ever since Jung Ho Seok grown into a handsome man, I wanted him to marry a girl with good background. I don't want to ruin our family status because of you. He is the only son I have." she said.

"But..." She didn't let me finish what I was going to tell.

"Are you okay with if he loses everything because of you? I won't give him anything from our family. I think you know how much he loves his career. Will you be okay if he loses his job?"

"No, please. Please, don't do that. He loves it. He is being successful from his career. Please Don't take that away from him. I beg you." I couldn't hold my tears so they fallen down through my cheeks.

"Then I think you're wise enough to know what should happen now." She said rudely.

" I... I... I'll break up with him."
I had to step back. I didn't want him to lose everything because of me. Tears were falling down from my eyes and my heart felt like shattered into pieces.

"Oh ho... You are so smart. Good girl."
She looks so happy.

"Please don't let him know that I came here today." I said lastly.
I stood up and bowed her. Then I came out.

I cried my eyes out while on the way to home.
After I came home, I thought a lot about this for hours and I finally typed a message to Jung Ho Seok.

"Jung Ho Seok, No need to meet soon. I really wanted to tell this earlier but I couldn't. Actually, I can't balance my university work with a relationship. I want to concentrate on my studies only because this is my last year because it's stressful for me. So, let's break up. Sorry but I can't do both. Another thing is your family is too much for me. I can't handle your richness. People might say that I had an affair with you because of your money. So please let's break up. I hope you will respect my decision. All the best for your future. No need to call me."
I sent it.

I typed it while crying so hard.
After few minutes, he called me but I didn't answer. I had 40 missed calls and 25 messages. I didn't reply to any of them.
Because I couldn't do.

7.30 p.m.

After sending that message, within an hour he came to my place. I heard his car sound, so I quickly turned off all the lights in my house. I wanted to pretend as if I am not in home but he knew that I am there.

He knocked so much to the door but I didn't open it. I couldn't talk to him without crying at that moment. So I kept being silent.

"So Hyun ah, I know you're inside. Open this door. Why? Why do you want to Breakup suddenly? You were doing well with your studies. I know it's a lie. If I have done something wrong, please tell me. I'll try not to do it again. Please don't do this. I don't want a future without you.
I can't live without you. You know that right. Open this door please. Let's talk. Huh? "
He was crying. I could realize that by the way he was talking.

However, I couldn't do anything but crying like an idiot. I felt like I paralyzed.

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