11_The Truth Untold

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Kim Hyun Ji couldn't watch her sister is being hurt by sacrificing her love. She felt guilty to both Kim So Hyun and Jung Ho Seok. So she wanted to run away from them. Kim Hyun Ji then decided to stay with her father, who is working in London. But before going there she wanted to solve this tangled love story. Kim Hyun Ji grabbed a pen and started to write a letter.

My dear sister Kim So Hyun,

So Hyun, how stupid you are. You should've told me about your feelings for Jung Ho Seok. Did you think, I'm a selfish sister who will fight over a boy with you? I know you love me, but you shouldn't have let me act like Kim So Hyun with your name if you like him too. My poor girl, I'm sorry I made things hard for you. You know, even if I was being fake Kim So Hyun, he could recognize you by the feelings. He felt it so easily. That's love. He loves you. Go and take his hand. I can't face you both. I feel guilty right now, so I'll spend some time with our dad. When you're reading this letter I'll be probably in London. Don't worry about me. Thank you for everything. Love you and I'm sorry my sister.

With love, Kim Hyun Ji.

Then she placed that letter on their bed and started to write another letter, to Jung Ho Seok.

Dear Jung Ho Seok,

First of all I want to say thank you. I was so happy because of you. But I don't deserve that happiness. To be honest I'm not Kim So Hyun. Kim So Hyun is my younger sister. We are twins. The one who you fell in love with was her. She was the one who bumped into you that day. She was the one you confessed your feelings that day. Both of us liked you, it happened by chance. It's not like we planned but that's what happened. But Kim So Hyun hid that from me because I liked you. But I didn't know that. I didn't want to make you confuse by being twins so I planned to act like her for a while. She gave that idea to me because I wanted to be close with you. I'm sorry that if I played with your heart. I was foolish to come up with a stupid plan to get close to you. I know I don't deserve a forgiveness from you. So I want to solve this thing. I am giving you her diary please read every single page after June in this year. It will explain about what happened actually. Please accept my sister's heart. She loves you. Finally, Thank you for the memories you gave me. Take care.

Kim Hyun Ji.


I have written her phone number and the address where Kim So Hyun is right now, in the last page of her diary. Her phone is turned off, so calling her won't work. She won't come to Seoul soon; you better go to her. I'm going to London today, so please take care of her. Don't let her feel alone without me. She is so sensitive.

She put Jung Ho Seok's letter and Kim So Hyun's diary into a small bag. Then she sent a message to Jung Ho Seok. "Jung Ho Seok, Can you please meet me for 5 minutes in front of your workplace today? Around 12.30 in the afternoon."

"Okay, Sure." He replied.

Kim Hyun Ji's flight to London was around 2.00 p.m. So after she received his reply, she took her luggage bags and got into a taxi and went to the Jinhit entertainment to meet Jung Ho Seok. He was already sitting on a bench near the company's car park, waiting for her. She asked the taxi driver to wait few minutes. Then she kept her luggage bags in the taxi and went out with that small bag which carries the diary inside. He stood up with a natural smile when he saw her.

"Why you wanted to meet me suddenly here, So Hyun?" He asked.

"Actually I'm going to my dad's place for few months. Before that I wanted to give you a gift. This gift may have the power to change your life." Hyun Ji said.

"What? But why suddenly? You didn't tell me either. If you're doing this because of me please don't do it. I won't question your private things again. I'm sorry." He said while holding her hand.

"No no Jung Ho Seok" Hyun Ji took her hand away. "It was something I should do right now. I just wanted to visit my dad. It isn't because of you. Here, take this bag." Kim Hyun Ji placed that bag in his hands.

"What is this?" he asked with a confused expression on his face.

"There is a letter inside the bag. Read it first. You'll be understand what to do next. It will give answers to all your questions that you were curious about that day. Please read it after I went away. Okay? And you should be happy and healthy. Promise me." She said while holding back her tears. She didn't want to cry in front of him and make a sad memory with him at the last moment.

"But..." He was about to say something.

"Can you promise or not?" Hyun Ji asked again.

" Hmm.Okay. I promise and also promise me you'll come back safely during the trip." he pouted like a baby.

"I promise. I don't know if this is rude to ask, but can I hug you for a minute?"

"So Hyun, why are you asking permissions for that? Come here." Ho Seok pulled her from her hand and hugged her tightly. Jung Ho Seok's eyes were wet and her eyes were filled with tears as well. She couldn't hold them anymore. So she ran away from him and got into the taxi quickly. Jung ho Seok was confused but he couldn't understand what happened exactly. Then he sat on the bench and took out the letter from that bag to read. 

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