21_ Let's Meet

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"Of course, that's what I want too. I want you to meet him Kim So Hyun. But since I'm the one who tried to separate you two, please let me solve this in a better way."

"Huh? But how?" I asked.
"I have a good idea." Ho Seok's mother picked me up from my arms, made me sit down on the sofa, and sat next to me.

"What is your idea mother?" I asked. I was curious about her idea.
"Hmmm. You have to go on a blind date with tomorrow. I'll arrange a place and tell you." My eyes got widen. A blind date? With whom?

"W- What does that mean?" I confused with what she said.
"A blind date with my son, Jung Ho Seok. Don't you like it?" She smiled and held my hand.
"But... But we already have an affair. What's the use of going on a blind date with him now? We already know each other." I still didn't have any idea about what she said.

"Oh no... It's a surprise. I'll persuade him to go on a blind date. But I am not going to tell him about the girl he will be meeting. I'll tell him about another girl, but the girl who will meet him is you. He will say that he cannot go to the blind date, but I'll persuade him to go. Then, after he came to the place you should go there as the girl I arranged to the blind date. Then he will be surprised and you may take care the rest of things. "
She finished explaining about her idea to me and I couldn't believe about her idea. It's not bad.

"Wow... It will be a great surprise to him. I like it mom. Let's do it like that."
I was so happy. A wide smile appeared on my face.

"I knew, you'll like it. And I think... you'll be surprised too."

"Who? Me?" I asked pointing at myself with confusion. Then she opened her mouth to say something.

"He has something to give you. He carried it with him always. I don't know exactly, so I can't tell about it. It won't be a surprise if I tell you now." She said and smiled. She was changed, I could feel it.
Jung Ho Seok's mother had some coffee and went to the kitchen.
"You were hospitalized, so you need to eat properly and be healthy. I'll make you some food. I'll keep them in your fridge and make sure to eat all of them. Okay?" She said, looking around the kitchen.

"No, it's okay. I can make something for me. Don't worry please." I said.
"You should rest. Can you please let me to do something for you... as a mother? "She asked something, which made my heart melting.
"Hmmm. Yes mom" I nodded and let her do what she wanted to do. I sat on a stool in the kitchen and guided her with finding the tools and things she wanted. She made some kimchi, bibimbap and some more foods that can keep on the fridge. She put them all in the fridge and cleaned the kitchen.
"I kept them all in the fridge, so eat properly three meals a day. Okay? Ho Seok will be sad if you get sick again." She said, removing the apron.
"Thank you so much mom, they are more than enough for me. Thank you."
"Please don't thank me. I wanted to do something because I felt sorry about what I thought about you. My heart is in peace now. I have to go now." She took her belongings and hugged me. Then she left from my house.

In the next day, at Ho Seok's parents' home.

He was reading a book on the bed. His mom came to his room.

"Don't worry my son; you don't have to think about her anymore. She is the one who wanted to break up. So forget about her. I set you on a blind date tomorrow. Just go and have fun with her. It's Mr. Park's daughter. You know that she likes you a lot. It will help you to forget about her. She is a very beautiful girl."
His mom said. However, he didn't give attention to her, but later he closed the book and looked at his mom.

"Mom, please don't let me repeat this anymore. I don't want to forget her. Never. Even if she won't come to me again. I would like to keep her in my heart as a good memory. Because she was my first love and I can't think about anyone else now. I don't think I can love someone again. Please stop trying to set me with girls anymore."

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