05_ The Meal

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Day by day, I got busy with the work and studies. I had to go to the company everyday to show sketches, meet the other stylists and get confirmations. The need of seeing Jung Ho Seok's face, increased in my heart day by day, but I didn't get a chance to have a talk with him. However, every time our eyes met from afar in the company, he greeted me with a big bright smile. He was such a nice human being. Some days I secretly watched him dancing alone in his practice room, as he moved side to side ,his body speaking a language that every single person could understand; emotions. However, I tried my best to control my feelings that were growing towards him because it was something just in my mind. However, I wanted to know more about him. I was curious about him.

It was another beautiful day which I had go to the company to submit my projects, in the evening, after the university lectures. But I was having a blinding headache so I met Hyun Ji in front of her class and I asked her to go to the company instead of me.

"Hyun Ji, I have a terrible headache right now. Can you do something for me? Please...." I pouted.

"Okay okay. Tell me, what is it?"

"Can you go to the company and give this file to the reception? Then ask them to hand over this to Miss. Park Ji Won. That's the only thing you have to do. I already told her that I would hand over this file to the reception." I explained what to do.

"Of course I can. I'll give it to the reception. You can go home and rest.'' Then she went to the company and I went home. I was tired and was feeling unwell. Kim Hyun Ji gave the file to the reception, went out of the company and was waiting at the bus stop to catch the bus to home. As Kim Hyun Ji was waiting for the next bus to come, the guy which is Jung Ho Seok, who gave his number, walked towards her wearing a bright smile on his handsome face. He stood up next to her and talked

"Hi, I got to catch you today. I see you often but I wasn't able to stop by to talk to you because I was so busy running here and there."

Yes, exactly, he thought that girl is Kim So Hyun.

"Really? But why?" Kim Hyun Ji pouted as she was confused.

"Why? Don't you remember that I said that I will buy you a meal? If you don't have any appointments today shall we go somewhere to have dinner? Only if you are comfortable with that." He asked with a puppy looking smile.

"Ahh...hmm. But I..." She couldn't complete what she was going to tell this time also. Ho Seok wasn't ready to be rejected.

"Please... Please... You didn't call me either. I thought you'd call me but you didn't." He pouted, as he was really hungry. With his cute face she couldn't do anything other than accepting his meal.

"Ha ha.. Okay. I know a good Chinese restaurant near here."

So then, Jung Ho Seok and Kim Hyun Ji had dinner together. While having dinner Kim Hyun Ji listened to Jung Ho Seok rather than talking with him since he was very talkative.

"If you don't mind, Can I drop you off by your house? Because it's already dark outside."

"Okay. Fine." Kim Hyun Ji smiled and replied.


It was around seven thirty in the evening, my headache was much better than before. Therefore I wanted to be refresh so I went outside to have some fresh air. I went to the nearby park and had a walk. While I was walking back to our home, I suddenly spotted a car stopped in front of our house and Jung Ho Seok stepped out from the driving side. What the... I froze as I saw him from afar. Then my sister, Kim Hyun Ji stepped out from the other side. I saw both of them clearly but they didn't. Therefore, I hid behind a tree nearby and stayed still for a moment until Jung Ho Seok leaves, because I didn't want to show up in front of him with my weird hoodie and sweatpants.

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