17_ Touch Love

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After 2 years

Two years passed. I was able to get a permanent job as a stylist in Jinhit entertainment. Jung Ho Seok was a very supportive boyfriend. He helped me to balance my work and studies in every way he can. Day by day our lives filled up with love and happiness. I spend time, following my schedules of classes then to the company, as I was excited to meet Jung Ho Seok there when we were free. Although we were working in different departments, we found our own ways to see each other secretly. We casually went out for food and dated together after working hours.

He filled my heart with love. Because of him, I felt like I'm luckiest girl in the world. Day by day, we realized our likes and dislikes, but we were managed to balance those things together. Ho Seok never felt to bring a smile to my face. When things were tough, we were each other's support and motivated each other as much as we can. His warm hugs, cute kisses, lovely talks made me feel loved and I tried my best to love the same to him. However, he was so professional when it comes to love.

Hyun Ji was in London for past two years. She kept contacting me often and visited me few times. So I felt like she was with me.

One day in November, while I was designing a dress for a project, I got a call. It was from Jung Ho Seok.

"So Hyun, do you know?

I nominated as the best choreographer in MAMA awards this year.

I just got the news from my friend,

Producer Min Yoon Gi."

"What? Really?

My congratulations baby.

I know you'll be the one who receives that award.

This news made my day. We should celebrate this. "

I said.

"This all are thanks to you my love.

You are the one who motivated me all the time to come this far."

"No Jung Ho Seok,

It's the result of your hard working.

You deserve it."

"Hmmm... I will come to your place in the evening.

Bye. Love you."

"Love you too"

The call ended. I stopped the work I was doing and went to the nearby shop. To celebrate the news, I bought a mint chocolate cake and strawberry ice creams which were Jung Ho Seok's favourites. In the evening, he came to my place. When he opened the door, I surprised him with the cake.

"My congratulations Ho Seok..." I said out loudly.

"Thank you baby. Oh wow... Isn't this a mint chocolate cake? Strawberry ice creams are here also. You brought them for me?" He asked and gave a kiss on my cheeks.

"Yes my sweetheart. I'm so proud of you baby." I said, pulling his cute cheeks.

"Baby, you know, whether I win or not this award show is going to be very special for me because this is the first time I've nominated for an award. So I want to wear a special suit made by a special designer" Ho Seok said.

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